«Scene: black screen»
A short time ago…
«Scene: King Alteon's throne room»
Hero: You sent for me, your majesty?
King Alteon: Yes, <Hero>. Thank you for coming so quickly.
King Alteon: I have a task for you.
King Alteon: One of my generals… a man named Lionfang… has need of your special talents.
King Alteon: He has been searching for a way to defeat Drakath and he might have a found something…
«A flash of chaos energy pulses through King Alteon»
«Screen fades out and fades back in.»
Hero: Sire, the followers of Evil consider you a mighty warrior and respect your strength and cunning.
Hero: The followers of Good love you for your wisdom, fairness and nobility.
Hero: The combined forces should be searching for a cure for your chaos infection, not…
King Alteon: <Hero>, the Great Truce between Good and Evil was formed to defeat Drakath and his Lords of Chaos…
King Alteon: …Not to save one man's life.
King Alteon: If Lionfang is correct then there might be weakness in Drakath's power.
King Alteon: Once Lore is saved, then there will be time for me.
King Alteon: Do as I ask. Go help Maximilian Lionfang.
Hero: As you wish, sire.
«Scene fades»
Later at Lion's Keep at the edge of Thunderforge…
«Scene: Hero goes to Lionfang's Keep, but is blocked by two guards when trying to enter.»
Guard: Halt!
Hero: Uh… I'm here on royal business. King Alteon sent me.
Lionfang: It's alright, let the hero pass.
«The two guards let the Hero through»
«Screen fades to Lionfang»
Lionfang: I apologize. Being stationed on the edge of Thunderforge has my men a little jumpy.
Lionfang: So you must be <Hero>… the hero that King Alteon has sent.
Lionfang: Another loyal soldier for Good, like myself.
«5 options to choose from:»
Lionfang: Excellent. How is the king?
Hero: Not well. The healers haven't been able to even slow the chaos infection.
Lionfang: does it seem to be affecting his mind?
Hero: No he is still clever and wise.
Lionfang: I wonder. All this Great Truce business didn't start until after he was infected.
Lionfang: Would the great King Alteon actually sde with evil?
Hero: There is strength in numbers and we will need that strength to defeat Drakath.
Lionfang: Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Lionfang: I have been studying Chaos since Drakath attacked Sepulchure and his majesty.
Lionfang: Chaos is not new to Lore. It did not arrive with Drakath.
Lionfang: The secret to defeating Chaos… or even controlling it… may be right here in Thunderforge.
Lionfang: There is a very old, race of evil worshipers called the Darkblood who live here.
Lionfang: The Darkblood that I have… questioned… have told me rumors about a relic that might be used to defeat Drakath.
Lionfang: Somewhere inside Blackhorn Tomb might be a Darkblood scroll which can lead us to it.
Hero: I have a lot of experience with old tombs like that.
Lionfang: That is exactly why I asked King Alteon to send you.
Hero: Then let's get to it!
«Scene fades»
Lionfang: BAH! Alteon sends me one of Gravelyn's spies?
Lionfang: Things are worse than I feared.
«Lionfang points dramatically»
Game Over. Sometimes it's best to just smile and nod your head.
- Try Again (Clicking the button takes you back to Lionfang's "So you must be <Hero>… the hero that King Alteon has sent" line.
Lionfang: I see. It's a shame that you never arrived here.
Hero: What are you talking about?
Lionfang: Make sure the body is never found.
«Hero gets knocked out from behind by a guard»
Game Over. Sometimes it's best to just smile and nod your head.
- Try Again (Clicking the button takes you back to Lionfang's "So you must be <Hero>… the hero that King Alteon has sent" line.
Lionfang: I see. Well, you must be tired after your travels.
Lionfang: Guards… prepare our finest room for the hero.
Guard: This way, please.
«Scene fades»
«With the Hero gone, Lionfang talks to the guard»
Lionfang: Make sure the torture chamber door is closed tightly.
Lionfang: I don't want that evil filth's screams to keep me up tonight.
«Guard nods»
Game Over. Sometimes it's best to just smile and nod your head.
- Try Again (Clicking the button takes you back to Lionfang's "So you must be <Hero>… the hero that King Alteon has sent" line.