Grim Stalker (Monster)
Location: Northpointe
Level: 25
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 4,323 4,320
- Crunch: 88-110
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Bright Eye (Dropped during the 'Lookin' Flashy' quest)
- Bunch of Sage (Dropped during the 'Sage Advice' quest)
- Grim Stalker Tear (Dropped during the 'Whet Your Appetite' quest)
- Hunk of Iron (Dropped during the 'Testin' Yer Metal' quest)
- Roast Stalker Eye (Dropped during the 'Feed the Hungry' quest)
- Stalker slain (Dropped during the 'Guardians of the North' and 'Monstrous Future' quests)
- Stalker Spleen (Dropped during the 'Ahead of the Game' quest)
- Stalker Tentacle (Dropped during the 'The Stars Foretell' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Also see:

Thanks to Ness860.
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