Self-certified Mechanic, AdventureQuest Game Lead
Oh man, Hero! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you! I'm Hollow, head of the original AdventureQuest, and the AQ Team and I have been fine-tuning, recalibrating, and overclocking the world of Lore for the last 11 years! We sure could use a good Hero to help us!
Champion the forces of Good! The war is raging for Lore, and the battle depends on YOU! Use your powers of stealth, skill at combat, and mana-blasting magic to challenge the creatures who would take over the planet! With a story that updates each week, massive amounts of gear, and classes that will let you take on the biggest, baddest opponents around, you can spend your lunchbreak saving the world!
Note: Also see The Hollow.

Thanks to Zero IX.
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!