Greenguard Dragon

Level: 12
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 13,790
- Breath: 47-58
- Claw: 47-58
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Black Knight Chest Piece (Dropped during the 'Hardly Suiting Armor' quest)
- Chimeran Pick (Dropped during the 'Dage's Locked Box' quest)
- Dragon Head Trophy (Used in the 'Dragon Head Trophies' quest)
- Dragon Tail Trophy (Used in the 'Dragon Tail Trophies' quest)
- Dragon's Horn (Dropped during the 'Dragon Might' quest)
- Dragonbone Club (Dropped during the 'Quest for the VIP Pass' quest)
- Found Fabled Chopper (Dropped during the 'Axe Marks the Spot' quest)
- Green Cookie Box (Dropped during the 'DragonDoodle Cookies' quest)
- Green Dragon Egg (Dropped during the 'If You Wanna Bake A Cake' quest)
- Greenguard Champion Badge (Dropped during the 'Greenguard Champion Badge' quest)
- Greenguard Dragon Hide (Dropped during the 'Ultimate Weapon Kit Construction' quest)
- Greenguard Dragon Ribs (Dropped during the 'Dinner for Two' quest)
- Greenguard Dragon Slain (Dropped during the 'Slay the Greenguard Dragon' quest)
- Jade Spirit (Dropped during the 'The Jade Spirit' quest)
- Star of the Flames (Dropped during the 'Star of the Flames' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Baby Green Dragon
- Chaos Attack Plans (1)
- Crushed Soul (Dropped during any of any of Arcane Paragon Pet's quests)
- Dage's 2nd Note (Dropped during the 'Dage's Black Box' quest)
- Gold-foil Chocolate Bunny
- Greenguard Dragon Soul (Dropped during the 'Get Those Souls!' quest)
- Rainbow Egg (Misc)
- Rainbow Eggshells
- Stonewrit Found! (Dropped during the 'Find The Stonewrit!' quest)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
Note: Also see List of all Dragon Monsters.

Thanks to Cahyo kurosaki, Darrathualin, GENGSTUPID, Jasrielnulgath, mturf and Na Tra.
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