Gargoyle (Monster) (1)

Location: Cornelis Ruins
Level: 11
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 1,000
- Chaos Wave: 31-39
- Rock Rise: 31-39
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Blue Gems (Dropped during the 'Blueish Glow' quest)
- Fragment 5 (Dropped during the 'Recovering the Fangs of the Lion' quest)
- Gargoyle Chips (Dropped during the 'Ruined Ruins' quest)
- Loadstones (Dropped during the 'Lode Me Up' quests)
- Part of the Frame (Dropped during the 'The Frame Up' quest)
- Raw Ore (Dropped during the 'Hard Core Metals'
and 'Mine Crafting' quests)
- Spinel Gem (Dropped during the 'Dyeing for Gemstones' quest)
- Tesseract Gem (Dropped during the 'Tesseract Gems in Cornelis' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Gargoyle Horn (Dropped during the 'Cornelis Reborn' quest)
- Gargoyle Wings
- Mirror Shield Fragment
(Dropped during the 'Artifact Hunting' quest)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Has many different forms.
- Also see:

Thanks to Sir Ory, Skyebale, Zero IX and .Shadow//
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