«Scene: Hero and Dage the Evil standing outside Shadowfall»
Hero: The Infernal Army seems to be heading away from Swordhaven, but we're not sure where they're headed next.
Dage: My Legion and I will go after them and find out.
Hero: Not yet - Victoria wants to try to find the people of Darkovia first, and try to get them to join our efforts.
Dage: And why should I care what Victoria wants? My Legion-
«Laken appears out of portal»
Dage: Who are you?!
Hero: Who are you?!
???: I'm from the future. And I need your help!
???: I've been sent back in time to find Dage, and bring him back with me to the year 3017.
???: We're desperate. Lore is being destroyed.
???: And he's the only one who can stop it.
Dage: I'm the only one who can stop it? Ha, ha, ha!
Dage: I think you must have me mistaken for a hero – are you sure you don't want <Hero>?
???: I don't know who <Hero> is, but if <he/she>'s some kind of hero then I'll gladly take <him/her>, too.
???: But, no. You're the one I came back for. We need to go, now!
Dage: And what should I blindly do what some stranger tells me to?
???: Because…
«Laken, without his helmet»
Laken: I am no stranger.
Hero: LAKEN!?!?
Hero: But… I don't understand! You betrayed the Legion! You and Dage are enemies!
Dage: Not this one.
Dage: He's… not our Laken. He's from another timeline. Another future.
Laken: The Laken you know traveled back in time…
Laken: …long ago, or far off in the future, depending on your perspective…
Laken: …to help you in your fight against Nulgath here in your present.
Dage: But he wasn't able to go back to his own time, because coming here changed his future.
Dage: So if you're here…
Hero: …then he's from the timeline where he stayed. He never came back to the past.
Laken: Exactly.
Hero: But why come back now?
Laken: It's like I said… we're desperate.
Laken: It might be better if I just showed you.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Hero, Dage, and Laken in a desolate wasteland»
Laken: Oh, no… how long was I gone??
Laken: I think we're too late…
Hero: What happened here?
Laken: The Legion did.
Laken: I was Dage's right hand man.
Laken: I helped him fight through the underworld to recover the lost half of his soul.
Laken: And with it, he finally became strong enough to defeat Nulgath.
Dage: Excellent! I knew I would eventually prevail!
Laken: You did! But you didn't stop there.
Laken: You battled your way through Yokai… Darkovia… Dwarfhold…
Laken: Killing everyone, and claiming their souls for your Undead Legion…
Laken: Until there was nothing left.
Hero: Where are we now?
Laken: This is what's left of Oaklore Forest.
Laken: When I left, it was the last holdout of the living. But now…
Hero: …look, I hate to say it, but if he really has destroyed all of Lore… then why stay?
Hero: There's nothing left to save.
«Scene moves up to a spacecraft in the sky»
Laken: You see that craft in the sky? That's Dage's Legion Dreadnaught.
Laken: It has the ability to travel to other worlds… and other timelines.
«Scene zooms back down»
Laken: So if he has killed all life on Lore…
Hero: …then he'll just go somewhere else and start over.
Laken: Exactly.
Hero: Alright, I'm in.
Hero: Let's take on the Future Legion!
«Scene fades»