Bounty Hunter for the Fifth Lords
You. Have you seen a life form by the name of Twiggu? He could be on /MurderMoon. Go there and talk with Hammer Wateru, and Twiggu if you find them. Then, return back and report to me. Be quick about it, and you'll be compensated.
After completing the 'Liberty's Ghost' quest:
Bounty Hunter for the Fifth Lords
Greetings <Hero>. I've stumbled upon this primitive planet in search of a bounty. My clients have agreed to pay me handsomely for the safe return of some organic life form going by the name Twiggu. All of the leads I have compiled leave only one planet as a viable option for where it is hiding- yours.
Why Twiggu?
I do not get paid to ask questions, I get paid to deliver results. My mission success rate is 97.251%, and I will not be delayed further by your unnecessary and irrelevant inquiries. Either assist me in capturing my bounty, or leave.
After completing the 'Target Located' quest:
Bounty Hunter for the Fifth Lords
A path has been cleared to the control room. There is no longer any hope of escape for Twiggu. Now is our chance to capture the bounty while it is cornered. Move swiftly so I can leave this planet just as quickly as I arrived.
Why Twiggu?
I do not get paid to ask questions, I get paid to deliver results. My mission success rate is 97.251%, and I will not be delayed further by your unnecessary and irrelevant inquiries. Either assist me in capturing my bounty, or leave.
After completing the 'Bring Them In' quest:
Bounty Hunter for the Fifth Lords
You have proved what I have always known- organics cannot be trusted to do anything. I must report to my clients that *you* allowed the target to escape. My reputation merits will surely fall because of your failure, but only I am to blame. I should not have trusted you so willingly.
Why Twiggu?
I do not get paid to ask questions, I get paid to deliver results. My mission success rate is 97.251%, and I will not be delayed further by your unnecessary and irrelevant inquiries. Either assist me in capturing my bounty, or leave.
- GL-24K's Quests
- GL-24K's Loot Merge
- GL-24K's AC Shop
Location: Twiggu Hunt

Thanks to Tux47.
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