«Scene fades in showing the Hero, Gravelyn and the defeated Chaorruption»
Hero: Oooh, that HAD to hurt! Cysero sure knows to make a mean gravy… and adding that banana in is just CRUEL!
«Scene fades»
«Scene fades in, focusing on Gravelyn»
Gravelyn: Indeed. I suspect the Green Mage is more powerful - and wiser - than anyone truly knows.
Gravelyn: I want to thank you, Hero. I knew you would not fail!
«Scene: Gravelyn closes her eyes»
Gravelyn: With King Alteon dead, the Alliance has splintered, but is not beyond repair.
«Scene: Gravelyn opens eyes»
Gravelyn: You must help me rally all those still opposed to my rule.
Gravelyn: Under my lead, we WILL defeat the Champion of Chaos, but we have much work to do first.
«Scene fades»
«Scene fades in to a crumbled and flaming Shadowfall»
Cutscene: Shadowfall MUST rise again if we are going to save our world!
«Scene fades»
Previous: Shadowfall in Flames