Frozen Tower
Dungeon-Level 0 to 65
Fight alongside Syrrus the Astromancer at the shattered Tower of Winds. Build a planetary gate that will allow a mysterious warrior mage's army to journey across spacetime and add their blades to the battle!
- Arctic Eel x1
- Fishbones (Level 15) (3) x1
- Frost Fangbeast x2
- Frost Invader x1
- Frostdeep Dweller x1
- Frostspawn Fangbeast x2
- Frostspawn Invader x1
- Ice Wolf x7
- Polar Elemental x8
- Frostwyrm x4
- Rotten Ice x1
- Twisted Ice x4
Map Name: frozentower
Room Limit: 8
Access Points:
- /join frozentower
- Cryostorm Tundra - 'Go Now' button from Abel (NPC)
- Frozen Ruins - 'FrozenTower' button from Syrrus
- Icewind Pass - 'Karok's Story' button from Syrrus
- Frostval Map
- Screen 1
- Screen 2
- Screen 3
- Screen 4
- Screen 5
- Screen 6
- Screen 7
- Screen 8
- Screen 9
- Screen 10
- Screen 11
- Screen 12
- Screen 13
- Screen 14
- Screen 15
- Screen 16
- Screen 17
Note: Defeat all enemies to continue.
Thanks to Eldant, Kirito_kazuto1124, Renz9000, Rodriguesx10 and Tristyn.
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