Genesis Garden
Town-Level 0 to 85
Darkon has been betrayed by his brother and the Kingdom he once loved. As he slowly fades, the Primordial Fool offers him salvation and a way to bring justice to Astravia. Gathering the Scale together, Darkon sets his plans in motion.
- Ancient Creature (Monster) (Version 2) x2
- Ancient Mecha x1
- Ancient Turret (Monster) (Level 41) (Version 2) x2
- Drago's Soldier x7
- Long-eared Beast x1
- Multi-eyed Beast x1
- Plant Beast x1
- Undead Humanoid x2
- Undead Knight (2) x1
Map Name: genesisgarden
Room Limit: 7
Access Points:
- /join genesisgarden
- First Observatory - 'To Genesis Garden' button from King Drago (NPC)
- The World - 'Go Now' button from Do Dusk
- Elegy of Madness Map
Darkon's Diary
Thanks to Bad.
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