Hall of NPZzzz's
- BattleCon (Location) - Screen 4 and Screen 19
«Scene: Hero and Artix at BattleCon.»
Hero: Walked so many miles… So… tired. But I can fix THAT!
«Hero raises up a bottle with a lightning bolt on it.»
«Artix knocks the bottle out of Hero's hand.»
Artix: Not here, my friend! The air is already super-charged with extra energy from the Caffeine imps.
Artix: They wait for adventurers wandering around Con and suck the adrenalin from them…
Artix: All of those people sleeping? We call them the NPZzzz's.
Artix: Heroes who faced the Caffeine Imps in battle and lost.
Artix: They will wake up in a few days… if we can drive the imps away!
«Scene fades.»
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