Goblin Wolf-Rider Pet's Quest

Quest Location: N/A
Quests Begun From: Goblin Wolf-Rider Pet
Note: Quest is available only to the owner.
I stalk the forests of Greenguard East and the Forest of Chaos, too. Marsh Grass, Chaotic Fangs, Chaos Gems, and Wolf Pelts… townspeople pay well for them. The Wolves in Greenguard East and Chaorrupted Wolves in ForestChaos have what we need.
Items Required:
- Marsh Grass x7
- Dropped by Chaorrupted Wolf
- Wolf Pelts x3
- Dropped by Wolf (Level 5)
- Chaos Gem x5
- Perfect Chaotic Fang x4
- Dropped by Chaorrupted Wolf
- 300 Gold
- 300 Exp
You may also receive, at random:
Thanks to Paradox and Tendou no Mazo.
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