Giant Scorpion

Level: 35
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 3,300
- Pinch: 90-110
- Zap: 90-110
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Big Scorpion Tail (Dropped during the 'Complete your Costume' quest)
- Guitar String (Dropped during the 'Stringing Your Enemies Along' quest)
- Miniature Lightning Rod (Dropped during the 'Out of Tun(ing)' quest)
- Missing Dial (Dropped during the 'Die, All of You!' quest)
- Set of Scorpion Eyes (Dropped during the 'Those Blasted Misery Eels' quest)
- Spool of Blue Wire (Dropped during the 'Wire You Doing This Again?' quest)
- Transmitter Component (Dropped during the 'Sending Out a SOS to the World' quest)
- Tuning Knob (Dropped during the 'Code of Conduct-or' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Black Wire Whip
- Blue Wire Whip
- Experiment #10
- Experiment #9
- Green Wire Whip
- Red Wire Whip
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- White Wire Whip

Thanks to Kein Engel, shadowgasher0090, Syudanco and Tendou no Mazo.
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