- Transformation - Plays after completing the 'That Which Flies' quest
«Scene: Xing and Xang in Transformation with a mirror of Drakath»
Drakath: Xing! Xang! Where are you?
Drakath: Did you find them?
Xing: Tee hee! Of course we did!
Xang: We're with them now!
Drakath: Execellent. I knew I could count on--wait a minute. Why is it so dark?
Drakath: Are you underground?
Xing: Are we?
Xang: We might be.
Drakath: That is NOT what you were supposed to do! Get back here now!
Xing: *Ksssshhhh!*
Xang: Sorry, boss! We're losing you!
Drakath: This is a magical connection there's no STATIC on a--
Xing: *click*
Xing: Oops. I guess the signal dropped.
Xang: Hee hee! Too bad.
«Scene fades»
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