Frostval Gifts

Location: Event Hub (December)
Level: 15
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 202,331
- Idle: 16-20
Temporary Items Dropped:
- N/A
Items Dropped:
- 1st Day of Frostval Decor
- 2nd Day of Frostval Decor
- 3rd Day of Frostval Decor
- 4th Day of Frostval Decor
- 5th Day of Frostval Decor
- 6th Day of Frostval Decor
- 7th Day of Frostval Decor
- 8th Day of Frostval Decor
- 9th Day of Frostval Decor
- 10th Day of Frostval Decor
- 11th Day of Frostval Decor
- 12th Day of Frostval Decor
- Beleen's Birthday Pets Stack
- Beleen's Pinky The Fluff Guest
- Chilly Coal-Dust Rat
- Chilly Northlands Rat
- Clarion House Guard
- Festive Pine Gift Scythe
- Frigid Fan-Pike
- Frostval Fa House Guest
- Frostval Mi House Guest
- Golden Trick Cane
- Holiday Elf Gravelyn
- Holiday Elf Robina
- Holiday Elf Yoshino
- Ignited Frost Sword
- Insidious Frost Sword
- Lovesick Soul Scythe
- Lustrous Coronation Staff
- Mi's Frostval Ensemble
- Mi's Frostval Hair
- Mi's Frostval Hat + Morph
- Plushie Kamaitachi Mace
- Serene Clarity Spear
- Silver Wings
- Sugar Plum Gift Scythe
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Xanta's Chilly Rat
- Xanta's Coal-Dust Rat

Thanks to Tempu.
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