You remember Noxus, right, chief? He's the Necromancer that little hellion, Sally, raised up from the dead. You can smell him rotting all the way from BattleOn, but that didn't alert the Paladins of Lightguard Keep, for some reason. They were all taken down by Vordred, the PaladinSlayer. Hooo-eee, Noxus sure created an abomination in THAT one, let me tell you!
But invading DoomWood and slaughtering all the paladins is nothin' compared to what Vordred wants! He's aiming to be the Champion of Darkness, sport, even if it kills you. And especially if it kills Artix.
Then that furry little blue rabbit got involved, pointing you towards the Tower of Necromancy, where you emerged with a Necro U student ID. Way to go, bucko! Education! - the more you know… the less likely you'll be to give out your password!
But back to my riveting tale of terror and triuimph in this dark, depressing zone. (You'd think the Paladin order would set up someplace a little… brighter.)
In the Necropolis, dead languages and dark art classes keep you busy until you run into 4.5 feet of trouble. That lands you in the Principal's office, which is convenient, considering it's Noxus. For an undead educator, he's a few runes short of an incantation, if you catch my drift.
Cut to the Temple of Doomwood. 20 floors of furious fighting made your name as a Hero, scout, and you can count on that. Just like Artix counts on you! So it's a good thing that you learned some of the secrets of his powers down in that dungeon. I have a feeling knowing THAT will come in handy in the future. That's how these stories work, so I hope you were paying attention.
Don't forget the war you fought in Shadowfall. My guess is that Gravelyn won't forget it anytime soon, either. Being enslaved and losing your whole army for a week tends to stick in your memory for a while. You kicked skele-tons of undead, conquered Noxus, and saved the day AND her empire! But not before Vordred escaped! You win some, you lose some. Buck up, partner. It gets better.
NOW you're chasing after Vordred, and headed to CastleMania. Not familiar with it, kiddo? Don't you worry your pretty little helmeted head. That's why I'm here to help. The Castle is ALSO a Labratory where the Necropolis' mad scientists execute - or did their PR guy say electrocute? Eh, whatever. - their latest experiments. Vordred's already inside, so you'd best gear up and get in there!