HeroBlade Lvl 1

Location: Grim Gift Shop - Doom Vault
Price: N/A

Sellback 0 Gold
Rarity: Weird Rarity
Base Damage: 27-33
Description: This is the strongest blade in the world. We cannot know how much damage it will do until you face the greatest foe in the world!

  • Previously called "HeroBlade".
  • Displays the message "I am sorry Hero, but to command my powers you must own me." for only non-owners when clicked on.
  • Displays one of the following messages for only the owner when clicked on:
    • "Lore is yours to save, and I am yours to wield"
    • "A Hero does what is right… but must decide whether that is Good or Evil"
    • "Don't give up now, you're just about to win"
    • "I am honored to be the blade you wield, Hero!"
    • "Lore depends on you"
    • "Battle On!"
    • "For honor, loyalty, bravery!"
  • Used to merge:
  • Also see:

Thanks to AQisFun, DannyG64, Lafbael, Tendou No Mazo and Xia.

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