Greenguard East
Field-Level 4 to 5
The eastern part of Greenguard.
- Gurushroom x1
- Infected Hare x2
- Ragewing x1
- Ravenous Parasite x1
- Spider (Level 4) x8
- Toxic Treeant x1
- Wolf (Level 5) x8
Map Name: greenguardeast
Room Limit: 11
Access Points:
- /join greenguardeast
- 8-Bit Battleon Town
- East of Museum
- East of Northeast Coliseum Entrance
- Battleon Town
- 'To Greenguard East' button from Niamara
- East of Northeast Coliseum Entrance
- East of 2nd East Street
- Button in Greenguard West map
- Blood Titan (Location) - West of Screen 1
- Bloodtusk Ravine - South of Screen 1
- Darkovia Forest - 'Red Hunting Hood' button from Z
- Darkovia Graveyard - South of Screen 1
- Farm - East of Screen 1
- Fire Storm - West of Screen 1
- Forest - West of Screen 1
- GardenQuest
- 'To Greenguard East' button from Niamara
- East of Northeast Garden Entrance
- East of 2nd East Garden
- Greenguard West
- East of Screen 5 or Screen 14 (The Black Knight)
- Southeast of Screen 7 (Breken the Vile)
- Necromance (Location)
- 'Travel Map' button from Jagger
- River - West of Screen 1
- Shallow - West of Screen 1
- Stonehand Tower
- 'To Greenguard East' button from Jiro
- Trigoras (Location) - South of Screen 1
- Trunk - North of Screen 1
- Well - North of Screen 1
- Willow Creek - Attack
- West of Screen 1
- Willow Creek - Defend
- West of Screen 1
- Willow Creek - West of Screen 1
- Town of Battleon Map
Note: Also see Grams.
Map of Greenguard East

Thanks to Apus, cornfield10, Darrathualin, ingomarelementary, Kuro_michiru, Lily, MagicImpulse, Valosity and .Shadow//.
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