Grime Token
Price: N/A
- Dropped by:
- Binky (Monster)
- Fallen Emperor Statue
- Fallen Light Statue
- Flying Spyball
- Ghost King Angler
- Grim Ectomancer
- Grim Fighter
- Grim Fire Mage
- Grim Shelleton
- Grim Soldier
- Grim Souldier
- Grimmer Ectomancer
- Grimmer Fighter
- Grimmer Fire Mage
- Grimmer Lich
- Grimmer Shelleton
- Grimmer Soldier
- Highbiscus
- Lowtus
- Princess Angler
- Ultra Undead Raxgore
- Undead Raxgore
- Weeping Spyball
Sellback: 0 Gold
Type: Item
Description: Ew, this is SLIMY!
- Stacks up to 5,000.
- Used to merge items in the Grim Gift Shop.
Thanks to al7lodoode, Rexobrother and rickyb20.
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