The Number One BattleOn Garden Arts Gathering Announcer
Last April in AdventureQuest Worlds… EVERYTHING WAS FINE! And today, the AdventureQuest Worlds team is proud to announce… just in time for National Garden month, their newest MMOFG (massively multiplayer online farming game)… Gaiden *cough* I mean GardenQuest Worlds: Tournament Edition! Click The Button below to learn what awaits you in this episode of your adventures as the ETERNAL. DRAGON. Of TIIIIIIIIIIIME!
The Button
Who needs to steal enchanted dragon orbz when you can just invade Battleon and challenge the Eternal Dragon of Time?! If they defeat you, you’ll have to grant their wishes… they think. But they WON’T defeat you… right?! You lose if you leave town, stay down for ten counts, or give up. Poking in the eyes or hitting in the faulds is not allowed. Who will stand victorious today? Battle on to find out!
- GardenQuest Announcer's Quests
- To GardenQuest
- GardenQuest Merge
After completing the 'BATTLE: SUPER Vegetable Prince vs Hero' quest:
The Number One BattleOn Garden Arts Gathering Announcer
If we’ve learned anything from this tournament, it’s that no matter how close to victory you are, there’s always another villain ready to challenge you. Now I just hope you have enough energy left to keep farming… there are bushels of veggies left to slay rewards left to collect!
- GardenQuest Announcer's Quests
- To GardenQuest
- GardenQuest Merge
Location: GardenQuest
- This NPC is a parody of the World Tournament Announcer from Dragon Ball.
- Also see Announcer Guy.
Thanks to Rsrdaman.
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!