Servant of the Light
Hero! I am projecting myself to you from the future. It has been 9 years since the events that took place here occurred. I did not know how else to find you, but I need your help - MURRY needs your help - more than ever! Let me know when you are ready, and I will take you to my own time and location.
I escaped from the clutches of the Grand Inquisitor, leader of the Inquisitors who persecute all those who use magic! He rarely leaves the citadel in the distance, but he issues his orders to his crusaders and fellow Inquisitors to purge the land of magic.
- I am Ready!
- Original Quests
- Murry's Shop
Location: Citadel
- Replaces Murry after completing the 'Contract With the Abyss' quest.
- Also see:

Thanks to ShatteredReality.
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