Armorer, Owner of the "Dwarven Defender" Armor Shop
Hero! Thank goodness that you're here. Ever since Vath attacked, the Dwarven market has been closed. Without it, our people have no weapons and armor to defend themselves. Please, help us get it open for business again.
- Hartok Darksoil's Quests
So, you're a merchant? I'm a member of the Dwarven Volunteer Militia. I've been using my skills as an armorer to help the other militia members strike back against Vath and his army. Now I need to get my business going again. It's the best way to use my talents to serve my people.

After completing 'Your Ad Here' quest:
Armorer, Owner of the "Dwarven Defender" Armor Shop
First things first, hero. Domi needs your help with his weapon shop. Help him first, then we can worry about getting our people armored.
It breaks my heart to see my people brought so low. The dwarves are proud. We are FIGHTERS, but we can't fight with rocks and armor ourselves in scraps of cloth. We NEED the market open again to supply our people and show them that we can return to happier times when Dwarfhold thrived!
After completing Domi Coldsteel's Quests:
Armorer, Owner of the "Dwarven Defender" Armor Shop
I'm glad to see that old furnace burning hot again! It warms my heart and my face! I can't wait to take my hammer to solid, dwarven steel and soft gold again!
- Hartok Darksoil's QuestsTalk
It breaks my heart to see my people brought so low. The dwarves are proud. We are FIGHTERS, but we can't fight with rocks and armor ourselves in scraps of cloth. We NEED the market open again to supply our people and show them that we can return to happier times when Dwarfhold thrived!

After completing Hartok Darksoil's Quests:
Armorer, Owner of the "Dwarven Defender" Armor Shop
Thanks for the help, hero. I knew we could count on you. Now go and help Nathrae get her barber shop going. My beard needs a trim. Hasn't had one since I last sat in her chair.
- Armor ShopTalk
It breaks my heart to see my people brought so low. The dwarves are proud. We are FIGHTERS, but we can't fight with rocks and armor ourselves in scraps of cloth. We NEED the market open again to supply our people and show them that we can return to happier times when Dwarfhold thrived!

After completing Nathrae's Quests:
Armorer, Owner of the "Dwarven Defender" Armor Shop
Ahhh, that's more like it! It will be a long road to recovery for our people but the simple act of opening up this market will help heal them in countless ways. We couldn't have done it without you. I am in your debt.
- Armor ShopTalk
It breaks my heart to see my people brought so low. The dwarves are proud. We are FIGHTERS, but we can't fight with rocks and armor ourselves in scraps of cloth. We NEED the market open again to supply our people and show them that we can return to happier times when Dwarfhold thrived!

Location: Dwarfhold Keep
Note: Disappears from Screen 2 after completing the 'Your Ad Here'

Thanks to Jont2 (AQW) and Rich Wind.
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