Occasion: AQW Christmas Celebration
Date: December
Event Tag: Frostval
Change Log:
- Complete the 'Chilly's Participation Quest 2023' quest to be eligible to donate/receive ACs during the 2023 Gifting Event that begins on December 8th, 2023.
- Frostval 2023 AC Gifting Event has begun.
White Lotus Acolyte

Frostlorn Titan

Paragon of Joy

Gold & Silver Gear
White Lotus Acolyte

2023 Gifting Tier 1

2023 Gifting Tier 2

2023 Gifting Tier 3

2023 Gifting Tier 4

2023 Gifting Tier 5

2023 Gifting Tier 6

2023 Gifting Tier 7

Frostval 2023 Collection

White Lotus Acolyte

Paragon of Joy

Frostlorn Titan

Gold and Silver Gear
Hero of Generosity 2023

Hero of Generosity 2023 I

Hero of Generosity 2023 II

Hero of Generosity 2023 III

Hero of Generosity 2023 IV

Hero of Generosity 2023 V

Hero of Generosity 2023 VI

Hero of Generosity 2023 VII

Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Carol Town
Carolinn Updated
Event Hub Updated
Fimbul's Tomb
Glace's Tomb
Wolf Lake
Yoshino (Location) Returns Updated
Eldritch Gifthulu
Ettin Golem
Fimbulventr Witch (Monster)
Frostval Deer Updated
Frostval Gifts
Frostval Sprites (Version 2)
Frostval Tree (Monster) Updated
Gift Delivery Updated
Karok the Fallen (1) Updated
Karok the Fallen (2) Updated
Kitty Yu Yule Updated
Krampus Minion (Version 2)
Krumpet Updated
Salek Sprayer
Snow Fairy
Sullied Auberon
Aria (NPC) Updated
Artix Krieger Updated
Beleen Updated
Darkon (NPC) Updated
Hans Updated
Maedoc Updated
Mueran Updated
Neveya Updated
Nythera (NPC) Updated
Oishii Updated
Quibble Coinbiter Returns Updated
Robina Updated
Serenity Updated
Sora to Hoshi Updated
Tara Updated
Valencia Surehunter Updated
Warlic Updated
Yoshino (NPC) Updated
Blizzy's Quests Updated
Chilly's Quests Updated
Icicle Imp Quest Pet's Quest
Karok Companion's Quest
Maedoc's Quests
Mueran's Quests
Sora to Hoshi's Quests
Tara's Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Warlic's Quests
Yoshino's Quests Updated
Beleen's Seasonal Pink Gear Updated
December Seasonal Gear
Fimbul Tomb Shop
Frostval 2023 Collection
Frostval 2023 Gifting Tier 1

Frostval 2023 Gifting Tier 2

Frostval 2023 Gifting Tier 3

Frostval 2023 Gifting Tier 3 House

Frostval 2023 Gifting Tier 4

Frostval 2023 Gifting Tier 5

Frostval 2023 Gifting Tier 6

Frostval 2023 Gifting Tier 7

Generosity Shop 2.0
Glacial Tomb Merge
Glacial Warlord (Shop)

January Seasonal Gear
Limited Event Merge Updated
LQS Frostlorn Titan
LQS Gold & Silver Gear
LQS Paragon of Joy
LQS White Lotus Acolyte
LQS White Lotus Acolyte (Mem)
Quibble Coinbiter's Sixty-Fifth Shop
Quibble House Items Returns Updated
ArmorsAcolyte of the White Lotus

Arctic Necro-Draugr

Astrum Vela Mage

Brunswick Leo Scion

Ceremonial Elven Winter Garb (0 AC)

Ceremonial Elven Winter Garb (AC)

Ceremonial Elven Winter Garb (Legend)

Chill Hoodie Outfit

Chronomancer of Ice

Chronomancer of YUMMM

Clawsuit of Madness

Cryomancer Arcana (0 AC)

Cryomancer Arcana (AC)

Cryozen's Dragonlord

Cursed Fimbulventr Witch

Divine Tundra Warlock (0 AC)

Divine Tundra Warlock (AC)

Enchanted Tundra Warlock (0 AC)

Enchanted Tundra Warlock (AC)

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Chief

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Lord

Festive Cheers Sweater

Festive Globetrotter (0 AC)

Festive Globetrotter (AC)

Festive Sweater Weather

Fimbulventr Witch (Armor)

Frigid Krampus (0 AC)

Frigid Krampus (AC)

Frigid Krampus Haruspex (0 AC)

Frigid Krampus Haruspex (AC)

Frostlorn Glaceran Warlord

Frostlorn Polar Rider

Frostlorn Titan

Glacial Elven Armor (0 AC)

Glacial Elven Armor (AC)

God of Storms

Inverse Permafrost Kitsune (0 AC)

Inverse Permafrost Kitsune (AC)

Inverse Rimeblossom Kitsune (0 AC)

Inverse Rimeblossom Kitsune (AC)

Iron Fang Warlord (0 AC)

Iron Fang Warlord (AC)

Loveseeker Robes

Metrea's Crimson Presence

Mistfall Lich (0 AC)

Mistfall Lich (AC)

Noble Leo Scion

North Lights Juvania (0 AC)

North Lights Juvania (AC)

Northlands Dire Wolf Warden

Northlands Holiday Hoodie

Paragon of Joy Plate

Permafrost Kitsune (0 AC)

Permafrost Kitsune (AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Tsukesage (0 AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Tsukesage (AC)

Resplendant Dragonlord (0 AC)

Resplendant Dragonlord (AC)

Rimeblossom Kitsune (0 AC)

Rimeblossom Kitsune (AC)

Rimeblossom Kitsune Tsukesage (0 AC)

Rimeblossom Kitsune Tsukesage (AC)

Salek Lifeform

Scholar of the Nether

Snowshade Raven (0 AC)

Snowshade Raven (AC)

Thok's Tundra Marauder Armor (0 AC)

Thok's Tundra Marauder Armor (AC)

Tundra Wolf Reveiller (0 AC)

Tundra Wolf Reveiller (AC)

Twig's BFF Hoodie

Twilly's BFF Hoodie

Underworld Barbarian Chief

Underworld Barbarian Lord

Underworld CryoCaster

Zorbak's BFF Hoodie

Amarok's Thundersnow Tail

BackBlades of Madness

Brunswick Leo's Requiem

Chronometer of Ice
Chronometer of YUMMM
Cocytus Fractal Rune

Cryofreeze Catalyst Backblade

Cryozen's Dragonlord Cloak

Divine Tundra Warlock Cape (AC)

Divine Tundra Warlock Cape (Non-AC)
Double Candy Canes

Enchanted Tundra Warlock Cape (0 AC)

Enchanted Tundra Warlock Cape (AC)

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Cloak

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Cloak and Shield

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Guardian

Festive Cat on your Shoulder

Festive Kitten on your Shoulder

Frigid Krampus Tail

Frigid Phantasm Rune (0 AC)

Frigid Phantasm Rune (AC)

Frostlorn Titan Cape

Frostlorn Titan Hoisted Shield

Game Hunter's Prismatic Scarf

Game Hunter's Silken Scarf

Gein Gual Back Robe

Gein Gual Robe

Glaceran Warlord Cloak

Guardian Cryozen

Iron Fang Tail

Juvania Frost Star Cape (AC)

Juvania Frost Star Cape (Non-AC)
Krampus' Bucket of Goodies (0 AC)

Krampus' Bucket of Goodies (AC)

Krampus' Festive Gear (0 AC)

Krampus' Festive Gear (AC)

Leo Scion's Requiem

Metrea's Relic Scarf

Mistfall Lich's Awakened Cloak (0 AC)

Mistfall Lich's Awakened Cloak (AC)

Mistfall Lich's Cloak (AC)

Mistfall Lich's Cloak (Non-AC)
Misty Phantasm Cloak (0 AC)

Misty Phantasm Cloak (AC)

Northlands Warden Cape

Paragon of Joy Cloak

Paragon of Joy Folded Wings

Paragon of Joy Winged Cloak

Permafrost Kitsune Cape (0 AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Cape (AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Tails (0 AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Tails (AC)

Permafrost Moon Crystals (0 AC)

Permafrost Moon Crystals (AC)

Resplendent Dragonlord Wings (0 AC)

Resplendent Dragonlord Wings (AC)

Resting Frigid Vitae Ravagers (0 AC)

Resting Frigid Vitae Ravagers (AC)

Resting Holiday Cheer Bow

Runed Wings of Karok the Fallen

Sheathed Beastly Chronicle Blade (AC)

Sheathed Beastly Chronicle Blade and Tail (0 AC)

Sheathed Beastly Chronicle Blade and Tail (AC)

Sheathed Beastly Chronicle Blade (Non-AC)
Sheathed Beastly Mettle Blade (0 AC)

Sheathed Beastly Mettle Blade (AC)

Sheathed Beastly Mettle Blade and Tail (0 AC)

Sheathed Beastly Mettle Blade and Tail (AC)

Silver Wings

Snowshade Raven Cape (AC)

Snowshade Raven Cape (Non-AC)
Starlit Snowflakes

Thok's Northlands Cloak (AC)

Thok's Northlands Cloak (Non-AC)
Thunderous Arms of Inaugeration

Thundersnow Cape

Tundra Wolf Reveiller Cloak (0 AC)

Tundra Wolf Reveiller Cloak (AC)

Twilight Stars

Twinkling Snowfall (0 AC)

Twinkling Snowfall (AC)

Underworld Barbarian Cloak

Underworld Barbarian Cloak and Shield

Underworld Barbarian Guardian

Valor of Cryozen

White Lotus Aurora Petals

White Lotus Rune

White Lotus Sashes

Wings of Karok the Fallen

Glaceran Warlord

Cocytus Fractal Summons Rune

Cryozen's Companion Rune

Frigid Phantasm Glyph (0 AC)

Frigid Phantasm Glyph (AC)

Glaceran Loyalty Sigil

Holiday Snowglobe Stage (0 AC)

Holiday Snowglobe Stage (AC)

Rune of Deliciousness

Rune of Ice

White Lotus Emblem

Alpha Iron Fang Morph (0 AC)

Alpha Iron Fang Morph (AC)

Arcana's Cryomancer Hood (AC)

Arcana's Cryomancer Hood (Non-AC)
Astrum Vela Hair

Astrum Vela Locks

Beastly Iron Fang Helm Morph (0 AC)

Beastly Iron Fang Helm Morph (AC)

Beastly Iron Fang Helmed Scarf Morph (0 AC)

Beastly Iron Fang Helmed Scarf Morph (AC)

Beastly Iron Fang Morph (0 AC)

Beastly Iron Fang Morph (AC)

Beastly Iron Fang Scarf Morph (0 AC)

Beastly Iron Fang Scarf Morph (AC)

Blushy Festive Hat

Blushy Festive Hat and Locks

Chill Hat + Hair

Chill Hat + Locks

Chill Hat Morph

Chill Hat Visage

Cozy Festive Hat Hair

Cozy Festive Hat Locks

Cryozen's Dragonlord Helm

Dire Wolf Warden Helm

Dire Wolf Warden Horned Helm

Divine Tundra Warlock Hair (0 AC)

Divine Tundra Warlock Hair (AC)

Divine Tundra Warlock Hood (0 AC)

Divine Tundra Warlock Hood (AC)

Divine Tundra Warlock Horns (AC)

Divine Tundra Warlock Horns (Legend)

Divine Tundra Warlock's Hooded Gaze (0 AC)

Divine Tundra Warlock's Hooded Gaze (AC)

Enchanted Game Hunter's Hat

Enchanted Tundra Warlock Hood (0 AC)

Enchanted Tundra Warlock Hood (AC)

Enchanted Tundra Warlock's Hooded Gaze (0 AC)

Enchanted Tundra Warlock's Hooded Gaze (AC)

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Helm

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Helmed Skull

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Horned Helm

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Horned Skull

Enchanted Underworld Barbarian Skull

Eridani Holiday Hair

Festive Globetrotter Hair

Festive Globetrotter Locks

Festive Globetrotter Morph (0 AC)

Festive Globetrotter Morph (AC)

Festive Globetrotter Toque

Festive Globetrotter Toque and Locks

Festive Globetrotter Toque Morph (0 AC)

Festive Globetrotter Toque Morph (AC)

Festive Globetrotter Toque Visage (0 AC)

Festive Globetrotter Toque Visage (AC)

Festive Globetrotter Visage (0 AC)

Festive Globetrotter Visage (AC)

Fimbulventr Witch Hair

Fimbulventr Witch Locks

Fimbulventr Witch Visage

Fleecy Twig Hood

Fleecy Twig Hooded Locks

Fleecy Twilly Hood

Fleecy Twilly Hooded Locks

Fleecy Zorbak Hood

Fleecy Zorbak Hooded Locks

Frigid Chronomancer's Mask

Frigid Chronomancer's Mask + Locks

Frigid Krampus Hood

Frigid Krampus Horns Morph (0 AC)

Frigid Krampus Horns Morph (AC)

Frigid Krampus Horns Visage (0 AC)

Frigid Krampus Horns Visage (AC)

Frigid Krampus Morph

Frigid Krampus Visage

Frostlorn Titan Grated Helm

Frostlorn Titan Helm

Game Hunter's Wide Trim Hat

Glaceran Warlord Helm

Glaceran Warlord Horns

Grinning CryoCaster Morph

Grinning CryoCaster Visage

Holiday Hat and Locks of Madness

Holiday Hat of Madness

Holiday Hood of Madness

Hooded Frigid Krampus Grin (0 AC)

Hooded Frigid Krampus Grin (AC)

Hooded Frigid Krampus Morph (0 AC)

Hooded Frigid Krampus Morph (AC)

Hooded Frigid Krampus Visage (0 AC)

Hooded Frigid Krampus Visage (AC)

Horned Mistfall Lich Helm (0 AC)

Horned Mistfall Lich Helm (AC)

Horned Thundersnow Helm

Iron Fang Helmed Scarf Morph (0 AC)

Iron Fang Helmed Scarf Morph (AC)

Iron Fang Unkempt Helm

Iron Fang Unkempt Helm Morph (0 AC)

Iron Fang Unkempt Helm Morph (AC)

Iron Fang Warlord Barrette

Iron Fang Warlord Barrette Visage (0 AC)

Iron Fang Warlord Barrette Visage (AC)

Iron Fang Warlord Beard

Iron Fang Warlord Helm

Iron Fang Warlord Helm Morph (0 AC)

Iron Fang Warlord Helm Morph (AC)

Iron Fang Warlord Locks

Iron Fang Warlord Morph (0 AC)

Iron Fang Warlord Morph (AC)

Iron Fang Warlord Visage (0 AC)

Iron Fang Warlord Visage (AC)

Juvania's Ice Crystal Diadem (AC)

Juvania's Ice Crystal Diadem (Non-AC)
Mistfall Lich Helm (0 AC)

Mistfall Lich Helm (AC)

Noble Leo Scion Hair

Noble Leo Scion Locks

Northlands Holiday Hat

Northlands Holiday Hat + Locks

Northlands Holiday Morph

Northlands Holiday Visage

Paragon of Joy Helm

Permafrost Kitsune Crown (0 AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Crown (AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Diadem (0 AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Diadem (AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Hair (0 AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Hair (AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Locks (0 AC)

Permafrost Kitsune Locks (AC)

Resplendent Dragonlord Helm (0 AC)

Resplendent Dragonlord Helm (AC)

Scholar of the Nether Morph

Snowshade Raven Beak (0 AC)

Snowshade Raven Beak (AC)

Snowshade Raven Hood (AC)

Snowshade Raven Hood (Non-AC)
Snowshade Raven Mask (0 AC)

Snowshade Raven Mask (AC)

Suki's Holiday Hair

Sweet Chronomancer's Mask

Sweet Chronomancer's Mask + Locks

Thundersnow Druid Hair

Thundersnow Druid Locks

Thundersnow Druid Markings

Thundersnow Druid Tattoos

Thundersnow Hood

Tundra Wolf Reveiller Cowl (0 AC)

Tundra Wolf Reveiller Cowl (AC)

Tundra Wolf Reveiller Helm (0 AC)

Tundra Wolf Reveiller Helm (AC)

Tundra Wolf Reveiller Visor (0 AC)

Tundra Wolf Reveiller Visor (AC)

Underworld Barbarian Helm

Underworld Barbarian Helmed Skull

Underworld Barbarian Horned Helm

Underworld Barbarian Horned Skull

Underworld Barbarian Skull

Underworld CryoCaster Mask Morph

Underworld CryoCaster Mask Visage

Underworld CryoCaster Visage

Underworld CryoCaster Wrap Visage

Underworld CryoCasterScarf Morph

Vilmor's Visage

White Lotus Acolyte Hair

White Lotus Acolyte Locks

White Lotus Acolyte Mask

White Lotus Acolyte Masked Locks

White Lotus Panama Hat

White Lotus Panama Hat and Locks

Winged Thundersnow Helm

10th Day of Frostval Decor

11th Day of Frostval Decor

12th Day of Frostval Decor

1st Day of Frostval Decor

2nd Day of Frostval Decor

3rd Day of Frostval Decor

4th Day of Frostval Decor

5th Day of Frostval Decor

6th Day of Frostval Decor

7th Day of Frostval Decor

8th Day of Frostval Decor

9th Day of Frostval Decor

Amarok House Guard

Amarok the House Guard

Draugr House Guard

Elder Snow Fairy Guest

Festive Moglin Tree

Safiria Frostval Castle

Salek House Guard

Santa Ferret's Tree (AC)

Santa Ferret's Tree (Non-AC)
Snow Fairy Guest

10th Day of Frostval Crate

11th Day of Frostval Crate

12th Day of Frostval Crate

1st Day of Frostval Crate

2023 Giftbox Armor

2023 Giftbox Cape

2023 Giftbox Helm

2023 Giftbox Helmet

2023 Giftbox Pet

2023 Giftbox Weapon 1

2023 Giftbox Weapon 2

2nd Day of Frostval Crate

3rd Day of Frostval Crate

4th Day of Frostval Crate

5th Day of Frostval Crate

6th Day of Frostval Crate

7th Day of Frostval Crate

8th Day of Frostval Crate

9th Day of Frostval Crate

Collection Chest Details (30)
Fimbul's Crystal

Fimbul's Frost
Frostlorn Polar Bear Giftbox

Jingle Bells

Snow Fairy Enclosure

Snow Fairy Habitat

Wrapped Draugr Blade

Wrapped Draugr Statue

Alpaca of LOVE!!!

Amarok Pet

Brutalcorn Buddy

Chilly Coal-Dust Rat

Chilly Northlands Rat

Cryofreeze Catalyst Blade Companion

Draugr Blade Pet

Endless Winter Collection Chest

Eldritch Imp of Madness

Festive Badger Pet

Festive Chinchilla Pet

Festive Gift Sleigh Bank Pet (0 AC)

Festive Gift Sleigh Bank Pet (AC)

Festive Imp Intruder

Festive Moglinster

Frigid FrostWeaver Companion

Frostfur Moglinster

Frostval Chaos Twin Companions

Frostval Fa Bank Buddy

Frostval Fox Pup

Frostval Husky

Heraldic Lion Companion

Holiday Box Cracker Pet

Holiday Elf Darkon

Holiday Elf Fa

Holiday Elf Gravelyn

Holiday Elf Re

Holiday Elf Robina

Holiday Elf Sora

Holiday Elf Warlic

Holiday Elf Yoshino

Holly Holiday Twig

Holly Holiday Twilly

Holly Holiday Zorbak

Icicle Imp Pet

Icicle Imp Quest Pet

Icy Vordred

Karok Battle Companion

Karok Companion

Knit Cap Twig

Knit Cap Twilly

Knit Cap Zorbak

Salek Sprayer Battle Pet

Salek Sprayer Pet

Santa Ferret (0 AC)

Santa Ferret (AC)

Santa Ferret (Legend)

Smol Alpaca of LOVE

Snow Fairy Pet

Snowbound Kiwi Birb

White Lotus Moglin

Xanta's Chilly Rat

Xanta's Coal-Dust Rat

Cobalt Beast Hand Axe

Cobalt Glacier Crusher (Axe)

Enchanted Nox Terror Axe

Frostlorn Bear Rider Axe

Frozen DragonFlame Axe

Khione's Curse

Nox Terror Axe

Alabaster Lily Bow

Taranis Salvation Bow

Woodlands Winter Bow

100 Pound Gifts

Aetherial Ark Daggers

Aetherial Ark Hammers

Alabaster Lily Rapiers

Beastly Chronicle Blades (0 AC)

Beastly Chronicle Blades (AC)

Beastly Mettle Blades (0 AC)

Beastly Mettle Blades (AC)

Blessed Frostguarde Blades

Cobalt Beast Hand Axes

Cobalt Glacier Crusher (Dagger)

Cocytus Fractal Spell Runes

Cryofreeze Catalyst Armaments

Double Deluxe Hot Chocolate

Enchanted Nox Scar Carvers

Enchanted Nox Terror Axe and Shield

Enchanted Nox Terror Axes

Enchanted Polar Beast Blades (0 AC)

Enchanted Polar Beast Blades (AC)

Fangs of the Dishonored (AC)

Fangs of the Dishonored (Legend)

Forsaken Frost Armaments (0 AC)

Forsaken Frost Armaments (AC)

Forsaken Frost Reavers (0 AC)

Forsaken Frost Reavers (AC)

Freezing Lightning Blades

Frigid Vitae Ravagers (0 AC)

Frigid Vitae Ravagers (AC)

Frostfang Dormius Blades (0 AC)

Frostfang Dormius Blades (AC)

Frostguarde Blades

Frostlorn Bear Rider Axes

Frostlorn Titan Axe And Shield

Frostval Party Favor

Frostval Party Gifts

Frozen DragonFlame Dagger

Glowing Carrion Lantern and Blade (0 AC)

Glowing Carrion Lantern and Blade (AC)

Glowing Carrion Lanterns

Ironward Daggers

Khione's Curse Blades

Knuckleswords of Madness

Magical Bean Moglins

Magical Bean Twigs

Magical Bean Twillys

Martial White Lotus Runes

Melodic Ice Crystals

Metrea's Frostkissed Daggers

Mistique Phoenix Blades (AC)

Mistique Phoenix Blades (Legend)

Nox Scar Carvers

Nox Terror Axe and Shield

Nox Terror Axes

Peppermint Lights-Out Bats (AC)

Peppermint Lights-Out Bats (Legend)

Polar Beast Blades (AC)

Polar Beast Blades (Legend)

Polaris Duelist Rapiers

Resonating Azure Blossom Staff

Resonating Polaris Rapiers

Runic Cryofreeze Catalyst Spear

Shielded Cobalt Beast Hand Axe

Shielded Cobalt Glacier Crusher

Snowshade Carrion Carvers (AC)

Snowshade Carrion Carvers (Legend)

Snowshade Carrion Greatswords (0 AC)

Snowshade Carrion Greatswords (AC)

Snowshade Carrion Longswords (0 AC)

Snowshade Carrion Longswords (AC)

Spearmint Candy Canes

Sweetened Chronomenace Blades

Taranis Storm Hammers

Frozen Touch (0 AC)

Frozen Touch (AC)

Iron Fang Gauntlets (0 AC)

Iron Fang Gauntlets (AC)

Jagged Ice Gauntlet (0 AC)

Jagged Ice Gauntlet (AC)

Salek Seasoning Rifle

100 Pound Gift

Aetherial Ark Hammer

Amarok's Lightning Horn

Beleen's Love Bomb

Cocytus Fractal Spell Rune

Deluxe Hot Chocolate

Fake Sack of Coal

Frigid Phantasm Orb (0 AC)

Frigid Phantasm Orb (AC)

Glaceran War Mace

Glowing Carrion Lantern

Golden Trick Cane

Knuckle Sword of Madness

Magical Bean Twig

Magical Bean Twilly

Martial White Lotus Rune

Melodic Ice Crystal

Plushie Kamaitachi Mace

Spearmint Candy Cane

Taranis Storm Hammer

Awakening Frost Shatter Spear

Bright Astromancer Polearm

Chrono Menace Ice Spear

Cryofreeze Catalyst Spear

Cryozen's Exitosus Scythe

Druidic Ice Scythe

Festive Pine Gift Scythe

Frost Shatter Spear

Gilded Frostedge Polearm

Lovesick Soul Scythe

Mystical Frigid Scythe of Vengeance

Serene Clarity Spear

Spear of the Lone Hunter

Sugar Plum Gift Scythe

Arcana's Frost Dragon Staff (0 AC)

Arcana's Frost Dragon Staff (AC)

Brunswick Leo Scion Cane

Faerie Lights Wand

Frigid Fan-Pike

Juvania's Northern Light Staff (0 AC)

Juvania's Northern Light Staff (AC)

Lumen Ice Staff

Lustrous Coronation Staff

Noble Leo Scion Cane

Starlit Snowflake Staff

Vengeful Azure Blossom Staff

Aetherial Ark Dagger

Alabaster Lily Rapier

Aurum Wings Blade

Beastly Chronicle Blade (0 AC)

Beastly Chronicle Blade (AC)

Beastly Mettle Blade (0 AC)

Beastly Mettle Blade (AC)

Blade of the Lone Hunter

Blessed Frostguarde Blade

Caladbolg of Cheer

Cryofreeze Catalyst Blade

Deadly Draugr Blade

Enchanted Nox Scar Carver

Enchanted Polar Beast Blade (0 AC)

Enchanted Polar Beast Blade (AC)

Fang of the Dishonored (0 AC)

Fang of the Dishonored (AC)

Forsaken Frost Reaver (0 AC)

Forsaken Frost Reaver (AC)

Freezing Lightning Blade

Frigid FrostWeaver Blade

Frigid Vitae Ravager (0 AC)

Frigid Vitae Ravager (AC)

Frostfang Dormius Blade (0 AC)

Frostfang Dormius Blade (AC)

Frostguarde Blade

Frozen DragonFlame Blade

Ignited Frost Sword

Insidious Frost Sword

Ironward Dirk

Metrea's Frostkissed Dagger

Mistique Phoenix Blade (0 AC)

Mistique Phoenix Blade (AC)

Nox Scar Carver

Peppermint Lights-Out Bat (AC)

Peppermint Lights-Out Bat (Non-AC)
Polar Beast Blade (0 AC)

Polar Beast Blade (AC)

Polaris Duelist Rapier

Resonating Polaris Rapier

Resplendent Dragonlord Blade (0 AC)

Resplendent Dragonlord Blade (AC)

Royal Astravian Advocatus

Snowshade Carrion Carver (AC)

Snowshade Carrion Carver (Non-AC)
Snowshade Carrion Greatsword (0 AC)

Snowshade Carrion Greatsword (AC)

Snowshade Carrion Longsword (0 AC)

Snowshade Carrion Longsword (AC)

Sweetened Chronomenace Blade

Thok's Hoarfrost Blade (AC)

Thok's Hoarfrost Blade (Non-AC) Wands
Lumen Ice Shillelagh

Sparkler of Love

Change Log:
- Complete the 'Chilly's Participation Quest' quest to be eligible to donate/receive ACs during the 2022 Gifting Event that begins on December 16th, 2022.
- Frostval 2022 AC Gifting Event has begun.
Eternal Cosmic Dragon

Frostval Naval

Primal Frost Tiger

Northlands Getaway

Holiday 2022 Battle
2022 Gifting Tier 1

2022 Gifting Tier 2

2022 Gifting Tier 3

2022 Gifting Tier 4

2022 Gifting Tier 5

2022 Gifting Tier 6

2022 Gifting Tier 7

Frostval 2022 Collection

Eternal Cosmic Dragons

Frostval Naval Commander

Primal Frost Tiger

Northlands Getaway House

Holiday 2022 Battle Pack
Hero of Generosity 2022

Hero of Generosity 2022 I

Hero of Generosity 2022 II

Hero of Generosity III 2022

Hero of Generosity IV 2022

Hero of Generosity V 2022

Hero of Generosity 2022 VI

Hero of Generosity VII 2022

Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Snowview Race
Arctic Fox
Aurora Vaderix
Bandit (Monster) (2) (Level 31)
Bandit Fletcher
Frogzard Updated
Deer? Updated
Frostval Deer
Frostval Tree (Monster)
Fur Tree
Gift Delivery
Giftblulu Updated
Gifthulu (Monster) Updated
Helsdottir Updated
Jalnar Updated
Juvenile Vaderix
Kitty Yu Yule
Mountain Owl
Northern Deer
Tundra Steed
Ultra Frost Fang Updated
Vaderix (Level 30)
Zweinichthirsch Updated
Alina (NPC) Updated
Chilly Updated
Festive Flying Pig
Hans Updated
Hero (NPC) Updated
Ingrid Dahl
Leif Wallin
Quibble Coinbiter Updated
Serenity Updated
Tinsel Updated
Aina's Quests
Alina's Quests
Chilly's Quests
Giftbearers of Darkness' Quest
Northland Lights' Green Giftbox Quests
Serenity's Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Beleen's Seasonal Pink Gear Updated
Caroling Merge
December 2022 Upgrade

Featured Gear Shop Updated
Frostval 2022 Collection
Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 1

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 2

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 3

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 3 House

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 4

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 4 House

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 5

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 5 House

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 6

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 6 House

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 7

Frostval 2022 Gifting Tier 7 House

Frostval Gift Boxes! Updated
Frostval Seasonal Shop
Generosity Shop 1.0 Updated
Limited Event Merge
LQS Eternal Cosmic Dragon
LQS Frostval Naval Commander
LQS Holiday 2022 Battle Pack
LQS Northlands Getaway
LQS Primal Frost Tiger
Quibble Coinbiter's Fifty-Ninth Shop
Quibble House Items Returns Updated
Snowview Merge
Snowview Race Merge
ArmorsAuroran Cryomagus (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus (AC)

Beleen's Festive Frostval Outfit

Bright Commander

Bright Officer

BrightPyre Warrior

Cosmic Frost Omen

Cryo-Frozen Arabesque (0 AC)

Cryo-Frozen Arabesque (AC)

Cryomagus (0 AC)

Cryomagus (AC)

EbilSneezer Armor

Enchanted Wolf Warrior

Enchanted WolfRider

Eternal Cosmic Omen

Fest-EBIL Terminator (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Terminator (AC)

Festive Caroler

Festive Sled Racer

Fiery BrightPyre Warrior

Frigid Festive Wear

Frigid FrozenFlame Warrior

Frost Tiger

Frost Void Tiger

Frostball Aristocrat (0 AC)

Frostball Aristocrat (AC)

Frostball Garb (0 AC)

Frostball Garb (AC)

Frostball Garb (Legend)

Frostborn Wolf Rider

Frostborn Wolf Warrior

Frostval Cheermaker

Frostval Fa (0 AC)

Frostval Fa (AC)

Frostval Naval CommanDEER

Frozen Arabesque (0 AC)

Frozen Arabesque (AC)

FrozenDawn Herald

FrozenFlame Warrior

Garaja Armor

Giftbox Armor 2022 (AC)

Giftbox Armor 2022 (Quest)

GlitterFrost Fairy

Green Jolly Frostval Attire

Holiday Courier (0 AC)

Holiday Courier (AC)

Holiday Swordhaven Ally

Midwinter Cheermaker

Noel Maurader (0 AC)

Noel Maurader (AC)

Noel Maurader (Legend)

Northlands BeastHunter

Northlands Paladin

PandaPlush Outfit

PermaFrost Enchanter (0 AC)

PermaFrost Enchanter (AC)

PinkGlitter Fairy

Pinkie Panda

Primal Tiger

Primal Void Tiger

Rimeblossom Enchanter (0 AC)

Rimeblossom Enchanter (AC)

Royal PermaFrost Enchanter (0 AC)

Royal PermaFrost Enchanter (AC)

Royal Rimeblossom Enchanter (AC)

Royal Rimeblossom Enchanter (AC)

Royal Winter Paladin

Royal Winter Shield Paladin

ShadowFlame Clawsuit

Snowview Innkeeper

Snowy Caroler

Spruce Sled Racer

Suave Suit of Ebil

Arctic Fox Companion (AC)

Arctic Fox Companion (Legend)

Aurora-Lit Antlers

Auroran Cryomagus Aura (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Aura (AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Wings (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Wings (AC)

Blue Snowflakes

Bright Commander's Cape

Bright Commander's Sword + Cape

Bright Officer's Rune

Bright Officer's Trilaiti

BrightPyre Warrior's Cape

BrightPyre Warrior's Cape and Rune

BrightPyre Warrior's Rune

Cosmic Frost Guardian Dragon

Cosmic Frost Omen Dragon

Cosmic Frost Rift

Cosmic Omen Rift

Cryomagus Aura (0 AC)

Cryomagus Aura (AC)

Cryomagus Wings (0 AC)

Cryomagus Wings (AC)

Enchanted Frost Wolf Spirit

Enchanted Snowflakes

Enchanted Wolf Warrior's Wings

Eternal Cosmic Guardian Dragon

Eternal Cosmic Omen Dragon

Fest-EBIL Back Blades (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Back Blades (AC)

Fest-EBIL Jet (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Jet (AC)

Fest-EBIL Spined Tail (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Spined Tail (AC)

Fest-EBIL Turret (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Turret (AC)

Festive Enamel Snowflakes

Festive Sled Racer Cape

Festive Sled Racer Cape and Enamel Snowflakes

Festive Snowflakes

Frigid Ice Halation

Frost Commander Cape

Frost Fox Spirits (0 AC)

Frost Fox Spirits (AC)

Frost Primal Cape

Frostbitten Dawn Cloak

Frostbitten Dawn Sigil

Frostborn Wolf Warrior's Wings

Frostval Cheermaker Cape

Frozen Arabesque Wings (0 AC)

Frozen Arabesque Wings (AC)

FrozenDawn Cloak

FrozenDawn Half Cloak

FrozenFlame Crystal

FrozenFlame Crystal and Cape

FrozenFlame Warrior's Cape

Furred Hunter's Cape

Giant Pinkie Panda On Your Back

Giftbox Cape 2022 (AC)

Giftbox Cape 2022 (Quest)

GlitterFrost Fairy Wings

Holiday Courier Cape (0 AC)

Holiday Courier Cape (AC)

Midwinter Cutie Cape

Midwinter Snowflakes

Mini Aurora Cape

Minty Lantern + Candy Cane

Naval CommanDEER's Lit Antlers

Noel Marauder Cape (0 AC)

Noel Marauder Cape (AC)

Noel Marauder Cape (Legend)

Noel Marauder Sack (AC)

Noel Marauder Sack (Non-AC)
Northlands Paladin's Wrap

Paladin's Gilded Winter Rune

Paladin's Winter Rune

Permafrost Enchanter Cape

PinkGlitter Fairy Gold Wings

PinkGlitter Fairy Wings

Pinkie Panda On Your Back

Plushie Panda on Your Back

Primal Tiger Commander's Cape

Primal Void Tigers Cape

Regal Permafrost Enchanter Cape

Regal Rimeblossom Enchanter Cape

RE(in)deer Plushie Cape (AC)

RE(in)deer Plushie Cape (Non-AC)
Rimeblossom Enchanter Cape

Rimeblossom Enchanter Ice Crystals (0 AC)

Rimeblossom Enchanter Ice Crystals (AC)

Royal Winter Paladin Back Claymore

Royal Winter Paladin Backblades

Royal Winter Snowflakes

ShadowFlame BackBlades

Snowy Pendant Cape

Spirit of the Frost Wolf

Spruce Sled Racer Cape

Tinted Pendant Cape

Aurora Cryomagus Grace (0 AC)

Aurora Cryomagus Grace (AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Grace (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Grace (AC)

Dazzling Cryomagus Grace (0 AC)

Dazzling Cryomagus Grace (AC)

Frostball Balcony (0 AC)

Frostball Balcony (AC)

Gleeful Gift Elves Ground Rune (0 AC)

Gleeful Gift Elves Ground Rune (AC)

Permafrost Ground Rune

Petrified Snowflake

Rimeblossom Ground Rune

Antlered Holiday Hat

Antlered Holiday Hat and Locks

Auroran Cryomagus Hair (AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Hair (Non-AC)
Auroran Cryomagus Locks and Hood (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Locks and Hood (AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Ponytail (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Ponytail (AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Shag and Hood (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Shag and Hood (AC)

Beleen's Festive Hero Hat + Hair

Beleen's Festive Hero Hat + Locks

Bright Commander's Crown

Bright Commander's Hair + Mask

Bright Commander's Locks + Mask

Bright Officer's Bob

Bright Officer's Hair

BrightPyre Warrior's Hair

BrightPyre Warrior's Hood

BrightPyre Warrior's Locks

Chic Frostval Locks

Chic Frostval Locks + Glasses

Chic Locks

Chic Locks + Glasses

Cosmic Frost Horned Locks Morph

Cosmic Frost Horns Morph

Cosmic Omen Hair

Cosmic Omen Horned Locks Morph

Cosmic Omen Horns Morph

Cosmic Omen Locks

Cosmic Omen Short Hair

Cosmic Omen Short Locks

Cryomagus Hair (AC)

Cryomagus Hair (Non-AC)
Cryomagus Locks (AC)

Cryomagus Locks and Hood (0 AC)

Cryomagus Locks and Hood (AC)

Cryomagus Locks (Non-AC)
Cryomagus Ponytail (0 AC)

Cryomagus Ponytail (AC)

Cryomagus Shag (0 AC)

Cryomagus Shag (AC)

Cryomagus Shag and Hood (0 AC)

Cryomagus Shag and Hood (AC)

Cute Holiday Hat

Cute Holiday Hat and Locks

Cute Reindeer Antlered Locks

Cute Reindeer Antlers

Derp Panda Helm
Derp Star Helm

EbilSneezer Morph

Enchanted Wolf Warrior's Hair

Enchanted Wolf Warrior's Helm

Enchanted Wolf Warrior's Hood

Enchanted WolfRider's Mask

Fest-EBIL Gentleman Helm (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Gentleman Helm (AC)

Fest-EBIL Lady Helm (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Lady Helm (AC)

Fest-EBIL Terminator Helm (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Terminator Helm (AC)

Festive Artix's Face Morph

Festive Caroler Hat

Festive Caroler Hat and Locks

Festive Caroler Hood

Festive Caroler Hood and Locks

Festive Hair

Festive Locks + Enchanted Bow

Festive Sled Racer Champion Crown

Festive Sled Racer Hat

Festive Sled Racer Locks and Crown

Festive Sled Racer Locks and Hat

Frigid Hair

Frigid Hair Morph

Frigid Locks

Frigid Locks Morph

Frigid Paperboy Cap

Frigid Papergirl Cap

Frost Fiend Hood

Frost Tiger Hood

Frostball Aristocrat Chapeau (0 AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Chapeau (AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Chapeau Visage (0 AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Chapeau Visage (AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Hat (0 AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Hat (AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Hat Visage (0 AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Hat Visage (AC)

Frostball Hair (AC)

Frostball Hair (Non-AC)
Frostball Hair Visage (AC)

Frostball Hair Visage (Legend)

Frostball Locks (AC)

Frostball Locks (Non-AC)
Frostball Locks Visage (AC)

Frostball Locks Visage (Legend)

Frostborn Wolf Warrior's Helm

Frostborn Wolf Warrior's Hood

Frostborn WolfRider's Mask

Frostlorn Hair

Frostlorn Locks

Frostval Fa Hat (0 AC)

Frostval Fa Hat (AC)

Frozen Arabesque Crystalized Hair (0 AC)

Frozen Arabesque Crystalized Hair (AC)

Frozen Arabesque Crystallized Goatee (0 AC)

Frozen Arabesque Crystallized Goatee (AC)

Frozen Arabesque Goatee (AC)

Frozen Arabesque Goatee and Horns (AC)

Frozen Arabesque Goatee and Horns (Legend)

Frozen Arabesque Goatee (Non-AC)
Frozen Arabesque Hair (AC)

Frozen Arabesque Hair and Horns (AC)

Frozen Arabesque Hair and Horns (Legend)

Frozen Arabesque Hair (Non-AC)
Frozen Paladin's Helm

FrozenDawn Antlers

FrozenDawn Antlers + Locks

FrozenDawn Hair

FrozenDawn Herald's Beret

FrozenDawn Herald's Beret + Locks

FrozenDawn Herald's Hair

FrozenDawn Herald's Locks

FrozenDawn Locks

FrozenFlame Warrior's Hood

FrozenFlame Warrior's Hooded Hair

Garaja Face Morph

Giftbox Helm 2022

Giftbox Helm (Female) 2022

Giftbox Helm (Male) 2022

GlitterFrost Fairy Hair

Green Santa Cutie

Green Santa Hunk

Holiday Courier Hair (0 AC)

Holiday Courier Hair (AC)

Holiday Courier Hood (0 AC)

Holiday Courier Hood (AC)

Holiday Courier Hooded Locks (0 AC)

Holiday Courier Hooded Locks (AC)

Holiday Courier Locks (0 AC)

Holiday Courier Locks (AC)

Little Reindeer Morph

Midwinter Antlered Hat

Midwinter Antlered Hat and Locks

Midwinter Beanie

Midwinter Beanie and Locks

Midwinter Cutie Hat

Midwinter Cutie Hat and Locks

Naval CommanDEER's Tricorn

Noel Marauder Bearded Helm (AC)

Noel Marauder Bearded Helm (Legend)

Noel Marauder Helm (0 AC)

Noel Marauder Helm (AC)

Northlands Hunter Helmet

Northlands Hunter Winged Helm

Northlands Paladin Helm

PandaPlush Hood

PandaPlush Hood + Locks

Permafrost Enchanter Braid and Crown

Permafrost Enchanter Braids
Permafrost Enchanter Hair
Permafrost Enchanter Hair and Crown

PinkGlitter Fairy Hair

PinkGlitter Fairy Tiara

Pinkie Panda Hood

Pinkie Panda Hood + Locks

Primal Tiger's Hood

Primal Void Tiger's Hood

Red Nosed CommanDEER's Tricorn

Regal Rimeblossom Crowned Hood (AC)

Regal Rimeblossom Crowned Hood (Legend)

Regal Rimeblossom Hood (0 AC)

Regal Rimeblossom Hood (AC)

Rimeblossom Enchanter Braid and Crown

Rimeblossom Enchanter Braids

Rimeblossom Enchanter Crowned Hood

Rimeblossom Enchanter Hair

Rimeblossom Enchanter Hair and Crown

Rimeblossom Enchanter Hood

Royal Rimeblossom Crowned Hood

Royal Rimeblossom Hood

Royal Winter Paladin Crown

Royal Winter Paladin Diadem

Royal Winter Paladin Hair

Royal Winter Paladin Locks

ShadowFlame Claws Hat

ShadowFlame Claws Hood

Snow Beanie

Snow Beanie and Locks

Snow Warrior's Hair

Snow Warrior's Locks

Snowview Innkeeper Angry Morph

Snowview Innkeeper Blushing Morph

Snowview Innkeeper Hair

Snowview Innkeeper Hat

Snowview Innkeeper Morph

Snowview Innkeeper Winking Morph

Snowy Caroler Hat

Snowy Caroler Hat and Locks

Snowy Caroler Hood

Snowy Caroler Hood and Locks

Spruce Sled Racer Hat

Spruce Sled Racer Locks and Hat

Suave Frostval Hair + Glasses

Suave Frostval Hat

Suave Hair

Suave Hair + Glasses

Arctic Fox Guard

Arctic Fox Guard At Rest

Boughs of Holly

Boughs of Holly (Vertical)

Cartful of Gifts

Festive Flying Piggy Guard

Frostval Brightrise Fortress

Frostval Dage the Good NPC

Frostval Fireplace

Frostval Gravelyn the Good NPC

Frostval Obvious Friend NPC

Frostval Shelf

Frostval Wreath

Holiday Party Piggy Guard

Holiday Yulgar's Inn

Ice Plane Castle (AC)

Ice Plane Castle (Quest)

Kitty Yu-Yule Guard

Merry Frostval Eve Tree

Northlands Getaway House

Rocking Chair

Spirit Of Frostval

Swordhaven Candy Castle

Sword In the Ice

Winter Table

Ziri's Holiday Horror Kitty

Collection Chest Details (23)
Fire Starting Kit

Forest Green Dye
Gold Voucher 25k Updated
Icy Fur

Red Ribbon

Scythes Coming Soon
Silver Tinsel

Turkey Leg? (Misc)

Wrapping Paper

Arctic Fox Pet

Arctic Wolf Pup

Armor Customizer Mort Pet

Baby Frost Dragon

CandyCane Capybara BattlePet

CandyCane Capybara Pet

Cute Snowy Nimbo

Cutesy Bubble Cat

Cutesy Pink Bubble Cat

Cutesy Pinkie Panda

Dire Wolf Pup

Frostborn Wolf Cub

Frostval Giftbox Evergreeny Pet

Frostval Giftbox Mort Moglin Pet

Frostval Giftbox Sage Pet

Frostval Giftbox Snowy Moglin Pet

Frostval Giftbox Twig Pet

Frostval Giftbox Twilly Pet

Frostval Giftbox Zorbak Moglin Pet

Frostval Gravelyn Bank Buddy

Frostval Mirror Gravelyn Bank Buddy

Frostval Snowy Tree

Frostval Tree (Pet)

Frostval Waddles Bank Pet (0 AC)

Frostval Waddles Bank Pet (AC)

Frozen Dracolich Pet

Giftbearers of Darkness (0 AC)

Giftbearers of Darkness (AC)

Giftbox Pet 2022 (AC)

Giftbox Pet 2022 (Quest)

Hair Customizer Zorbak Pet

Holiday Mort + Binky Bank Pet (0 AC)

Holiday Mort + Binky Bank Pet (AC)

Jolly Twilly

Midnight Wolf Pup

Midwinter Snowy Nimbo

Moonlit Wolf Pup

Mr. Twilly the Mean One

Nerfed Overfiend Battle Pet

Nerfed Overfiend Blade Pet

Panda Plush

Peppermint Queen Victoria Bank Buddy

PermaFrost Collection Chest

Primal Tiger of the Void

Reind'AWWW Moglin

Snowy Nimbo

Snowy Tree

Winter Baby Bobble

Blight Oracle Axe

Bright Officer's Axe (Axe)

Enchanted WolfRider's Axe

Frigid Wolf Axe (AC)

Frigid Wolf Axe (Non-AC)
Frost Tiger Axe

Frostborn WolfRider's Axe

Frostval Barbarian Axe

Glacial Light of Destiny

Nerfed Blinding Light of Destiny

Noel Marauder Axe (AC)

Noel Marauder Axe (Non-AC)
Primal Tiger Axe

Bow of the Oracle

Festive Golden Snowflake Bow

Halcyon Bow of Blessings

Twisted Gift Bow

Awakened Frost Katanas

Awakened Primal Katanas

Blades of the Oracle

Blight Oracle Axes

Blight Oracle Daggers

Bright Officer's Kunais

Bright Officer's Scythes

Bright Officer's Sword + Axe

Cosmic Frost Omen Breakers

Cosmic Omen Breakers

Cutesy Pink Panda Bats

Darkwood Carved Armaments

Enchanted Wolf Warrior's Blades

Enchanted Wolf Warrior's Katanas

Fest-EBIL Katanas (AC)

Fest-EBIL Katanas (Legend)

Festive Wood Carved Armaments

Frigid Wolf Axes (AC)

Frigid Wolf Axes (Legend)

Frigid Wolf Blades (0 AC)

Frigid Wolf Blades (AC)

Frigid Wolf Daggers (AC)

Frigid Wolf Daggers (Legend)

Frost Saber Teeth

Frost Tiger Axes

Frost Tiger Katanas

Frostborn Wolf Warrior's Blades

Frostborn Wolf Warrior's Katanas

Frostval Barbarian Axes

Frostval Holly + Candle

FrozenDawn Herald's Rapiers

Giftbox Daggers 2022 (AC)

Giftbox Daggers 2022 (Quest)

Giftwrapped Bludgeons (AC)

Giftwrapped Bludgeons (Legend)

Golden Snowflake Sickles

Mix n' Match Sickles

Mystical Ice Katanas

Noel Marauder Axe and Sleigh Shield (0 AC)

Noel Marauder Axe and Sleigh Shield (AC)

Noel Marauder Axes (AC)

Noel Marauder Axes (Legend)

Northlands Hunter Blades

PandaPlush Bamboo Snacks

PandaPlush Bats

Primal Saber Teeth

Primal Tiger Axes

Primal Void Tiger Katanas

Radiant Ice Torches

Royal Paladin's Avalanches

Royal Winter Paladin Rapiers

Royal Winter Paladin's Starlight Sentinel

Royal Winter Paladin's Starlight Sentinels

Royal Winter Paladin's Starlights

ShadowFlame Knuckle Swords

Snowflake Sickles

Strawberry Bamboo Panda Snacks

Swords of the Oracle

Torches of Yore

Auroran Cryomagus Tome (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Tome (AC)

Cryomagus Tome (0 AC)

Cryomagus Tome (AC)

Enchanted WolfRider's Claws

Fest-EBIL Claw (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Claw (AC)

Frost Claw

Frostborn WolfRider's Claws

Permafrost Enchanter Claws

Primal Void Tiger Claw

Rimeblossom Enchanter Claws

Arctic Fox Plushie (0 AC)

Arctic Fox Plushie (AC)

Bright Officer's Scythe

Cutesy Pink Panda Bat

Elegant Frostball Fan (0 AC)

Elegant Frostball Fan (AC)

Fest-EBIL Hand-Turret (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Hand-Turret (AC)

Festive Wand

Frigid Bell Flail

Frostball Aristocrat Fan (AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Fan (Non-AC)
Frostball Aristocrat Mask (0 AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Mask (AC)

Giftwrapped Bludgeon (AC)

Giftwrapped Bludgeon (Non-AC)
Golden Snowflake Sickle

Key of Eternal Joy

PandaPlush Bamboo Snack

PandaPlush Bat

Radiant Ice Torch

RE(in)deer Plushie

Royal Winter Paladin Hammer

Snowflake Sickle

Strawberry Bamboo Panda Snack

SugarSweet Frostval Hammer

Sweet Blue Frostval Hammer

Torch of Yore

Bright Officer's Axe (Polearm)

Bright Oracle Halberd

Cosmic Frost Scythe

Frigid Wolf Scythe

Frozen Arabesque Spear (0 AC)

Frozen Arabesque Spear (AC)

Kitty's Last Lunch

Ray of Honor

Royal Winter Paladin's Sentinel

Spear of the Oracle

Twisted Gift Scythe

Auroran Cryomagus Staff (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Staff (AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Wand (0 AC)

Auroran Cryomagus Wand (AC)

Cryomagus Staff (0 AC)

Cryomagus Staff (AC)

Cryomagus Wand (0 AC)

Cryomagus Wand (AC)

Deluxe Candy Cane

Elegant Frostball Cane (AC)

Elegant Frostball Cane (Non-AC)
Festive Silver Star Staff

Festive Snowflake Staff

Frigid Ice Staff

Frigid Wolf Staff

Frostball Aristocrat Cane (AC)

Frostball Aristocrat Cane (Legend)

Frozen Arabesque Staff (0 AC)

Frozen Arabesque Staff (AC)

Garaja Staff

Licorice Candy Cane

Magic Candy Cane

Noel Marauder Staff (0 AC)

Noel Marauder Staff (AC)

Noel Marauder Staff (Legend)

Permafrost Lightning

Staff of Platinum Joy

Sweet Blue Frostval Cane (0 AC)

Sweet Blue Frostval Cane (AC)

Aurora Starsword

Awakened Frost Katana

Awakened Primal Katana

Blade of Platinum Joy

Blade of the Oracle

Blight Oracle Dagger

Bright Officer's Blade

Bright Officer's Kunai

Cosmic Frost Omen Breaker

Cosmic Omen Breaker

DarkIce Calibreaker

Deer Starsword

Derp Star Sword

Enchanted Wolf Warrior's Blade

Enchanted Wolf Warrior's Katana

Fest-EBIL Katana (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Katana (AC)

Fest-EBIL Terminator Claymore (0 AC)

Fest-EBIL Terminator Claymore (AC)

Festive Silver Star Blade

Frigid Wolf Blade (0 AC)

Frigid Wolf Blade (AC)

Frigid Wolf Dagger (0 AC)

Frigid Wolf Dagger (AC)

Frost Saber Tooth

Frost Sheathed Katanas

Frost Tiger Katana

Frostborn Wolf Warrior's Blade

Frostborn Wolf Warrior's Katana

Frostval Morning Blade

Frostval Tree Sword

Frozen Arabesque Sword (0 AC)

Frozen Arabesque Sword (AC)

FrozenDawn Herald's Rapier

Giftbox Sword 2022 (AC)

Giftbox Sword 2022 (Quest)

Great Sword of the Oracle

Nerfed Blade

Nerfed Blade of Awe

Nerfed Doom Blade

Nerfed Dragonblade

Nerfed Overfiend Blade

Northlands Hunter Blade

Primal Saber Tooth

Primal Sheathed Katanas

Primal Void Tiger Katana

Royal Paladin's Avalanche

Royal Winter Paladin Rapier

Royal Winter Paladin's Starlight

ShadowFlame Knuckle Sword

Sword of the Oracle

Classy Cane of Ebil

Elegant Cane of Ebil

GlitterFrost Fairy Wand

PinkGlitter Fairy Wand

Change Log:
- Double Gold boost until Monday, December 6th.
WorldBreaker LQS

Frostval Giftbox House

Holiday Battle Pack
2021 Gifting Tier 1

2021 Gifting Tier 2

2021 Gifting Tier 3

2021 Gifting Tier 4

Thorezek Worldbreaker

Frostval Giftbox Houses

Holiday Battle Pack
Frostval 2021 Collection

Hero of Generosity I

Hero of Generosity II

Hero of Generosity III

Hero of Generosity IV

Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Deer Hunt
Frostvale Updated
Mount Otzi
Otzi War
Frightened Owl
Frosty (Level 5) Updated
Gauden Hound
Gauden Hound (Version 2)
Giefurious Updated
Giefurious Updated
Giefury Updated
Gifthulu (Monster) Updated
Huntress Valais
Mangled Stag
Mangled Stag (Version 2)
Scared Wolf
Sluagh Mellori
Sluagh Mellori (Version 2)
Sluagh Warrior
Slaugh Warrior (Version 2)
Stitched Stag
Jack Lindsey
Reggie Lindsey
Tinsel Updated
Trissa Surehunter
Valencia Surehunter
Belsnickel's Quests
Good King QuibbleClaus Pet's Quest
Gundahar's Quests
Tinsel's Quests Updated
Trissa Surehunter's Quests
Valencia Surehunter's Quests
2021 Gifting Tier 1

2021 Gifting Tier 2

2021 Gifting Tier 3

2021 Gifting Tier 4

Enchanted Giftbox House (Shop)
Featured Collection Chest Returns Updated
Featured Gear Shop Updated
Frostval 2021 Collection
Frostval Gift Boxes! Returns Updated
Frostval Seasonal Shop Updated
Gundahar's Stash
Helsgrove Merge
Holiday Hero Battle Pack
Huntress Merge
Quibble Coinbiter's Fifty-Fourth Shop
WorldBreaker Set
Wild Huntress' War
ArmorsBright SnowAngel (AC)

Bright SnowAngel (Non-AC)
Celestial Celebrant (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant (AC)

Dark SnowAngel (0 AC)

Dark SnowAngel (AC)

Enchanted Aurora Summoner (0 AC)

Enchanted Aurora Summoner (AC)

Festive Giftbearer

Festive Punk Elf
Frostberge Knight (0 AC)

Frostberge Knight (AC)

FrostElf Warrior (AC)

Frostlorn Bonedancer (AC)

Frostlorn Bonedancer (Legend)

Frostlorn Necromancer (0 AC)

Frostlorn Necromancer (AC)

Frostlorn Neophyte (0 AC)

Frostlorn Neophyte (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner (0 AC)

Frostlorn Summoner (AC)

Frostval Trissa Armor

Frostval Valencia Armor

Frostval Villager Armor

Furred Ice Giant

Giftbox Armor 2021 (AC)

Giftbox Armor 2021 (Quest)

Glacial FrostElf Royalty

Golden Fiend Warrior (0 AC)

Golden Fiend Warrior (AC)

Golden FrostElf Royalty

GoldenStag Warrior Chief (0 AC)

GoldenStag Warrior Chief (AC)

Helsgrove Guardian

Ice Wizard (2)

Joyous Traveler (0 AC)

Joyous Traveler (AC)

Leonides Guard Captain (0 AC)

Leonides Guard Captain (AC)

Leonides Guard Captain (Legend)

Leonides Lord Commander (0 AC)

Leonides Lord Commander (AC)

Leonides Lord Commander (Legend)

Northlands Worshipper

Punk Coal Elf


SilverStag Warrior (0 AC)

SilverStag Warrior (AC)

Thorezek WorldBreaker

Titanium FrostElf Royalty

Winter Legion Warrior

WinterWild Warrior

Yeti Destroyer (0 AC)

Yeti Destroyer (AC)

Yeti Destroyer (Legend)

Yeti Hunter (0 AC)

Yeti Hunter (AC)

Aurora Summoner's Eternal Aurora (0 AC)

Aurora Summoner's Eternal Aurora (AC)

Aurora Summoner's High Robe (0 AC)

Aurora Summoner's High Robe (AC)

Aurora Summoner's Rune (0 AC)

Aurora Summoner's Rune (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's Rune (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's Rune (Non-AC)
Bright SnowAngel's Wings (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's Wings (Legend)

Celestial Celebrant's Chibi Wings (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Chibi Wings (Non-AC)
Celestial Celebrant's Dawn Wings (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Dawn Wings (AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Rune (AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Rune (Legend)

Dark SnowAngel's Wings (0 AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Wings (AC)

Dual Yeti Soul Crusher Cape (0 AC)

Dual Yeti Soul Crusher Cape (AC)

Festive Giftbearer Backblade

Festive Punk Elf's Back Gun
Festive Punk Elf's Bag
Fiendish Giftbag

Frostberge Frozen Star (0 AC)

Frostberge Frozen Star (AC)

Frostberge Knight Cape (AC)

Frostberge Knight Cape (Non-AC)
Frostberge Knight Quiver (AC)

Frostberge Knight Quiver (Non-AC)
Frostlorn Ice Aura (0 AC)

Frostlorn Ice Aura (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Cape (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Cape (Non-AC)
Frostval Villager's Lantern

Furred Ice Giant Ice Bag

Giftbox Cape 2021 (AC)

Giftbox Cape 2021 (Quest)

Glacial FrostElf Scarves

Golden Fiend Warrior's Cape (0 AC)

Golden Fiend Warrior's Cape (AC)

Golden FrostElf Scarves

Golden Leonides Cape (0 AC)

Golden Leonides Cape (AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Cloak (0 AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Cloak (AC)

Great Northlands Spirit

Helsgrove Guardian Tail

Ice Wizard's Portal

Ice Wizard's Rune

Joyous Traveler High Robe (0 AC)

Joyous Traveler High Robe (AC)

Joyous Traveler's Ringed Wings (0 AC)

Joyous Traveler's Ringed Wings (AC)

Punk Coal Elf's Back Gun

Punk Coal Elf's Bag

Shadowsleigher's Assistant Cape

SilverStag Warrior's Cloak (0 AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Cloak (AC)

Titanium FrostElf Scarves

WinterWild Back Blades

WinterWild Warrior Back Axes

Worldbreaker's Cloak

Worldbreaker's Cloak + Spikes

Yeti Chained Soul Crusher Cape (0 AC)

Yeti Chained Soul Crusher Cape (AC)

Winter Legion Warrior Bladed Cape

Winter Legion Warrior Cape

Winter Legion Warrior Sword (Cape)

Worldbreaker's Frozen Spikes

Tundra Rune

Aurora Summoner's Crown (0 AC)

Aurora Summoner's Crown (AC)

Aurora Summoner's Crown + Locks (0 AC)

Aurora Summoner's Crown + Locks (AC)

Aurora Summoner's Hair (AC)

Aurora Summoner's Hair (Non-AC)
Aurora Summoner's Locks (AC)

Aurora Summoner's Locks (Non-AC)
Bright SnowAngel's Hair (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's Hair (Non-AC)
Bright SnowAngel's Locks (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's Locks (Non-AC)
Bright SnowAngel's Morph (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's Morph (Legend)

Bright SnowAngel's Morph + Locks (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's Morph + Locks (Legend)

Celestial Celebrant's Glasses + Locks (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Glasses + Locks (Legend)

Celestial Celebrant's Glasses Morph (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Glasses Morph (Legend)

Celestial Celebrant's Hair (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Hair (Non-AC)
Celestial Celebrant's Locks (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Locks (Non-AC)
Celestial Celebrant's Morph (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Morph (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Morph + Locks (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Morph + Locks (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Starred Hair (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Starred Hair (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Starred Locks (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Starred Locks (AC)

Chibi GroveRider's Accessories

Chibi GroveRider's Accessories + Bridle

Chibi GroveRider's Hair

Chibi GroveRider's Hair + Bridle

Chibi GroveRider's Locks

Chibi GroveRider's Locks + Bridle

Dark SnowAngel's Hair (AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Hair (Legend)

Dark SnowAngel's Locks (AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Locks (Legend)

Dark SnowAngel's Morph (0 AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Morph (AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Morph + Locks (0 AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Morph + Locks (AC)

Enchanted Frostberge Locks (0 AC)

Enchanted Frostberge Locks (AC)

Festive Giftbearer Hair

Festive Giftbearer Hair + Scarf

Festive Giftbearer Locks

Festive Giftbearer Locks + Scarf

Festive Punk Elf's Hair
Festive Punk Elf's Locks
Frostberge Knight Hair (AC)

Frostberge Knight Hair (Non-AC)
Frostberge Knight Helm (0 AC)

Frostberge Knight Helm (AC)

Frostberge Knight Hood (0 AC)

Frostberge Knight Hood (AC)

Frostberge Knight Hood + Locks (0 AC)

Frostberge Knight Hood + Locks (AC)

Frostberge Knight Locks (0 AC)

Frostberge Knight Locks (AC)

FrostElf Warrior Hair (0 AC)

FrostElf Warrior Hair (AC)

FrostElf Warrior Locks (0 AC)

FrostElf Warrior Locks (AC)

Frostlorn Hooded Skull (0 AC)

Frostlorn Hooded Skull (AC)

Frostlorn Hooded Skull (Legend)

Frostlorn Horned Hair (AC)

Frostlorn Horned Hair (Non-AC)
Frostlorn Horned Skull + Hood (0 AC)

Frostlorn Horned Skull + Hood (AC)

Frostlorn Horns + Shaved Hair (AC)

Frostlorn Horns + Shaved Hair (Non-AC)
Frostlorn Necro Skull (0 AC)

Frostlorn Necro Skull (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Hair (0 AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Hair (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Mask + Hood (0 AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Mask + Hood (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Swoop (0 AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Swoop (AC)

Frostval Villager Hood

Frostval Villager Hood + Locks

Frostval Villager Morph

Frostval Villager Morph + Locks

Furred Ice Giant Bearded Morph

Furred Ice Giant Morph

Giftbox Helm 2021 A (AC)

Giftbox Helm 2021 A (Quest)

Giftbox Helm 2021 B (AC)

Giftbox Helm 2021 B (Quest)

Giftbox Helm 2021 C (AC)

Giftbox Helm 2021 C (Quest)

Giftbox Helm 2021 D (AC)

Giftbox Helm 2021 D (Quest)

Glacial FrostElf Crown

Glacial FrostElf Crown + Locks

Glacial FrostElf Helm

Golden Fiend Warrior's Helm (0 AC)

Golden Fiend Warrior's Helm (AC)

Golden FrostElf Crown

Golden FrostElf Crown + Locks

Golden FrostElf Helm

Golden FrostElf Helm + Mask

GoldenStag Horned Helm (0 AC)

GoldenStag Horned Helm (AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Helmet (AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Helmet (Legend)

Helsgrove Guardian Antlers + Scarf

Helsgrove Guardian Colorful Antlers + Scarf

Helsgrove Guardian Colorful Scarf

Helsgrove Guardian Hair

Helsgrove Guardian Scarf

Ice Warlock's Hood

Ice Witch's Hood

Joyous Traveler Crown + Locks (0 AC)

Joyous Traveler Crown + Locks (AC)

Joyous Traveler Crown + Morph (0 AC)

Joyous Traveler Crown + Morph (AC)

Joyous Traveler Hair (AC)

Joyous Traveler Hair (Non-AC)
Joyous Traveler Locks (AC)

Joyous Traveler Locks (Non-AC)
Leonides Crested Helm (0 AC)

Leonides Crested Helm (AC)

Leonides Hair (AC)

Leonides Hair (Non-AC)
Leonides Helm (AC)

Leonides Helm (Legend)

Leonides Tail (AC)

Leonides Tail (Non-AC)
Northlands Worshipper Cowl

Northlands Worshipper Cowl + Halo

Punk Coal Elf's Hair

Punk Coal Elf's Locks

Shadowsleigher Stocking Cap

Shadowsleigher Stocking Cap + Locks

Shadowsleigher Visage

SilverStag Warrior's Helmet (AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Helmet (Legend)

SilverStag Warrior's Horned Helm (0 AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Horned Helm (AC)

Titanium FrostElf Headdress

Titanium FrostElf Headdress + Locks

Titanium FrostElf Helm

Titanium FrostElf Mask

Trissa's Hair + Hat

Trissa's Locks + Hat

Valencia's Hair + Hat

Valencia's Locks + Hat

Winter Legion Warrior Helm

WinterWild Beard

WinterWild Hood

WinterWild Hood + Beard

WinterWild Locks

Worldbreaker's Guard Helmet

Worldbreaker's Horned Helmet

Yeti Destroyer Horned Hair (AC)

Yeti Destroyer Horned Hair (Legend)

Yeti Destroyer Horned Locks (AC)

Yeti Destroyer Horned Locks (Legend)

Yeti Hunter Hair (AC)

Yeti Hunter Hair (Non-AC)
Yeti Hunter Horned Hair (0 AC)

Yeti Hunter Horned Hair (AC)

Yeti Hunter Horned Locks (0 AC)

Yeti Hunter Horned Locks (AC)

Yeti Hunter Locks (AC)

Yeti Hunter Locks (Non-AC) Housing
Brand Awareness Wall Decal

Cafe Barrel I

Cafe Barrel II

Cafe Ceiling Light

Cafe Cup Shelves

Cafe Decorated Shelves

Cafe Drink Bar

Cafe Hanging Lights Cluster

Cafe Hanging Lights Cluster II

Cafe Hanging Lights Row

Cafe Lantern I

Cafe Menu

Cafe Stool

Cafe Stool For a Friend

Cafe Table + Greenery

Cafe Wall Bottles

Cafe Wall Light I

Cafe Wall Light II

Cafe Wall Light Trio

Cafe Wall TV

Classy Giftbox House

Dotty Giftbox House

Enchanted Giftbox House (House)

Frostval Generosity Trophy I

Frostval Generosity Trophy II

Frostval Generosity Trophy III

Frostval Generosity Trophy IV

Frostval Shadowfall House

Frostval Twig + Candycane (L)

Frostval Twig + Candycane (R)

Frostval Twilly + Giftpile (L)

Frostval Twilly + Giftpile (R)

Frostval Zorbak + Treat (L)

Frostval Zorbak + Treat (R)

Frosty Wreath

Giftron House Guard (L)

Giftron House Guard (R)

Late Night Scarbucks Shop

Lovely Giftbox House

Northlands Deer House Guard (1)

Northlands Deer House Guard (2)

Northlands Ice Castle

Pile of Snowy Skulls

Pot de Deux

Quantum Artix Poster

Scarbucks Cafe Shop

Scarbucks Ground Logo

Scarbucks Iconic Logo

Scarbucks! The Name Logo

Shadowsleigher House Guard (L)

Shadowsleigher House Guard (R)

Signed Quantum Artix Poster

Snowy Scarbucks Shop

Starry Giftbox House

Striped Giftbox House

Table for Two... to Go

Table for Two... to Stay

Zweinichthirsch House Guard (L)

Zweinichthirsch House Guard (R)

Collection Chest Details (17)
Frostval Treat
Generosity Coin

Gifting Rewards Note

Golden Branch
Hazel Switch
Icy Pelt

Sluagh Bell

Angry Snow Man

Angry Snow Man

Chaos Alteon Giftbork

Chaos Lionfang Giftbork

Escherion Giftbork

Festive Trobble

Frightened Owl Pet

Frost Vampragon

Frostval Polish Bank Pet (0 AC)

Frostval Polish Bank Pet (AC)

Giftbearer Polish Pet

Giftron Bank Pet

Giftwrapped Trobble

Good King Quibble Bank Pet (0 AC)

Good King Quibble Bank Pet (AC)

Good King QuibbleClaus Pet (0 AC)

Good King QuibbleClaus Pet (AC)

Good King QuibbleClaus Pet (Legend)

Iadoa Giftbork

Khasaanda Giftbork

Kimberly Giftbork

Kitsune Giftbork

Ledgermayne Giftbork

Quibble Bank Pet

Shadowsleigher's Combat Assistant

Tibicenas Giftbork

Twig's Frostval Collection 2021

Vath Giftbork

Winterwild Wolf

Wolfwing Giftbork

Xiang Giftbork

Energized TimeSplitter Axe (1)

Energized TimeSplitter Axe (2)

Festive Light of Destiny (0 AC)

Festive Light of Destiny (AC)

FrozenShard Axe

Golden Leonides Axe (0 AC)

Golden Leonides Axe (AC)

Ionized TimeSplitter Axe

Winter Legion Warrior Axe

WinterWild Axe

Bright SnowAngel's Bow (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's Bow (Legend)

Dark SnowAngel's Bow (0 AC)

Dark SnowAngel's Bow (AC)

Energized TimeSplitter Bow

Frostval Villager's Bow

Glacial FrostElf Bow

Golden FrostElf Bow

Ionized TimeSplitter Bow

Celestial Celebrant's Law Accoutrements (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Law Accoutrements (AC)

Dual Festive Giftbearer Blades

Dual Festive Gilded Batons

Dual Festive Punk Elf's Stabbers

Dual FrostElf Warrior Swords (0 AC)

Dual FrostElf Warrior Swords (AC)

Dual Helsgrove Gilded Batons

Dual Huntress Blades

Dual Ice Giant Clubs

Dual Ice Giant Hammers

Dual Punk Coal Elf's Stabbers

Dual Shadowsleigher Kringlemesser

Dual Winter Legion Warrior Swords

Dual WinterWild Axes

Dual Yeti Hunter Soul Trident (0 AC)

Dual Yeti Hunter Soul Trident (AC)

Dual Yeti Soul Crusher Blade (0 AC)

Dual Yeti Soul Crusher Blade (AC)

Energized TimeSplitter Guns

Frostberge Dagger And Shield (AC)

Frostberge Dagger And Shield (Legend)

Frostberge Daggers (AC)

Frostberge Daggers (Non-AC)
Frostberge Knight Bow And Arrow (0 AC)

Frostberge Knight Bow And Arrow (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Orb + Staff (0 AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Orb + Staff (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Orbs (0 AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Orbs (AC)

FrostWarlord Daggers

FrostWarlord Handguns

FrostWarlord Laser Guns

Giftbox Dagger 2021 (AC)

Giftbox Dagger 2021 (Quest)

Glacial FrostElf Curved Blades

Golden FrostElf Daggers

GoldenStag Warrior's Battle Gear (0 AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Battle Gear (AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Lance + Shield (0 AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Lance + Shield (AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Sabers (AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Sabers (Legend)

Helsgrove Guardian Dual Batons

Ice Wizard's Staff + Tome

Ionized TimeSplitter Guns

Joyous Traveler LongSwords (AC)

Joyous Traveler LongSwords (Legend)

Northlands BattleGear

SilverStag Warrior's Battle Gear (0 AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Battle Gear (AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Lance + Shield (0 AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Lance + Shield (AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Sabers (AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Sabers (Legend)

Titanium FrostElf BattleGear

Titanium FrostElf Blades

Titanium FrostElf Reversed Daggers

Titanium FrostElf ShortSwords

WinterWild Dagger

Worldbreaker's Armblades

Worldbreaker's Blade + Shield

Yeti Soul Destroyer Claws (0 AC)

Yeti Soul Destroyer Claws (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Light Arrow (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Light Arrow (AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Light Arrows (0 AC)

Celestial Celebrant's Light Arrows (AC)

Energized TimeSplitter Pike

Energized TimeSplitter Pikes

Helsgrove Guardian's ArmClaw

Helsgrove Guardian's Dual ArmClaws

Ionized TimeSplitter Pike

Ionized TimeSplitter Pikes

Dread Pirate's Gunfish

Festive Punk Elf's Machine Gun
FrostWarlord Devastator

Punk Coal Elf's Machine Gun

Energized TimeSplitter Gun

FrostWarlord Handgun

FrostWarlord Laser Gun

Ionized TimeSplitter Gun

Aurora Summoner's Lyre (0 AC)

Aurora Summoner's Lyre (AC)

Black Coffee

Festive Cookie Mace

Festive Gilded Baton

Festive Monster Cookie Mace

Festive Punk Elf Stabber

Festive Punk Elf's Dynamite
Frostberge Knight Hammer (0 AC)

Frostberge Knight Hammer (AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Orb (0 AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Orb (AC)

Frostval Villager Handheld Lantern

Frostval Villager Satchel

Frostval Wand

Furred Ice Giant Club

Furred Ice Giant Hammer

Helsgrove Gilded Baton

Helsgrove Guardian Baton

Ice Wizard's Tome

Joyous Traveler's Long Harp (0 AC)

Joyous Traveler's Long Harp (AC)

Joyous Traveler's Lyre (AC)

Joyous Traveler's Lyre (Legend)

Moglin Teddy Mace

Old Moglin Teddy Mace

Pink Festive Cookie Mace

Punk Coal Elf Stabber

Punk Coal Elf's Dynamite

Sora's Cute Frostval Plushie

Titanium FrostElf Reversed Dagger

Worldbreaker's Armblade

Yeti Soul Destroyer Claw (0 AC)

Yeti Soul Destroyer Claw (AC)

Aurora Summoner's Polearm (0 AC)

Aurora Summoner's Polearm (AC)

Festive Punk Elf's Scythe
GoldenStag Warrior's Lance (0 AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Lance (AC)

Punk Coal Elf's Scythe

SilverStag Warrior's Lance (0 AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Lance (AC)

Titanium FrostElf Lance

Wild Huntress' Spear

Winter Legion Warrior Polearm

Yeti Hunter Soul Trident (0 AC)

Yeti Hunter Soul Trident (AC)

Energized TimeSplitter Staff

Frostlorn Mystical Necro Staff (AC)

Frostlorn Mystical Necro Staff (Legend)

Frostlorn Necro Staff (AC)

Frostlorn Necro Staff (Non-AC)
Frostlorn Summoner's Staff (0 AC)

Frostlorn Summoner's Staff (AC)

FrostWarlord Staff

FrozenShard Staff

Ice Wizard's Cane

Ionized TimeSplitter Staff

Aurora Summoner's LongSword (0 AC)

Aurora Summoner's LongSword (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's FrostBlade (AC)

Bright SnowAngel's FrostBlade (Non-AC)
Dark SnowAngel's FrostBlade (0 AC)

Dark SnowAngel's FrostBlade (AC)

Energized TimeSplitter Blade

Festive Giftbearer Greatsword

Festive Giftbearer's Blade

Flamberge Blade (AC)

Flamberge Blade (Legend)

Frostberge Blade (0 AC)

Frostberge Blade (AC)

FrostElf Warrior Sword (0 AC)

FrostElf Warrior Sword (AC)

Frostval Barbarian Blade

FrostWarlord Greatsword

FrozenShard Blade

Giftbox Sword 2021 (AC)

Giftbox Sword 2021 (Quest)

Glacial FrostElf Blade

Glacial FrostElf Curved Blade

Golden Fiend Warrior's Sword (0 AC)

Golden Fiend Warrior's Sword (AC)

Golden FrostElf Blade

GoldenStag Warrior's Saber (AC)

GoldenStag Warrior's Saber (Non-AC)
Icebane Blade

Ionized TimeSplitter Blade

Joyous Traveler Keeper's Sword (AC)

Joyous Traveler Keeper's Sword (Non-AC)
Joyous Traveler LongSword (0 AC)

Joyous Traveler LongSword (AC)

Northlands Zweihander

Shadowsleigher Kringlemesser

SilverStag Warrior's Saber (AC)

SilverStag Warrior's Saber (Non-AC)
Thawed Ice Bane Blade

Titanium FrostElf Blade

Titanium FrostElf ShortSword

Wild Huntress' Blade

Wild Huntress' Sword

Winter Legion Warrior Sword (Sword)

Worldbreaker's Blade

Yeti Soul Crusher Blade (0 AC)

Yeti Soul Crusher Blade (AC)

FrozenShard Wand

Change Log:
- Double Gold boost until Monday, December 14th.
- Max gold cap increased from 5,000,000 to 100,000,000.
- Double CP boost until Friday, December 25th.
- All Level 10+ players with confirmed email on their account received 500 AdventureCoins.
- Double XP, Gold, Rep and CP boosts until Monday, December 28th.
- Double Rep boost until Wednesday, December 30th.
FrozenSoul Chaos

PermaFrost Chaos

Frostlorn Warrior

FrozenSoul Twins

Frostlorn Weapon Pack Character Page Badges
Frostval 2020 Collection
FrozenSoul Chaos Champion

PermaFrost Chaos Champion

Frostlorn Warrior Pack

FrozenSoul Twins

Frostlorn Weapon Pack
Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Frostvale Updated
Gifthulu (Location)
Howard's Hill
Ice Dungeon
Tercessuinotlim Updated
Winter Horror
Abel (Monster)
Arthur and Elise
Chillybones (Version 1)
Chillybones (Version 2) Updated
Crystallized Elemental
Frigid Spirit
FrostBite (Monster) (Version 1)
FrostBite (Monster) (Version 2) Updated
Frosted Banshee
Frozen Demon
Frozen Horror
Frozen Treeant (2)
Frozen Undead
Frozen Wisp
Giefurious Updated
Gifthulu (Monster)
Howard's Grief
Howard's Rage
Ice Crystal (Level 40)
Ice Symbiote (Monster) (Level 30)
Icewing Elite Updated
Icewing Warrior Updated
Image of Glace
Living Ice (Monster) (2) (Level 50)
Shade of Kyanos (Monster)
Spirit of Ice (Monster) (2)
Ultra Vordred (2) Updated
Abel (NPC)
Conflagration Blade (NPC)
Abel's Quests
Bag of Gems Quest Cape's Quest
Bag of Gems Quest Cape's Quest Updated
Blizzy's Quests
Blizzy's Quests
Bow Jangles' Quests
Howard's Quests
Oblivion's Quests Updated
Swindle Bilk's Quests Updated
Tinsel's Quests Updated
Blizzy's Merge
Bow-Jangles Merge
Conflagration Blade (Shop)
Frostlorn Warrior (Shop)
Frostlorn Weapon Pack
Frostval Collection 2020
Frostval Collection 2020 Updated
Frostval Gift Boxes! Updated
FrozenSoul Chaos Champion
FrozenSoul Chaos Twins
Ice Dungeon Merge
PermaFrost Chaos Champion (Shop)
Quibble Coinbiter's Fiftieth Shop
Quibble Coinbiter's Fiftieth Shop Updated
Swindle's Ripoff Emporium
Winter Horror War Chest
Winter Horror War Rewards
Winter Horror War
ArmorsArctic Eldritch
Arctic Naval Commander (0 AC)

Arctic Naval Commander (AC)

Battleready Frostlorn Rogue

Blizzard Naval Commander (0 AC)

Blizzard Naval Commander (AC)

Celestial Claws Suit (0 AC)

Celestial Claws Suit (AC)

Clawsuit Guardian

Draconic Chronomancer

Enchanted Hoodie Outfit

Envoy of Kyanos
Favored of Kyanos
Festive ArchMage Armor (0 AC)

Festive ArchMage Armor (AC)

Festive Yulgar Outfit

Frost Shaman (0 AC)

Frost Shaman (AC)

FrostLorn Mage (0 AC)

FrostLorn Mage (AC)

FrostLorn Shaman (0 AC)

FrostLorn Shaman (AC)

Frostlorn Warrior (Armor)

Frostval Blessing Armor (0 AC)

Frostval Blessing Armor (AC)

Frostval DragonSlayer

Frostval Ice Blessing Outfit

Frozen Warlock Robe

FrozenSoul Chaos Xang

FrozenSoul Chaos Xing

FrozenSoul Drakath

Furred Frostlorn Rogue

Giftbox Armor 2020 (AC)

Giftbox Armor 2020 (Quest)


Jolly Frostval Caster

Jolly Frostval Suit (0 AC)

Jolly Frostval Suit (AC)

Mystical Ice Acolyte

Nechronomancer Armor

Northlands Necromancer (0 AC)

Northlands Necromancer (AC)

Permafrost Chaos Champion (Armor)

Polar Bear Hoodie

Void Santy Claws Suit (0 AC)

Void Santy Claws Suit (AC)

Warrior of Kyanos
Wolfslayer Frostlorn Rogue

Arched Glacial Portal
Arctic Eldritch Tentacles
Bag of Gems Cape (0 AC)

Bag of Gems Cape (AC)

Bag of Gems Quest Cape

Celestial Claws Suit Blades (0 AC)

Celestial Claws Suit Blades (AC)

Clawsuit Guardian Cape

Clawsuit Guardian's Claws

Crystal Ice Back Swords

Crystal Ice Wings

Cutlaxe on your Back (AC)

Cutlaxe on your Back (Non-AC)
Eldritch Falling Shards
Flared Jolly Prismatic Cape + Blades (0 AC)

Flared Jolly Prismatic Cape + Blades (AC)

Flared Jolly Prismatic Furred Cape (AC)

Flared Jolly Prismatic Furred Cape (Non-AC)
Frost Shaman Arms (0 AC)

Frost Shaman Arms (AC)

FrostLorn Shaman Horns (0 AC)

FrostLorn Shaman Horns (AC)

Frostlorn Warrior Cloak

Frostval Cutie Bank Cape (0 AC)

Frostval Cutie Bank Cape (AC)

Frostval DragonSlayer Cloak

Frostval Ice Blessing Cloak

Frozen Warlock Dual Wings

Frozen Warlock Rune

Frozen Warlock Runed Wings

Frozen Warlock Wings

Frozen Warlock Wings + Rune

FrozenSoul Chaos Wings

FrozenSoul Chaos Wings XL

Furled FrozenSoul Chaos Wings

Furled Permafrost Chaos Wings

Giftbox Cape "A" 2020

Giftbox Cape "B" 2020

Giftbox Cape 2020 A

Giftbox Cape 2020 B

GiftHunter's Cape

Glacial Arch + Wrap
Glacial Envoy's Wrap
Glacial Portal
Glacier Roc Coat (0 AC)

Glacier Roc Coat (AC)

Gleaming Blade Cape (0 AC)

Gleaming Blade Cape (AC)

Howard's Stalking Grief

Jolly Frostval Caster's Jester Cape

Jolly Prismatic Furred Cape (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Furred Cape (AC)

Kyanos' Spirit + Portal
Kyanos' Spirit + Wrap
Necrofleet on your Back (0 AC)

Necrofleet on your Back (AC)

Necrofleet on your Back (Legend)

Northlands Crystal Cape (0 AC)

Northlands Crystal Cape (AC)

Permafrost Chaos Wings

Permafrost Chaos Wings XL

Permafrost Will (0 AC)

Permafrost Will (AC)

Polar Naval's Cold Aura (0 AC)

Polar Naval's Cold Aura (AC)

Polar Naval's Quiver (AC)

Polar Naval's Quiver (Non-AC)
Stalking Howard's Rage

Frostval Barbarian (0 AC)

Northlands Monk (Class) (Free Player)

Arctic Eldritch Horns
Arctic Eldritch Maw
Arctic Eldritch Split Skull
Arthur + Elise Morph Helm

Arthur + Elise Orb Helm

Celestial Claws Suit Hood (0 AC)

Celestial Claws Suit Hood (AC)

Clawsuit Guardian's Bearded Helm

Clawsuit Guardian's Helm

Clawsuit Horned Helm

Clawsuit Horned Helm + Beard

Dark Frostval Drakath Hat

Dark Frostval Drakath Morph

Enchanted Hood

Enchanted Hood + Locks

Enchanted Winter Hat

Enchanted Winter Hat + Locks

Envoy's Icy Morph + Hair
Envoy's Icy Morph + Locks
Faces of Grief Morph
Festive ArchMage Elf Hat (0 AC)

Festive ArchMage Elf Hat (AC)

Festive ArchMage Hat (2) (0 AC)

Festive ArchMage Hat (2) (AC)

Festive Yulgar Hat + Hair

Festive Yulgar Hat + Locks

Frost Shaman Hair (0 AC)

Frost Shaman Hair (AC)

Frost Shaman Locks (0 AC)

Frost Shaman Locks (AC)

FrostLorn Mage's Mask (0 AC)

FrostLorn Mage's Mask (AC)

FrostLorn Mage's Mask + Hood (0 AC)

FrostLorn Mage's Mask + Hood (AC)

Frostlorn Rogue Hood

Frostlorn Rogue Hood + Locks

Frostlorn Rogue Hood + Mask

Frostlorn Rogue Mask

Frostlorn Warrior Helm

Frostlorn Warrior Horned Helm

Frostlorn Warrior Pelt Helm

Frostlorn Warrior Pelt Helm + Locks

Frostlorn Warrior Pelt Helm + Mask

Frostval Blessing Hat (0 AC)

Frostval Blessing Hat (AC)

Frostval Blessing Hat + Locks (0 AC)

Frostval Blessing Hat + Locks (AC)

Frostval DragonSlayer Helm

Frostval Ice Blessing Helm

Frostval Ice Blessing Helm + Locks

Frozen Envoy's Crested Helm
Frozen Warlock Hood + Horns

Frozen Warlock Mask

Frozen Warlock Mask + Hood

FrozenSoul War Mask

FrozenSoul Xang Locks

FrozenSoul Xang Morph

FrozenSoul Xing Locks

FrozenSoul Xing Morph

Giftbox Helm "A" 2020

Giftbox Helm "B" 2020

Giftbox Helm "C" 2020

Giftbox Helm "D" 2020

Giftbox Helm 2020 A

Giftbox Helm 2020 B

Giftbox Helm 2020 C

Giftbox Helm 2020 D

GiftHunter's Beanie

GiftHunter's Hat

GiftHunter's Hat + Scarf

Glacial Envoy's Buzzcut
Glacial Envoy's Crested Helm
Glacial Envoy's Furred Hood
Glacial Envoy's Helm
Glacial Envoy's Hood
Glacial Envoy's Locks
Go Cool Hair
Go Cool Morph
Howard's Grief Morph
Howard's Rage Halo

Howard's Raging Face

Jolly Frostval Caster Hair + far0

Jolly Frostval Caster Locks + far0

Jolly Frostval Caster's Hair

Jolly Frostval Caster's Hat

Jolly Frostval Caster's Locks

Jolly Frostval Caster's Locks + Hat

Jolly Prismatic Long Bangs + Scarf (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Long Bangs + Scarf (AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Cap (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Cap (AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Cap + Bangs (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Cap + Bangs (AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Cap + Locks (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Cap + Locks (AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Cap + Long Bangs (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Cap + Long Bangs (AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Scarf + Bangs (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Woolen Scarf + Bangs (AC)

Mystical Ice Acolyte Locks

Mystical Ice Acolyte Mask

Mystical Ice Acolyte Visor

Necrofleet Morph (AC)

Necrofleet Morph (Non-AC)
Northlands Furred Hood (0 AC)

Northlands Furred Hood (AC)

Permafrost Chaos War Mask

Permafrost Helm (0 AC) (1)

Permafrost Helm (0 AC) (2)

Permafrost Helm (AC)

Permafrost Helm + Locks (0 AC)

Permafrost Helm + Locks (AC)

Permafrost Rage Morph (0 AC)

Permafrost Rage Morph (AC)

Polar Bear Hood

Polar Bear Hood + Locks

Polar Naval Hood + Bangs (0 AC)

Polar Naval Hood + Bangs (AC)

Polar Naval Hood + Locks (0 AC)

Polar Naval Hood + Locks (AC)

Polar Naval Tricorn + Bangs (0 AC)

Polar Naval Tricorn + Bangs (AC)

Polar Naval Tricorn + Locks (0 AC)

Polar Naval Tricorn + Locks (AC)

Polar Naval Winter Headgear + Hair (0 AC)

Polar Naval Winter Headgear + Hair (AC)

Polar Naval Winter Headgear + Locks (0 AC)

Polar Naval Winter Headgear + Locks (AC)

Polar Naval's Bangs (AC)

Polar Naval's Bangs (Non-AC)
Polar Naval's Locks (AC)

Polar Naval's Locks (Non-AC)
Void Santy Bearded Horned Helm (0 AC)

Void Santy Bearded Horned Helm (AC)

Void Santy Crested Horned Helm (0 AC)

Void Santy Crested Horned Helm (AC)

Void Santy Hood (0 AC)

Void Santy Hood (AC)

Void Santy Horned Helm (0 AC)

Void Santy Horned Helm (AC)

Ski Lodge

Blood Gem of the Archfiend

Bow-Jangles Gold Voucher
Chaoroot Updated
Dark Crystal Shard

Doomatter Updated
Gem of Nulgath

Gift Ribbons

Gold Voucher 25k Updated
Grief Medal

Musgravite of Nulgath Updated
Necrot Updated
Pink Star Diamond of Nulgath Updated
Receipt of Swindle
Tainted Gem

Unidentified 10 Updated
Unidentified 22 Updated
Unidentified 23 Updated
Unidentified 25 Updated
Unidentified 35 Updated
Unmoulded Fiend Essence
Violet Crocus

Voucher of Nulgath

Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) Updated
War-Torn Memorabilia Updated Pets
Alina GiftBork Pet

Artix GiftBork Pet

Blizzy Protec Battle Pet

ClawSuit Guardian Blade Pet

Drakath GiftBork Pet

Frozen Blade of Doom Pet

FrozenSoul Chaos Twins Pet

Giftbox Pet 2020

GoCool Moglin Pet

Gravelyn GiftBork Pet

Howard's Raging Halo Pet


Jolly ol' Quibble Bank Pet (0 AC)

Jolly ol' Quibble Bank Pet (AC)

Lae GiftBork Pet

Memet GiftBork Pet

Mini Arthur + Elise Pet

Necrofleet Pet (0 AC)

Necrofleet Pet (AC)

Necrofleet Pet (Legend)

Quibble Bank Pet

Reens GiftBork Pet

Sora GiftBork Pet

Stalking Howard's Grief Pet

Sweet Treat Twig (0 AC)

Sweet Treat Twig (AC)

Sweet Treat Twig (Legend)

Tiny Kyanos Pet

Twilly GiftBork Pet

Warlic GiftBork Pet

Xing Xang GiftBork Pet

Zorbak GiftBork Pet

Frostlorn Axe

Frozen Light of Destiny

Icy Frostlorn Axe

Permafrost Axe (0 AC)

Permafrost Axe (AC)

Permafrost Light of Destiny

Polar Naval's Hatchet (0 AC)

Polar Naval's Hatchet (AC)

Crystal Ice Daggers

Dual Eldritch Armblades
Dual Floating Glacial Shards
Frostlorn Rogue Daggers

Frozen Soul Claws

Icy Frostlorn Rogue Daggers

Jolly Prismatic Frostval Polearm (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Frostval Polearm (AC)

Kyanos Accoutrements
Permafrost Flames (0 AC)

Permafrost Flames (AC)

Warrior of Kyanos Daggers Guns
Polar Naval's Frozen Crossbow (AC)

Polar Naval's Frozen Crossbow (Non-AC) Maces
Arctic Eldritch Armblade
CryoCube Pickaxe (AC)

CryoCube Pickaxe (Legend)

Festive Hammer

Floating Glacial Shards Mace
Frostlorn Raider Hammer

Frostlorn Raider Mace

Frostlorn Sickle

Frostval Caster far0 Plushie

GiftHunter's Sack of Gifts

Icy Frostlorn Raider Hammer

Icy Frostlorn Raider Mace

Icy Frostlorn Sickle

Light Grenade

Polar Naval's Ice Picker (0 AC)

Polar Naval's Ice Picker (AC)

Void Santy Hammer (0 AC)

Void Santy Hammer (AC)

Favored of Kyanos Polearm
Frostlorn Raider Lance

Frostlorn Scythe

Icy Frostlorn Raider Lance

Icy Frostlorn Scythe

Jolly Prismatic Frostval Pike (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Frostval Pike (AC)

Light Spear

Festive ArchMage Staff (2) (AC)

Festive ArchMage Staff (2) (Non-AC)
FrostLorn Mage's Staff (0 AC)

FrostLorn Mage's Staff (AC)

FrostLorn Shaman's Staff (0 AC)

FrostLorn Shaman's Staff (AC)

Jolly Prismatic Frostval Staff (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Frostval Staff (AC)

Light Staff

Clawsuit Guardian Sword

Clawsuit Holiday Claymore

ClawSuiting Holiday Greatsword

Conflagration Blade (Sword)

CryoCube Blade (AC)

CryoCube Blade (Non-AC)
Crystal Ice Dagger

Crystal Ice Katana

Envoy of Kyanos Blade
Frostlorn Raider Blade

Frostlorn Raider Katana

Frostlorn Rogue Cutlass

Frostval Ice Blessing Blade

Frozen Blade of Doom

Frozen Queen's Ice Calibur (0 AC)

Frozen Queen's Ice Calibur (AC)

FrozenSoul Chaos Blade

Giftbox Weapon "A" 2020

Giftbox Weapon "B" 2020

Giftbox Weapon "C" 2020

Giftbox Weapon 2020 A

Giftbox Weapon 2020 B

Giftbox Weapon 2020 C

Gleaming Blade of Light (0 AC)

Gleaming Blade of Light (AC)

Icy Frostlorn Raider Blade

Icy Frostlorn Raider Katana

Icy Frostlorn Rogue Cutlass

Jolly Frostval Caster's Sword

Jolly Prismatic Frostval Blade (0 AC)

Jolly Prismatic Frostval Blade (AC)

Northlands Crystal Ice Blade (0 AC)

Northlands Crystal Ice Blade (AC)

Permafrost Chaos Champion's Blade

Polar Naval's Northern Cutlaxe (0 AC)

Polar Naval's Northern Cutlaxe (AC)

Reversed Edge of Giving

The Edge of Giving

Wrapped Blade

Battleon Town Updated
Battleon Updated
Frostvale Updated
Krampus (Location)
Dark Energy (Monster)
Frost Fang (Level 35) Updated
Frost Makai
Frostval Sprites
Krampus (Monster)
Krampus Minion
Living Frost
Snow Crow
Snow Skull
The Jailer
Trapped Spirit
Twisted Deer
Aurelio Voltaire Updated
Cleric Joy Updated
Garek Updated
Nythera (NPC) Updated
Quibble Updated
Ragnar Updated
Tinsel Updated
Twilly Updated
Valencia Updated
Zorbak (NPC) Updated
Epic Frost Weapon Pack LQS
Frost Dracolich Rider LQS
Frostval Gift Boxes! Updated
Frostval the 13th Collection Chest
Frostval the 13th Collection
GlacialFrost Elf Upgrade Bonus

Golden Royal Knight LQS
Quibble Coinbiter's Forty-Eighth Shop
Undead Legion Merge Updated
Winter Dracolich House Shop
Aurelio Voltaire's Quests
Tinsel's Quests (2019)
Armors13th Claws Suit (0 AC)

13th Claws Suit (AC)

Boreal Cavalier Deer Rider (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Deer Rider (AC)

Bright Frost Dracolich Guard

Bright Frost Dracolich Rider

BrightFrost Elf

Dark Frost Dracolich Rider

Deadly Krampus (0 AC)

Deadly Krampus (AC)

Deadly Krampus (Legend)

Festive Battle Elf

Festive Frostval Elf

Festive Frostval Suit (0 AC)

Festive Frostval Suit (AC)

FrostEdge Fae (0 AC)

FrostEdge Fae (AC)

Frostvale Robina

FrozenSoul Courtier (0 AC)

FrozenSoul Courtier (AC)

Giefurious Armor

Giftbox Armor 2019
Gingerbread Claws Suit

Glacial DreadKnight

Golden Royal Knight

Gothic Frostval Suit (0 AC)

Gothic Frostval Suit (AC)

Holiday Classic Robina

Merry Frostvale Outfit

NightFrost Elf

Northland Slasher

Snowborn Fae (0 AC)

Snowborn Fae (AC)

Tinsel's Armor Gift
Winter Spirit (0 AC)

Winter Spirit (AC)

13th Horror-day Chibifar0 Cape

Baby Noda

Boreal Cavalier Gear (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Gear (AC)

Boreal Cavalier Scarf

Boreal Cavalier Wrap (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Wrap (AC)

BrightFrost Elf Bannered Rune

BrightFrost Elf Rune

Crossed Bladed Canes cape

Crossed Candy Axes

Festive Chibifar0 Cape

Frost Dracolich Guard's Quiver

FrostEdge Fae Wings (0 AC

FrostEdge Fae Wings (AC

Giftbox Cape 2019
Gingerbread Claws Backblades

Golden Royal Knight's Wrap

NightFrost Elf Bannered Rune

NightFrost Elf Rune

Royal FrozenSoul Wrap (0 AC)

Royal FrozenSoul Wrap (AC)

Snowborn Fae Wings (0 AC)

Snowborn Fae Wings (AC)

The Jailer's Shadow (0 AC)

The Jailer's Shadow (AC)

Tinsel's Cape Gift
Winter Spirit Butterflies (0 AC)

Winter Spirit Butterflies (AC)

Winter Spirit Parasol Cape (0 AC)

Winter Spirit Parasol Cape (AC)

13th Chibifero Hood (0 AC)

13th Chibifero Hood (AC)

13th Claws Hat + Locks

13th Claws Hat

13th Claws Hood (0 AC)

13th Claws Hood (AC)

13th Claws Morph + Hair (0 AC

13th Claws Morph + Hair (AC

13th Claws Morph + Locks (0 AC)

13th Claws Morph + Locks (AC)

13th Horror Hood (0 AC)

13th Horror Hood (AC)

13th Side Ponytail

13th Twintails

Boreal Cavalier Hair (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Hair (AC)

Boreal Cavalier Hair + Scarf (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Hair + Scarf (AC)

Boreal Cavalier Helm + Locks (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Helm + Locks (AC)

Boreal Cavalier Hood (0 AC

Boreal Cavalier Hood (AC

Boreal Cavalier Locks (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Locks (AC)

Boreal Cavalier Locks + Scarf (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Locks + Scarf (AC)

Bright Frost Guard's Beard

Bright Frost Guard's Helmet

BrightFrost Crown

BrightFrost Elf Crown + Locks

BrightFrost Elf Hair

BrightFrost Elf Hood + Locks

BrightFrost Elf Hood

BrightFrost Elf Locks

Deadly Krampus Morph (0 AC)

Deadly Krampus Morph (AC)

Deadly Krampus Morph (Legend)

Festive Elf's Hair

Festive Elf's Horns + Hair

Festive Elf's Horns + Locks

Festive Elf's Locks

Festive Frostval Hat (0 AC)

Festive Frostval Hat (AC)

Festive Frostval Hat + Locks (0 AC)

Festive Frostval Hat + Locks (AC)

First Giftbox Helm 2019
Fourth Giftbox Helm 2019
Frost Dracolich Guard's Beard

Frost Dracolich Guard's Helm

Frost Guard's Beard + Helm

Frost Guard's Beard + Mohawk

Frost Guard's Mohawk

Frost Guard's Shag + Beard

Frost Guard's Shag

FrostEdge Fae Locks (0 AC)

FrostEdge Fae Locks (AC)

Frostedge Fae Hair (0 AC)

Frostedge Fae Hair (AC)

Frostval Elf Hat + Locks

Frostval Elf Hat

Frostvale Robina Morph

Frosty-val Doge Helm

FrozenSoul Queen's Locks (0 AC)

FrozenSoul Queen's Locks (AC)

FrozenSoul Queen's Morph (0 AC)

FrozenSoul Queen's Morph (AC)

FrozenSoul Queen's Morph + Crown (0 AC)

FrozenSoul Queen's Morph + Crown (AC)

Giefurious Morph

Gingerbread ClawsHood

Glacial DreadKnight Helm

Golden Royal Knight's Helm

Gothic Frostval Hat (0 AC)

Gothic Frostval Hat (AC)

Gothic Frostval Hat + Locks (0 AC)

Gothic Frostval Hat + Locks (AC)

Gothic Ultrahat (0 AC)

Gothic Ultrahat (AC)

Holiday Classic Robina Morph

Hollowborn Santa Hat + Locks

Hollowborn Santa Hat

Horned Ushanka + Locks

Horned Gingerbread ClawsHood

Infernal 13th Claws Hood (0 AC)

Infernal 13th Claws Hood (AC)

Jack Frost's Hair (0 AC)

Jack Frost's Hair (AC)

Jack Frost's Morph + Hair (0 AC)

Jack Frost's Morph + Hair (AC)

NightFrost Elf Crown + Locks

NightFrost Elf Crown

NightFrost Elf Hair

NightFrost Elf Hood + Locks

NightFrost Elf Hood

NightFrost Elf Locks

Northland Slasher Hair

Northland Slasher Hat + Locks

Northland Slasher Hat

Northland Slasher Locks

Northlands Ushanka + Horns

Northlands Ushanka

Second Giftbox Helm 2019
Third Giftbox Helm 2019
Tinsel's First Helm Gift
Tinsel's Second Helm Gift
Ushanka + Locks

Windswept Elf's Horns + Hair

Windswept Elf's Horns + Locks

Windswept Hair

Windswept Locks

Winter Spirit Hair (0 AC)

Winter Spirit Hair (AC)

Winter Spirit Locks (0 AC)

Winter Spirit Locks (AC)

Winter Spirit Long Locks (0 AC)

Winter Spirit Long Locks (AC)

Dark Frostval Tree + Gifts

Dark Frostval Tree

Festive Krampus Guard (L)

Festive Krampus Guard (R)

Giefurious House Guard
The Jailer (L)

The Jailer (R)

Twisted Can-DIE Cane (L)

Twisted Can-DIE Cane (R)

Winter Dragon Cave

13th Holiday Paragon Bank (0 AC)

13th Holiday Paragon Bank (AC)

13th Holiday Paragon Gift (0 AC)

13th Holiday Paragon Gift (AC)

13th Holiday Quibble (0 AC)

13th Holiday Quibble (AC)

13th Holiday Quibble Bank (0 AC)

13th Holiday Quibble Bank (AC)

13th Horror-day Chibifar0 Bank (0 AC)

13th Horror-day Chibifar0 Bank (AC)

13th Horror-day Chibifar0

BrightFrost Wyvern

Festive Chibifar0 Bank (0 AC)

Festive Chibifar0 Bank (AC)

Festive Chibifar0 Pet

Frostval Pixel Pup

Frostval the 13th Collection Sleigh 2019

Giefurious Pet

Giftbox Pet 2019

Holiday Frosty Makai

Holiday Legion Skull

NightFrost Wyvern

Snow Crow Pet

Snowborn Fae Tome (0 AC)

Snowborn Fae Tome (AC)

Thirsty Baby Noda

Tiny Krampus

Tiny Living Frost

Winter Spirit Companion (0 AC)

Winter Spirit Companion (AC)

Winter Spirit Companion (Legend)

Epic Frost Axe

Frost Dracolich Guard's Axe

BrightFrost Elf Bow

Festive Elf's Bow

NightFrost Elf Bow

13th Dagger of Claws

Boreal Cavalier Accoutrements (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Accoutrements (AC)

BrightFrost Elf Daggers

BrightFrost Elf Reversed Daggers

Dual Bladed Candy Axes

Dual Dracolich Guard's Axes

Epic Frost Blades

Frost Guard's Daggers

Frost Guard's Reversed Daggers

FrostEdge Blade + Book (0 AC)

Giftbox Daggers 2019
Gingerbread Claws Blades

Glacial DreadKnight Blades

Glacial Sword + Shield

NightFrost Elf Daggers

NightFrost Elf Reversed Daggers

Tinsel's Dagger Gift
Winter Spirit Fan + Parasol (0 AC)

Winter Spirit Fan + Parasol (AC)

Frost Guard's Bow

13th Chainsaw Mace (0 AC)

13th Chainsaw Mace (AC)

Bladed Candy Axe

Epic Frost Mace

Festive Elf's Reaver

FrostEdge Fae SpellBook (0 AC)

FrostEdge Fae SpellBook (AC)

Golden Royal Knight's Hammer

Winter Spirit Closed Fan
Winter Spirit Open Fan (0 AC)

Winter Spirit Open Fan (AC)

Boreal Cavalier Spear (0 AC)

Boreal Cavalier Spear (AC)

Frost Dracolich Guard's Spear

FrozenSoul Court Scythe (0 AC)

Scythe of Holiday Horror (0 AC)

Scythe of Holiday Horror (AC)

Sugary Scythe Of Slaying

13th Cane of Shrade

Epic Frost Staff

Northland Slasher's Skull Cane

Northland Slasher's Skull Staff

BrightFrost Elf Sword

Epic Frost Slayer

Festive Elf's Blade

Frost Dracolich Guard's Blade

FrostEdge Fae Blade (0 AC)

FrostEdge Fae Blade (AC)

FrostEdge Spellblade (0 AC)

FrostEdge Spellblade (AC)

Giftbox Sword 2019
Gingerbread Claws Blade

Glacial DreadKnight Blade

NightFrost Elf Sword

Shrade's Chainsaw Blade (0 AC)

Shrade's Chainsaw Blade (AC)

Shrade's Dark Chainsaw Blade (0 AC)

Shrade's Dark Chainsaw Blade (AC)

Snowborn Fae Blade (0 AC)

Snowborn Fae Blade (AC)

Tinsel's Sword Gift
Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Frostval Future
Frostval Next
Frostval Past
Frostval in Peril
Frostval Present
Frostvale Updated
Yulgar's Inn Updated
Arcane Fire
Echo of Cysero
Echo of Lim
Echo of Sora
Echo of Warlic
Frogzard (Level 4) (Version 2) Updated
Frost Fiend
Frostval Zard
Frostscythe Updated
Frozen Moglin (Level 15) (Version 2)
Giefury Updated
Jingles (Monster) Updated
Ice Golem (2)
Ice Master Yeti (Monster) (2)
Time Wraith (Level 40) (Version 2)
Wargoth the Frozen
Xanta Claus
Bob Hatchet
Cysero and Lim
Ice Master Yeti (NPC)
Robina & Blizzy Updated
Sora to Hoshi
Bob Hatchet's Quests
Cysero's Quests
Gravelyn's Quests Updated
Ice Master Yeti's Quests
Robina & Blizzy's Quests
Sora to Hoshi's Quests
Spacetimebobulator's Quests
Syrrus' Quests Updated
Tinsel's Quests Updated
Doom Merge (2) Updated
Festive ArchMage LQS
Frostval Gift Boxes! Updated
Frostvale Barbarian
Holiday Paragon 2018
IceStorm Collection Updated
Vinara's Odd Shop Updated
ArmorsCheercaster Armor

Festive ArchMage

Festive DoomKnight

Festive Giefury Armor

Frost Royalty
Frostfur Claws

Frostval Barbarian Armor (AC)

Frostval Barbarian Armor (Legend)

Frostval NutCracker

Giftbox Armor 2018 (AC)

Giftbox Armor 2018 (Non-AC)
Glacial FrostScythe

Holiday ArchPaladin

Holiday Paragon of Light

Silver Xmas Cutie

Wintery DoomKnight

Festive ArchMage Fur Wrap

Festive DoomKnight Cape

Frostfur Edge Backblades

Frostval Barbarian Cape

Frostval Barbarian Leather Cape
Giftbox Cape 2018 (AC)

Giftbox Cape 2018 (Non-AC)
Glacial FrostScythe Cape

Glacial FrostScythe Wings

Glacial FrostScythe Wrap

Holiday ArchPaladin Cape

Holiday Paragon of Light Backshield

Holiday Paragon of Light Cloak

Holiday Paragon's Light Rune Cape

Stars of Joy

Stars of the North

Sugared Almond Sack

Frostval Barbarian (0 AC)

Frostval Barbarian (AC)

Bearded Barbarian Helm (0 AC)

Bearded Barbarian Helm (AC)

Bearded Barbarian Helm (Legend)

Cheery Hat

Cheery Locks

Cheery Hat + Scarf

Cheery Locks + Scarf

Festive ArchMage Beard

Festive ArchMage Hat (1)

Festive EarMuffs and Locks

Festive Frostvale Bangs
Festive Frostvale Hat
Festive Giefury Morph

First Giftbox Helm 2018 (AC)

First Giftbox Helm 2018 (Non-AC)
Fourth Giftbox Helm 2018 (AC)

Fourth Giftbox Helm 2018 (Non-AC)
Frostfur Claws Hood

Frostfur Claws Horned Hood

Frostfur Claws' Horns

Frostfur Claws Tundra Hood

Frostval Nutcracker Morph Hat

Frosty Barbarian's Beard

Frosty Barbarian's Helm (0 AC)

Frosty Barbarian's Helm (AC)

Frosty Barbarian's Helm (Legend)

Frosty Barbarian's Horns (0 AC)

Frosty Barbarian's Horns (AC)

Frosty Barbarian's Horns (Legend)

Fuzzy Ear Muffs (2)

Glacial FrostScythe Helm

Holiday Paragon of Light Helm

Nutcracker Boy Morph

Nutcracker General Morph

Nutcracker Girl Morph

Nutcracker Girl Morph Hat

Nutcracker Soldier Girl Hat

Nutcracker Soldier Hat

Ritzy Headgear for Her
Ritzy Headgear for Him
Second Giftbox Helm 2018 (AC)

Second Giftbox Helm 2018 (Non-AC)
Sweet Frostval Hair

Sweet Frostval Locks

Third Giftbox Helm 2018 (AC)

Third Giftbox Helm 2018 (Non-AC)
Xmas Cutie Ears

Xmas Cutie Ears + Locks

Festive Giefury House Guard
NibbleOn Frostval Tree

Frozen Orb
Fur Tuft
Glaceran Key
Icy Holly
Infernal Ice Heart
Silver Dye

Festive Giefury Pet

Nibbleon Frostval Treeant

Holiday Paragon of Light Pet

Li'l Drosselmeyer Pet

Frostfur Knuckle Swords

Frostval Barbarian Daggers

Giftbox Daggers 2018 (AC)

Giftbox Daggers 2018 (Non-AC)
Holiday Paragon of Light Dual Hammers

The Nutcracker

Frostval Barbarian Poleaxe

Glacial FrostScythe Scythe

Nutcracker's Polearm

Festive ArchMage Staff (1)

Holiday Paragon Staff of Light

Frostfur Knuckle Sword

Frostval Barbarian Sword (0 AC)

Frostval Barbarian Sword (AC)

Frostval Barbarian Sword (Legend)

Giftbox Sword 2018 (AC)

Giftbox Sword 2018 (Non-AC)
Nutcracker's Rapier

Wand of Joy

ColdWind Valley
Toy Factory
Frost Deep
Golden Ruins
Ice Cave
Ice Cavern

IceRise Keep
IceRise Past (Location)

Ice Volcano
Snow Globe
Snow Path
Snowy Vale Monsters
Ancient Golem
Ancient Terror
Arctic Direwolf (Level 19)
Arctic Wolf (2) (Version 1)
Blighted Deer (1)
Blighted Moglin
Coal Imp
Corpsicle Symbiote


Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Fang
Frost Goblin
Frost Golem
Frost Lion
Frost Tog
Frostvale Deer
Frostvale Moglin (Monster)
Frostvale Villager
Frozen Deserter
Frozen Moglin
Giefury Updated
Golden Warrior (Monster) (1) (Version 2)
Greater Ice Elemental

Guard Drumlin

Hail Elemental
Ice Bear

Ice Drumlinster

Ice Elemental (Level 24) (Version 2)
Ice Golem (1)
Ice Master Yeti (Monster) (2)
Ice Spider
Ice Spitter (Version 1)
Ice Wolf
Jingles (Monster)
Legion Minion
Maximillian Lionfang
Polar Bear
Polar Draconian
Polar Golem
Polar Mole
Polar Spider
Polarwyrm Rider
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snow Golem (Monster) (2)
Snowman Soldier
Soul Well
Temple Maggot
Temple Prowler
Temple Spider
Ultra Kezeroth
Wendigo (Monster) (2)
White Stalker (Monster)
Winter Shroom
Dage the Evil (NPC)
Grandma Yeti
Gravelyn (NPC)
Ice Master Yeti (NPC)
Issik the Vile
Jim Snow
Major Moglin
Nippy (NPC)
Noggy (NPC)
Quibble Coinbiter Returns
Robina & Blizzy
Sword of Hope (NPC)
Yorumi & Eienyuki
Yorumi and Yuki
Athon's Quests
Blizzy's Quests
Chilly's Quests
Frost Deep's Quests
Frost Deep's Quests
Ice Master Yeti's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Moraine's Quests

Robina's Quests
Swindle Claws' Quest
Tinsel's Quests Updated
Yorumi and Yuki's Quests Shops
Athon's Frostval Shop
Blizzy's House Shop
Blizzy's Shop
Darkwinter Evil Merge
Darkwinter Good Merge
Frost Wolf House
Frost Wolf LQS Gear
Frostval Caves
Frostval Chest
Frostval Collection Chest (Shop)
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gift Boxes! Updated
Frostval Seasonal Shop
IceRise Past (Shop)

Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Maya's Gifts
Northern Defender AC
Northern Defender Mem
Northern Warrior
Quibble Coinbiter's Forty-First Shop
ArmorsAncient Time Voyager

Arctic Defender

Armor of Elim

Asgardian Knight (0 AC)

Asgardian Knight (AC)

Battle Sassafras

Chaos Giftbox Armor 2017 Mem

ChaosChrono Distorter
Chrono Ender
Chrono Guardians
ChronoFrost Guard

Cold Bones Armor

Cute Santa

Dark Frostdrake Ruler

Ebil Claws (0 AC)

Ebil Claws (AC)

Ebil Claws (Legend)

Frigid Chaos Knight

Frost Ninja
Frost Wolf Armor

Frozen In Time

Frostborne Armor (0 AC)

Frostborne Armor (AC)

Frostvale Healer
Frostvale Mage
Frosty Armor
Giefury Armor

Giftbox Armor 2017

Goblin Disguise (Permanent)
Goblin Disguise (Temporary)
Golden Moglin Brawler

Golden Moglin Suit
Green Dragon Armor (1)

Holiday Caster
Holiday Jester
Holiday Ritz!
Hyperborean Blues
Ice Claw (Armor)

Ice Protector

Kezeroth's Armor (Legend)

Maximillian Arctic Armor

Maya's Winter Gear

Northlands Defender

Northlands Giftbox Armor 2017

O Holly Knight

Peppermint Twist

Prismatic ClawSuit (Armor)

Ragnarok Cavalier
Red Moglin Suit
Spearmint Twist

Tarandus Battle Armor

Warrior of the Star

Wintry Minstrel
Xmas Cutie Armor Capes & Back Items
Asgardian Knight Cloak (AC)

Asgardian Knight Cloak (Non-AC)
Back Frost Blades
Backblades and Cloak Combo

Cape of Moments

Chaos Giftbox Cape 2017 Mem

Cloak of Blizzard

Dark Sparkle Cape

Frost Sparkle Cape
Frost Wolf Fur Cape

Frost Wolf Fur Cape + Blade

Frostborne Crossed Blades (0 AC)

Frostborne Crossed Blades (AC)

Frostborne Hip Sheath (0 AC)

Frostborne Hip Sheath (AC)

Frostborne Sword Cape (0 AC)

Frostborne Sword Cape (AC)

FrostScythe's Frigid Mantle

Frostmoglin on Your Back
Frozen Back Blades

Giant Sack of Gifts
Giftbox Cape 2017

Golden Moglin on your back
Green Dragon Cloak

Guiding Stars Cape

Holly Cape
Kezeroth's Cape Legend

Maximillian's Arctic Cape

Memory Wisp Wings
Northlands Defender Cape

Northlands Giftbox Cape 2017

NorthStar's Light Cloak
Prismatic Clawspikes

Ragnarok Cavalier Mantle
Snowball Trebuchet

Snowman Head Display
Symbiote Growths

Tarandus Battle Cape

Prismatic Clawsuit (Class)

Adorable Antlers
Arctic Defender Helm

Arctic Defender Locks

Arctic Goggles

Asgardian Knight Helm (0 AC)

Asgardian Knight Helm (AC)

Asgardian Knight Helm + Scarf (0 AC)

Asgardian Knight Helm + Scarf (AC)

Asgardian Knight Open Helm (AC)

Asgardian Knight Open Helm (Non-AC)
Battle Clawshelm (AC)

BrainFreeze Spikes

Candy Top

Chaos Giftbox Helm 2017 Mem

Chaos Giftbox Locks 2017 Mem

ChronoFrost Horns

Ebil Santa Cutie (0 AC)

Ebil Santa Cutie (AC)

Ebil Santa Cutie (Legend)

Ebil Claws Hood (0 AC)

Ebil Claws Hood (AC)

Ebil Claws Hood (Legend)

Ebil Santa Hunk (0 AC)

Ebil Santa Hunk (AC)

Ebil Santa Hunk (Legend)

Elite Shadow Guard

Elven Santa Hat
Evolved Clawshelm (AC)

Frigid Chaos Helm

Frost Ninja Hair
Frost Wolf Helm

Frostborne Beard (0 AC)

Frostborne Beard (AC)

Frostborne Hair (0 AC)

Frostborne Hair (AC)

Frostborne Hair (AC)

Frostborne Helm (AC)

Frostborne Helm (Legend)

Frostborne Helm + Scarf (AC)

Frostborne Helm + Scarf (Legend)

Frostborne Horns (0 AC)

Frostborne Horns (AC)

Frostborne Horns + Scarf (0 AC)

Frostborne Horns + Scarf (AC)

Frostborne Shaggy Beard (AC)

Frostborne Shaggy Beard (Non-AC)
Frostdrake Ruler Ice Hawk

Frostdrake Ruler Morph

Frostval Doge Helm
Frostval RuDoge Helm

Frostvale Ultra Hat (0 AC)

Frostvale Ultra Hat (AC)

Frosty Guard Helm
Gelid Cap
Gelid Locks
Giefury Morph

Giftbox Helm 2017

Giftbox Locks 2017

Girly Arctic Goggles

Girly Santa Hat
Golden Moglin Brawler Morph

Golden Moglin Morph

Green Bow Topper
Green Dragon Helm (1)

Holiday Caster's Hood
Holly Helm
Hood of the Time Voyager

Howl at the Frost

Howl at the Moon

Hyperborean Holiday Hat

Hyperborean Holiday Hat

Ice Protector Helmet

Kezeroth's Helm Legend

Kezeroth's Shattered Helm

Long Cute Santa's Hat

Maximillian's Arctic Helm

Maya's Frostval Hair

Maya's Frostval Locks

Minstrel's Hat
Minstrel's Hat and Locks
Mistletoe Madcap
Mistletoe Modestcap
Northlands Defender Helm

Northlands Defender Locks

Northlands Giftbox Helm 2017

Northlands Giftbox Locks 2017

Peppermint Flopper

Ragnarok Cavalier Armet

Ragnarok Cavalier Helm
Ragnarok Cavalier Ponytail
Ragnarok Cavalier Visor
Red Santy Hat
Red Santy Locks
Reindeer Antlers
Reindeer Beanie Locks

Reindeer Beanie

Reindeer Locks with Nose

Reindeer Shag with Nose

Ritzy Headgear for Him
Ritzy Headgear for Her
Santa Hat Twilly Head
Sassafras' War Helm

Short Cute Santa's Hat

Silver Frostvale Hat
Silver Frostvale Locks
Snow Globe Helm
Snowman Head
Sparkling Green Bow Topper
Sparkling Peppermint Flopper

Sparkling Red Bow Topper

Sparkling Spearmint Flopper
Spearmint Flopper
Spearmint Top

Symbiote Infection

Tarandus Battle Helm

Xmas Cutie Hat
Xmas Cutie Locks
Xmas Cutie Stripe Hat

Xmas Cutie Stripe Locks

Gingerbread House

Decorated Frostval Tree

FrostWolf Guard (Left)

FrostWolf Guard (Right)

Fruit Sled
Giefury House Guard
Golden Moglin Statue

Long Garland
Holiday Garland
Holiday Lights Bush
Holiday Wreath
Icy Chandelier
Icy Fridge
Small Garland
Snow Moglin Decoration
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree Misc. Items
Enchanted Bow

Enchanted Box

Enchanted Ribbon

Evil Soul
Good Soul Pets
Arctusk Pet

Bah-hum Bug

Bibliospectre Pet


Chaos Giftbox Pet 2017 2

Drumlin Guard Pet

Drumlin Pet

Freeze Troll

Frost Beetle

Frost Draglin

Frost Goblin Pet

Frost Moglin

Frost Wolf Pet

Frostfang Paragon Bank (AC)

Frostval Hashtog

Frostwyrm Rider Battlepet

Frostwyrm Rider Pet

Giefury Battlepet

Giefury Pet

Giftbearer Quibble Bank Pet (0 AC)

Giftbearer Quibble Bank Pet (AC)

Giftbox Pet 2017

Golden Moglin

Hide in a Tree Moglin


Ice Spider Pet

Ice Wolf Pup

Leo Frost

Merry Quibble Bank Pet (0 AC)

Merry Quibble Bank Pet (AC)

Mini FrostScythe

Moglinster Tree

Northlands Giftbox Pet 2017


Pair of Golden Moglins

Polar Bear Cub

Quibble Bank Pet

Rein Doggy


Santa Moglin

Santa Sneevil

Snow Moglin Pet



Tiny Santy Claws


Axe of Frozen Peace
Double Blade of Ice
FrostScythe's Axe

Northlands Defender Axe
Snowy Axe
Sub-Zero Axe

Sub-Zero Hatchet
The Frost Axe

Candy Cane Rippers
Dual Defender Axes

Dual Shatterfrost Blades

Frigid Heartrender
Frost Ninja Daggers
Frostborne Blades (0 AC)

Frostborne Blades (AC)

FrostScythe Dual Blades

FrostScythe Mace and Shield

FrostScythe's Battlegear

Glacial Edge
Glacial Slicers
Kezeroth's Dual Destroyers

Ragnarok Cavalier Back Daggers

Santa Claw's Ripper
Santa's Impaler

Asgardian Knight Hammer (0 AC)

Asgardian Knight Hammer (AC)

Frostval Storybook
Gilded Holiday Flail

Glacial Maul
Golden Mace

Haunted Storybook

Haunted Storybook +15

Holiday Flail

Jester's Folly

Lyre of Cheer
Kezeroth's Devastation

Peppermint Lollipop
Snowball Mace
Tintinnabulation Chain

Toy Maker Wrench Polearms
Dry Ice Polearm

Dry Ice Polearm +10

Fear of Light (1)
Frigid Frostbarb
Frostscythe's Cruelty

Piercing Azurite
Sweet Scythe of Pain
Tinsel Taunter

Aura of the Snowglobe

Candy Cane (2)
Cane of Greed
Crystallized Memory Staff
Crystallized Memory Staff +10
Golden Staff
Kezeroth Lore Scroll

Pulsing Golden Staff

Star of the North Pole Swords
Asgardian Knight Blade (AC)

Asgardian Knight Blade (Legend)

Bitter Deathgiver
Bom Velhinho Blade
Chaos Giftbox Sword 2017

Claws' Little Helper (AC)

Crimson Brightsword
Elim's Sword
Forest Valeblade
Frost Fang Katana

Frost Sword

Frost and Steel

Frostborne Blade (0 AC)

Frostborne Blade (AC)


Frostval On a Steeck
Giftbox Sword 2017

Greatsword of Winter
Green Dragon Hunting Blade

Holly Sword

Ice Cold Steel

Ice Frost Sabre

Ice Sabre
Ice Storm Blade

Joyful Resolve
Malachite Brightsword
Northlands Giftbox Sword 2017

Protector's Edge

Ragnarok Cavaliers Reaver

Ragnarok Cavaliers Saber
Rapier of the Star

Regal Valeblade
Second Giftbox Sword 2017

Shatterfrost Blade

Slayer of Time

Sugary Sword

Tarandus Battle Blade

Frostvale Mage Wand
Toy Factory
Frost Deep
Golden Ruins
Ice Cave
Ice Cavern

IceRise Keep
IceRise Past (Location)

Ice Volcano
Snow Globe
Snow Path
Snowy Vale Monsters
Ancient Golem
Ancient Terror
Arctic Direwolf (Level 19)
Blighted Deer (1)
Blighted Moglin
Corpsicle Symbiote


Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Fang
Frost Golem
Frost Lion
Frostvale Deer
Frostvale Moglin (Monster)
Frostvale Villager
Frozen Deserter
Frozen Moglin
Golden Warrior (Monster) (1) (Version 2)
Greater Ice Elemental

Guard Drumlin

Ice Bear

Ice Drumlinster

Ice Golem (1) (Version 1)
Ice Spider
Ice Wolf
Legion Minion
Maximillian Lionfang
Polar Bear
Polar Draconian
Polar Golem
Polar Mole
Polar Spider
Polarwyrm Rider
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snowman Soldier
Soul Well
Temple Maggot
Temple Prowler
Temple Spider
Ultra Kezeroth
Wendigo (Monster) (2)
White Stalker (Monster)
Dage the Evil (NPC)
Gravelyn (NPC)
Issik the Vile
Major Moglin
Robina & Blizzy
Sword of Hope (NPC)
Yorumi & Eienyuki
Yorumi and Yuki
Athon's Quests
Blizzy's Quests
Chilly's Quests
Gravelyn's Quests
Frost Deep's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Moraine's Quests

Robina's Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Yorumi and Yuki's Quests Shops
Athon's Frostval Shop
Blizzy's House Shop
Blizzy's Shop
Darkwinter Evil Merge
Darkwinter Good Merge
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Frostval Seasonal Shop
IceRise Past (Shop)

Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Maya's Gifts
ArmorsAncient Time Voyager

Arctic Defender

Armor of Elim

Battle Sassafras

ChaosChrono Distorter
Chrono Ender
Chrono Guardians
ChronoFrost Guard

Cold Bones Armor

Cute Santa

Dark Frostdrake Ruler

Frigid Chaos Knight

Frost Ninja
Frozen In Time

Giefury Armor

Golden Moglin Brawler

Golden Moglin Suit
Green Dragon Armor (1)

Holiday Caster
Holiday Jester
Holiday Ritz
Hyperborean Blues
Ice Claw (Armor)

Ice Protector

Kezeroth's Armor (Legend)

Maximillian Arctic Armor

Maya's Winter Gear

O Holly Knight

Peppermint Twist

Prismatic ClawSuit (Armor)

Red Moglin Suit
Spearmint Twist

Tarandus Battle Armor

Warrior of the Star

Wintry Minstrel Capes & Back Items
Back Frost Blades
Backblades and Cloak Combo

Cape of Moments

Cloak of Blizzard

Dark Sparkle Cape

Frost Sparkle Cape
FrostScythe's Frigid Mantle

Frostmoglin on Your Back
Frostval Moglinster on Your Back
Frozen Back Blades

Giant Sack of Gifts
Golden Moglin on your back
Green Dragon Cloak

Guiding Stars Cape

Holly Cape
Kezeroth's Cape Legend

Maximillian's Arctic Cape

Memory Wisp Wings
NorthStar's Light Cloak
Prismatic Clawspikes

Scorched Ice Backblades

Snowball Trebuchet

Snowman Head Display
Symbiote Growths

Tarandus Battle Cape

Prismatic Clawsuit (Class)

Adorable Antlers
Arctic Defender Helm

Arctic Defender Locks

Arctic Goggles

Battle Clawshelm (AC)

BrainFreeze Spikes

Candy Top

ChronoFrost Horns

Elite Shadow Guard

Elven Santa Hat
Evolved Clawshelm (AC)

Frigid Chaos Helm

Frost Ninja Hair
Frostdrake Ruler Ice Hawk

Frostdrake Ruler Morph

Gelid Cap
Gelid Locks
Giefury Morph

Girly Arctic Goggles

Girly Santa Hat
Golden Moglin Brawler Morph

Golden Moglin Morph

Green Bow Topper
Green Dragon Helm (1)

Holiday Caster's Hood
Holly Helm
Hood of the Time Voyager

Howl at the Frost

Howl at the Moon

Hyperborean Holiday Hat

Hyperborean Holiday Hat

Ice Protector Helmet

Kezeroth's Helm Legend

Kezeroth's Shattered Helm

Long Cute Santa's Hat

Maximillian's Arctic Helm

Maya's Frostval Hair

Maya's Frostval Locks

Minstrel's Hat
Minstrel's Hat and Locks
Mistletoe Madcap
Mistletoe Modestcap
Peppermint Flopper

Reindeer Antlers
Reindeer Beanie Locks

Reindeer Beanie

Reindeer Locks with Nose

Reindeer Shag with Nose

Ritzy Headgear for Him
Ritzy Headgear for Her
Santa Hat Twilly Head
Sassafras' War Helm

Short Cute Santa's Hat

Snow Globe Helm
Snowman Head
Sparkling Green Bow Topper
Sparkling Peppermint Flopper

Sparkling Red Bow Topper

Sparkling Spearmint Flopper
Spearmint Flopper
Spearmint Top

Symbiote Infection

Tarandus Battle Helm

Gingerbread House

Decorated Frostval Tree

Giefury House Guard
Golden Moglin Statue

Long Garland
Holiday Garland
Holiday Wreath
Small Garland
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree Misc. Items
Enchanted Bow

Enchanted Box

Enchanted Ribbon

Evil Soul
Good Soul Pets
Bah-hum Bug

Bibliospectre Pet


Drumlin Guard Pet

Drumlin Pet

Freeze Troll

Frost Beetle

Frost Moglin

Frostval Hashtog

Frostval Moglinster

Giefury Battlepet

Giefury Pet

Golden Moglin

Hide in a Tree Moglin


Ice Spider Pet

Ice Wolf Pup

Leo Frost

Mini FrostScythe


Pair of Golden Moglins

Polar Bear Cub

Rein Doggy


Santa Moglin

Santa Sneevil




Tiny Santy Claws


Axe of Frozen Peace
Double Blade of Ice
FrostScythe's Axe

Snowy Axe
Sub-Zero Axe

Sub-Zero Hatchet
The Frost Axe

Candy Cane Rippers
Dual Glacier Carvers

Frigid Heartrender
Frost Ninja Daggers
FrostScythe Dual Blades

FrostScythe Mace and Shield

FrostScythe's Battlegear

Glacial Edge
Glacial Slicers
Kezeroth's Dual Destroyers

Santa Claw's Ripper
Santa's Impaler Maces
Frostval Storybook
Glacial Maul
Golden Mace

Haunted Storybook

Haunted Storybook +15

Jester's Folly

Lyre of Cheer
Kezeroth's Devastation

Peppermint Lollipop
Tintinnabulation Chain

Toy Maker Wrench Polearms
Dry Ice Polearm

Dry Ice Polearm +10

Fear of Light (1)
Frigid Frostbarb
Frostscythe's Cruelty

Piercing Azurite
Sweet Scythe of Pain
Tinsel Taunter

Aura of the Snowglobe

Candy Cane (2)
Cane of Greed
Crystallized Memory Staff
Crystallized Memory Staff +10
Golden Staff
Pulsing Golden Staff

Staff of the Northstar

Star of the North Pole Swords
Bitter Deathgiver
Bom Velhinho Blade
Claws' Little Helper

Crimson Brightsword
Elim's Sword
Forest Valeblade
Frost Sword

Frost and Steel


Frostval On a Steeck
Greatsword of Winter
Green Dragon Hunting Blade

Holly Sword

Ice Cold Steel

Ice Frost Sabre

Ice Sabre
Ice Storm Blade

Joyful Resolve
Malachite Brightsword
Protector's Edge

Rapier of the Star

Regal Valeblade
Slayer of Time

Sugary Sword

Tarandus Battle Blade

Cryostorm Tundra
Cryostorm War (Location)
Toy Factory
Frost Deep
Golden Ruins
Ice Cave
Ice Cavern

IceRise Keep
IceRise Past (Location)

Ice Volcano
Snow Globe
Snow Path
Snowy Vale Monsters
Ancient Golem
Ancient Terror
Arctic Direwolf (Level 19)
Corpsicle Symbiote


Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Fangbeast
Frost Lion
Frost Reaper
Frostspawn Troll
Frozen Deserter
Frozen Moglin
Glacial Troll
Golden Warrior (Monster) (1) (Version 2)
Greater Ice Elemental

Guard Drumlin

Ice Bear

Ice Drumlinster

Ice Spider
Ice Wolf
Maximillian Lionfang
Not The Boss You Seek
Polar Bear
Polar Draconian
Polar Golem
Polar Mole
Polar Spider
Polarwyrm Rider
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snowman Soldier
Super-Charged Karok
Temple Maggot
Temple Prowler
Temple Spider
Ultra Bibliospectre
Ultra Kezeroth
Wendigo (Monster) (2)
Abel (NPC)
Gravelyn (NPC)
Major Moglin
Robina & Blizzy
Sword of Hope (NPC)
Yorumi and Yuki
Abel's Quests
Athon's Quests
Blizzy's Quests
Bright Paragon Pet's Quests
Chilly's Quests
Gravelyn's Quests
Frost Deep's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Maya's Quests
Moraine's Quests

Robina's Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Yorumi and Yuki's Quests Shops
Athon's Frostval Shop
Blizzy's House Shop
Blizzy's Shop
Cryostorm Merge Shop
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Frostval Seasonal Shop
IceRise Past (Shop)

Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Quibble Coinbiter's Thirty-Third Shop
Sword of Hope (Shop)
ArmorsAncient Time Voyager 15

Arctic Defender

Armor of Elim 15

Battle Sassafras 15

Blue Giftbox Armor 2015
Champion Of Ice

ChaosChrono Distorter
Chrono Ender
Chrono Guardians
ChronoFrost Guard

Cold Bones Armor

Cryostorm Crusader (Merge)

Cryostorm Troll

Cryostorm Warrior

Cute Santa 15

Evergreen Rogue

Frigid Chaos Knight

Frost Berzerker
Frozen In Time

Frozen Royalty

Giftbox Armor

Giftbox Armor 2015

Glacial Troll Armor
Golden Moglin Brawler 15

Golden Moglin Suit 15
Green Dragon Armor 15

Holiday Caster 15
Holiday Jester 15
Holiday Ritz15
Hyperborean Blues
Ice Claw (Armor)

Ice Giant (Armor)

Ice Protector

Ice Rogue

Kezeroth's Armor 15 (Legend)

Maximillian Arctic Armor

Maya's Winter Gear

O Holly Knight 15

Peppermint Twist 15

Prismatic ClawSuit (Armor)

Red Moglin Suit 15
Spearmint Twist 15

Steampunk Clawsuit

Tarandus Battle Armor 15

Warrior of the Star 15

Back Frost Blades 15
Backblades and Cloak Combo

Blue Giftbox Cape 2015
Brilliant Ice Crystal Cape

Cape of Moments 15

Cloak of Blizzard 15

Crystallized Ice Shards

Evergreen Rogue Crystal Cape
FrostScythe's Frigid Mantle

Frostmoglin on Your Back
Frostval Moglinster on Your Back
Frozen Back Blades 15

Giant Sack of Gifts
Giftbox Cape

Giftbox Cape 2015

Golden Moglin on your back 15
Green Dragon Cloak 15

Guiding Stars Cape 15

Holly Cape 15
Ice Rogue Crystal Cape

Kezeroth's Cape 15 (Legend)

Maximillian's Arctic Cape

Memory Wisp Wings
Prismatic Clawspikes

Scorched Ice Backblades

Snowball Trebuchet

Snowman Head Display 15
Steampunk Backblades

Symbiote Growths 15

Tarandus Battle Cape 15

Prismatic Clawsuit (Class)

Adorable Antlers 15
Arctic Defender Helm

Arctic Defender Locks

Arctic Goggles

Battle Clawshelm 15

Bearded Ice Giant Helm

Blue Giftbox Helm 2015
BrainFreeze Spikes

Candy Top 15

ChronoFrost Horns

Cryostorm Crusader Arnet

Cryostorm Crusader Arnet Locks

Cryostorm Troll Helm

Cryostorm Warrior Hair

Cryostorm Warrior Locks

Elite Shadow Guard 15

Elven Santa Hat 15
Evergreen Rogue Hood

Evolved Clawshelm 15

Frigid Chaos Helm

Frost Guard 15

Frozen Royalty Crowned Hair

Frozen Royalty Crowned Locks

Frozen Royalty Hair
Frozen Royalty Locks
Fuzzy Ear Muffs (1)
Fuzzy Ear Muffs Locks
Gelid Cap
Gelid Locks
Giftbox Helm

Giftbox Helm 2015

Girly Arctic Goggles

Girly Santa Hat 15
Glacial Troll Head
Golden Moglin Brawler Morph 15

Golden Moglin Morph 15

Green Bow Topper 15
Green Dragon Helm 15

Hailstone Helm

Hailstone Locks

Holiday Caster's Hood 15
Holly Helm 15
Hood of the Time Voyager 15

Howl at the Frost

Howl at the Moon

Hyperborean Holiday Hair 15

Hyperborean Holiday Hat 15

Ice Giant Braids

Ice Protector Helmet

Ice Rogue Hood

Kezeroth's Helm 15 (Legend)

Kezeroth's Shattered Helm 15

Long Cute Santa's Hat 15

Maximillian's Arctic Helm

Maya's Frostval Hair

Maya's Frostval Locks

Mistletoe Madcap 15
Mistletoe Modestcap 15
Peppermint Flopper 15

Reindeer Antlers
Reindeer Beanie Locks 15

Reindeer Beanie 15

Reindeer Locks with Nose 15

Reindeer Shag with Nose 15

Ritzy Headgear for Him 15
Ritzy Headgear for Her 15
Santa Hat Twilly Head 15
Sassafras' War Helm 15

Second Blue Giftbox Helm 2015

Second Giftbox Helm

Second Giftbox Helm 2015

Short Cute Santa's Hat 15

Snow Globe Helm 15
Snowman Head
Sparkling Green Bow Topper 15
Sparkling Peppermint Flopper 15

Sparkling Red Bow Topper 15

Sparkling Spearmint Flopper 15
Spearmint Flopper 15
Spearmint Top 15

Steampunk Claws Hood

Steampunk Santa Cutie

Steampunk Santa Hunk

Symbiote Infection 15

Tarandus Battle Helm 15

Winter Slayer Hooded Scarf
Winter Slayer Scarf Ponytail
Winter Slayer Scarf Houses
Gingerbread House

Moglin Hut

Decorated Frostval Tree

Golden Moglin Statue

Long Garland
Frostval List
Holiday Garland
Holiday Wreath
Karok Statue

Little Frostval Tree
Pile of Snowballs
Singing Moglin
Silvered Karok Statue

Small Garland
Tiny Frostval Tree
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree Misc. Items
Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII

Chapter IX

Frostval Memoirs

Glacial Crystal (Misc)

Glacial Gems

Bah-hum Bug

Bibliospectre Pet


Blue Giftbox Pet 2015
Bright Paragon Pet

Drumlin Guard Pet

Drumlin Pet

Freeze Troll

Frost Beetle

Frost Moglin 15

Frostval Moglinster

Giftbox Pet

Giftbox Pet 2015

Gratitronia (1)

Gratitronia (2)

Golden Moglin 15

Hide in a Tree Moglin


Ice Giant Pet

Ice Spider Pet 15

Ice Wolf Pup

Jellied Gingerbread Slime Pet

Leo Frost

Mini FrostScythe


Pair of Golden Moglins 15

Polar Bear Cub 15

Rein Doggy 15


Santa Moglin

Santa Sneevil




Tiny Santy Claws 15


Cryo Troll Axe
Double Blade of Ice
FrostScythe's Axe

Glacial Troll Axe
Scorched Ice Axe

Snowy Axe 15
Sub-Zero Axe 15

Sub-Zero Hatchet 15
The Frost Axe

Candy Cane Rippers 15
Champion of Ice Katar

Dual CryoTroll Axes

Dual Glacial Troll Axes
Dual Glacier Carvers

FrostScythe Dual Blades

FrostScythe Mace and Shield

FrostScythe's Battlegear

Frostval Book and Wand

Glacial Edge
Kezeroth's Dual Destroyers

Santa Claw's Ripper 15
Santa's Impaler 15 Maces
Bright Mace of Destruction

Dark Mace of Malice

Frostval Storybook
Golden Mace 15

Haunted Storybook

Haunted Storybook +15

Jester's Folly 15

Kezeroth's Devastation

Peppermint Lollipop
Toy Maker Wrench 15 Polearms
Dry Ice Polearm

Dry Ice Polearm +10

Frostscythe's Cruelty 15

Piercing Azurite
Sweet Scythe of Pain
Tinsel Taunter

Aura of the Snowglobe 15

Candy Cane (2)
Cane of Greed 15
Crystallized Memory Staff +10
Crystallized Memory Staff
Evergreen Crystal Staff

Frigid Flame Staff

Frigid Portal Staff

Golden Staff 15
Pulsing Golden Staff 15

Staff of the Northstar

Star of the North Pole 15 Swords
Assassin of Nulgath Sword

Blue Giftbox Sword 2015
Bom Velhinho Blade 15
Claws Little Helper 15

Crimson Brightsword 15
Cryo Assassin of Nulgath Sword

Elim's Sword 15
Frost Sword 15

Frost and Steel 15


Frostval On a Steeck 15
Giftbox Sword

Giftbox Sword 2015

Green Dragon Hunting Blade 15

Holly Sword 15

Ice Cold Steel

Ice Frost Sabre 15

Ice Sabre 15
Ice Storm Blade 15

Joyful Resolve 15
Malachite Brightsword 15
Protector's Edge

Rapier of the Star 15

Slayer of Time 15

Steampunk Knuckle Sword

Sugary Sword 15

Sword of Hope (Sword)

Tarandus Battle Blade 15

Toy Factory
Frost Deep
Frozen Tower
Frozen Ruins
Golden Ruins
Ice Cave
Ice Cavern

IceRise Keep
IceRise Past (Location)

Ice Volcano
Snow Globe
Snow Path
Snowy Vale
Winter's Heart Monsters
Ancient Golem
Ancient Terror
Arctic Direwolf (Level 19)
Arctic Eel
Broken Toy (Version 1)
Clockwork Dandy
Clockwork Dolly
Corpsicle Symbiote

Creepy Elf

Fishbones (Level 15) (3)
Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Fangbeast
Frost General
Frost Invader
Frost Lion
Frost Reaper
Frost Superreaper
Frostdeep Dweller
FrostSpawn Fangbeast
FrostSpawn Invader
Frozen Deserter
Frozen Moglin
Frozen Moglinster (1)
Golden Warrior (Monster) (1) (Version 2)
Greater Ice Elemental

Guard Drumlin

Happy Elf
Ice Bear

Ice Drumlinster

Ice Spider
Ice Wolf
Karok the Fallen (1)
Killer Krampus
Maximillian Lionfang
Monstrous Refugee
Polar Bear
Polar Draconian
Polar Elemental
Polar Golem
Polar Mole
Polar Spider
Polarwyrm Rider
The Queen's Gift
Rotten Ice
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snow Golem (Monster) (2)
Snowman Soldier
Temple Maggot
Temple Prowler
Temple Spider
Twisted Ice
Ultra Kezeroth
Undead Dolly (Version 1)
Wendigo (Monster) (2) NPCs
Gravelyn (NPC)
Major Moglin

Robina & Blizzy
Sword of Hope (NPC)
Yorumi and Yuki Quests
Athon's Quests
Blizzy's Quests
Chilly's Quests
Gravelyn's Quests
Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider's Quests
Frost Deep's Quests
Holiday Yeti Pet's Quest
Icy Treasure Chest and Quest's Quest
Lorentz's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Moraine's Quests

Quibble's Quests
Rian's Quests
Robina's Quests
Syrrus' Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Yorumi and Yuki's Quests Shops
Athon's Frostval Shop
Blizzy's House Shop
Blizzy's Shop
Cryomancer Class
Dage Frostval Armor LQS
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gear Set
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Frostval Seasonal Shop
Ice Fortress House LQS
IceRise Past (Shop)

Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Quibble Coinbiter's Thirtieth Shop
Santa Nulgath Battle Pet
Sword of Hope (Shop)
Tower of Winds Merge
Tundra Stalker (Shop)
Winter's Heart Merge
ArmorsAncient Cryomancer

Ancient Time Voyager 14

Arctic Defender 14

Armor of Elim 14

Astromancer Mage

Battle Sassafras 14

Black Death of the Legion

ChaosChrono Distorter
Chrono Ender
Chrono Guardians
ChronoFrost Guard

Cold Bones Armor

Creepy Clockwork Doll

Crimson Knight

Crimson Knight and Shield

Cryomancer Armor (AC)

Cryomancer Armor (Merge)

Cute Santa 14

Dark FrostSpawn Mage

Fallen Frostspawn Warrior

Frigid Chaos Knight

Frostval Fiend

Frozen In Time

Golden Moglin Brawler 14

Golden Moglin Suit 14
Green Dragon Armor 14

Holiday Caster 14
Holiday Jester 14
Holy Healer
Hyperborean Blues
Ice Claw (Armor)

Ice Protector

Icy Claws Suit (AC)

Icy Claws Suit (Legend)

IceTen Space Armor

Kezeroth's Armor 14 (Legend)

Krampus (2)

Maximillian Arctic Armor 14

Northern Lights Wanderer
Northlands Guardian

Nully Claws (Armor) (AC)

Nully Claws (Armor) (Legend)

O Holly Knight 14

Peppermint Twist 14

Red Moglin Suit 14
Spearmint Twist 13

Spearmint Twist 14

Tarandus Battle Armor 14

The Fallen Mage

Tundra Stalker (Armor)
Warrior of the Star 14

Winter Hexer (AC)

Winter Hexer (Legend)

Aurora Dawn Cape
Back Frost Blades 2014
Backblades and Cloak Combo

Blizzard Runes Cape
Cape of Moments 14

Cloak of Blizzard 2014

Cloak of Fur
Crimson Knight's Bladed Cape

Crimson Knight's Cape

Dark Frosted Crystal Cape
Dawn Stars Cape
Frigid Matrix of Revontheus

Frosted Crystal Cape

Frostmoglin on your back 14
FrostScythe's Frigid Mantle

FrostSpawn Rune Cape

Frozen Back Blades 14

FrozenFear Crystal
FrozenFire Crystal Cape

Giant Sack of Gifts 14
Golden Moglin on your back 14
Green Dragon Cloak 14

Guiding Stars Cape 14

Holly Cape 14
Jangles On Your Back
Jingles On Your Back
Kezeroth's Cape 14 (Legend)

Maximillian's Arctic Cape 14

Prismatic Clawspikes

Reinzard On Your Back
Runes of Glacera

Sheathed Giftwrap Cape

Snowball Trebuchet 14

Snowman Head Display 14
Symbiote Growths 14

Tarandus Battle Cape 14

Wings of Dawn

Yeti's Snowsparkle Cape

Cryomancer (AC)

Cryomancer (Merge)
Cryomancer Mini Pet Coming Soon

Dark Cryomancer

Prismatic ClawSuit (Class)

Adorable Antlers 14
Ancient Cryomancer Hat

Arctic Defender Helm 14

Arctic Defender Locks 14

Arctic Goggles 14

Astromancer Hair
Astromancer Locks
Battle Clawshelm 14

Bearded Crimson Helm

Bearded Frostval Fiend

Bearded Warlock Morph

Bearded Winter Elf Helm

BrainFreeze Spikes

Candy Top 14

ChronoFrost Horns

Classy Holiday TopHat
Classy Tophat and Locks
Clockwork Dandy Hat

Clockwork Doll Ponytail

Crested Crimson Helmet

Crimson Knight's Helmet

Crowned Astromancer Hair

Crowned Astromancer Locks

Cryomancer Hair (AC)

Cryomancer Hair (Merge)
Cryomancer Locks (AC)

Cryomancer Locks (Merge)
Elite Shadow Guard 2014

Elven Frost Hair
Elven Frost Locks
Elven Santa Hat 14
Evolved Clawshelm 14

Fallen Warrior Helm

Fancy Warlocks Morph
Fancy Winter War locks
Frigid Chaos Helm

Frost Guard 14

Frostguard's Helm

FrostSpawn Horns

Frostval Fiend Horns

Frostval Fiend Mask
Frozen Fear Lad
Frozen Fear Lass
Gelid Cap 14
Gelid Locks 14
Girly Arctic Goggles 14

Girly Santa Hat 14
Golden Moglin Brawler Morph 14

Golden Moglin Morph 14

Green Bow Topper 14
Green Dragon Helm 14

Holiday Caster's Hood 14
Holly Helm 14
Holy Healer Hair
Holy Healer Halo
Holy Healer Halo Locks
Holy Healer Locks
Hood of the Time Voyager 14

Horned Krampus Morph

Horns of Krampus
Howl at the Frost

Howl at the Moon

Hyperborean Holiday Hair 14

Hyperborean Holiday Hat 14

Ice Protector Helmet

Icy Claws Hood (AC)

Icy Claws Hood (Legend)

Jangles Helm
Jingles Helm
Kezeroth's Helm 14 (Legend)

Kezeroth's Shattered Helm 14

Long Cute Santa's Hat 14

Maximillian's Arctic Helm 14

Mistletoe Madcap 14
Mistletoe Modestcap 14
Peppermint Flopper 14

Reindeer Antlers 14
Reindeer Beanie Locks 14

Reindeer Beanie 14

Reindeer Locks with Nose 14

Reindeer Shag with Nose 14

Santa Claws' Battle Helm 14
Santa Hat Twilly Heat 14
Sassafras' War Helm 14

Sheathed Giftwrap Cape

Short Cute Santa's Hat 14

Snow Globe Helm 14
Snowman Head 14
Sparkling Green Bow Topper 14
Sparkling Peppermint Flopper 14

Sparkling Red Bow Topper 14

Sparkling Spearmint Flopper 14
Spearmint Flopper 14
Spearmint Top 14

Symbiote Infection 14

Tarandus Battle Helm 14

Tundra Stalker Braids
Tundra Stalker Cap
Tundra Stalker Cowl
Tundra Stalker Hood
TundraStalker Hooded Braids
Winter Elf Braid

Winter Elf Ears
Winter Elf Locks Morph

Winter Elf Morph

Winter Locks Helm
Winter Warlock Beard

Winter Warlock Locks

Winter Warlock Morph

Gingerbread House

Ice Fortress

Decorated Frostval Tree

Golden Moglin Statue

Long Garland
Holiday Garland
Holiday Wreath
Icy Treasure

Icy Treasure Chest and Quest

Pile of Presents!!!

Small Garland
Tiny Frostval Tree
Treasure Pile (House Item)
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree Misc. Items
Bits of Cloth (1)
Bits of Hair
CLASS Boost! (1 hr) (2)

Clockwork Cog
Clockwork Gear
Fabric Scraps (2)
Frozen Tower Merge Token
Giftbox (Armor)

Giftbox (Cape)

Giftbox (Helm)

Giftbox (Pet)

Giftbox (Sword 1)

Giftbox (Sword 2)

Glacera Ice Token

GOLD Boost! (60 min) (1)

Jangles' Head
Jingles' Head
Karok's Glaceran Gem
Legion Frostval Armor Gift Box
Legion Frostval Pet Gift Box

Magic Treasure Chest Key

Mercury (2)
Metal Bits
Metal Scraps
Metal Pieces
Pieces of Cloth
Pieces of Glass
Ray of Hope
REP Boost! (60 min) (1)

Toy Parts
Wool scraps
XP Boost! (1 hr) (2)

XP Boost! (60 minutes)

Bah-hum Bug 14

Broken Toy Pet

Creepy Doll Pet

Death's Head Pet

Drumlin Guard Pet

Drumlin Pet

Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider

Festive Paragon Pet +15

Festive Quibble Bank Pet

Frost Beetle 14

Frost Moglin 14

Frostval Fiend Battle Pet

Frostval Fiend Pet

Golden Moglin 14

Green Gift Box (Pet)

Holiday Yeti Pet

Icepwny 14

Ice Spider Pet 14

Ice Wolf Pup

IceTen Space Helmet Pet


Jingles (Pet)

Jingles Bank Pet

Leo Frost 2014

Mini FrostScythe

Northlands GiftBox Pet

Nully Claws (Pet)

Nully Claws Battle Pet

Nutcracker 14

Pair of Golden Moglins 14

Polar Bear Cub 14

Rein Doggy 14

Reindragon 14

Santa Moglin 14

Santa Sneevil 14

Silver Gift Box

Snowball 14

Stumpy 14

Tiny Santy Claws 14

TrIcicle 14

Double Blade of Ice
FrostScythe's Axe

Snowy Axe 14
Sub-Zero Axe 14

Sub-Zero Hatchet 14
The Frost Axe 14

Candy Cane Rippers 14
Double Frozen Fear Chakrams

Dual Whirling Winter Hex Orbs

FrostScythe Dual Blades

FrostScythe Mace and Shield

FrostScythe's Battlegear

FrozenFlame Dagger

Glacial Edge
Kezeroth's Dual Destroyers

Santa Claw's Ripper 14
Santa's Impaler 14 Guns
Dual IceTen Space Blaster

IceTen Space Blaster
Maximillian's Ice Whip 14 Maces
DandyKey Mace

Frozen Fear Chakram
Frozen FireOrb Mace
Golden Mace 14

Jester's Folly 14

Kezeroth's Devastation

Peppermint Lollipop 14
Toy Maker Wrench 14
Whirling Winter Hex Mace

BitterEdge Blades
BitterEdge Slicer Polearm
Cold Scythe of Vengeance
Crimson Knight's Dragon Lance (1)

Crimson Knight's Dragon Lance (2)

Crimson Knight's Lance (1)

Crimson Knight's Lance (2)

Fallen Scythe of Vengeance
Frigid Scythe of Vengeance
Frostscythe's Cruelty 2014

Killer Pitchfork
Legion DoomBringer Polearm
Northern Lights Polearm
Piercing Azurite
Scythe of Vengeance
Sweet Scythe of Pain
Tinsel Taunter

Aura of the Snowglobe 14

Bright Astromancy Staff

Candy Cane 14
Cane of Greed 14
Classy Candy Cane

Frozen FireOrb Staff
FrozenFire Staff

Golden Staff 14
Pulsing Golden Staff 14

Star of the North Pole 14
Whirling Snowflake Staff
Winged Aurora Staff Swords
BitterEdge Broadsword
Blade Of The FrostSpawn

Bom Velhinho Blade 14
Bright Wrapping Paper Blade

Claws' Little Helper 14

Crimson Brightsword 14
Crimson Knight's Blade

Elim's Sword 14
Evergreen Frostblade
Frost and Steel 14

Frost Sword 2014

FrostReaver 14

FrostSpawn Invader Sword
Frostval On a Steeck 14
Gilded Frostedge Blade

Green Dragon Hunting Blade 14

Holly Sword 14

Ice Cold Steel

Ice Frost Sabre 14

Ice Sabre 14
Ice Storm Blade 14

Joyful Resolve 14
Malachite Brightsword 14
Protector's Edge

Rapier of the Star 14

Slayer of Time 14

Sugary Sword 14

Sword of Hope (Sword)

Tarandus Battle Blade 14

Unraveling Wrapping Paper Blade

Aurora Wand
BitterEdge Wand
Bright Astromancy Wand

Frosted Wand

Toy Factory
Frost Deep
Golden Ruins
Ice Cave
Ice Cavern

IceRise Keep
Ice Volcano
Snow Globe
Snow Path
Snowy Vale
Ultra Frostfang Monsters
Ancient Golem
Ancient Terror
Arctic Direwolf (Level 19)
Blighted Deer (1)
Blighted Moglin
Corpsicle Symbiote

Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Fang
Frost Golem
Frost Lion
Frostvale Deer
Frostvale Moglin (Monster)
Frostvale Villager
Frozen Deserter
Frozen Moglin
Golden Warrior (Monster) (1) (Version 2)
Greater Ice Elemental

Ice Golem (1) (Version 1)
Ice Spider
Legion Minion
Maximillian Lionfang
Polar Draconian
Polar Bear
Polar Elemental
Polar Golem
Polar Mole
Polar Spider
Polarwyrm Rider
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snow Golem (Monster) (2)
Snowman Soldier
Soul Well
Temple Maggot
Temple Prowler
Temple Spider
Ultra Frost Fang
Ultra Kezeroth
White Stalker (Monster)
Wendigo (Monster) (2)
Dage the Evil (NPC)
Gravelyn (NPC)
Issik the Vile
Major Moglin
Robina & Blizzy
Sword of Hope (NPC)
Yorumi & Eienyuki
Yorumi and Yuki
Athon's Quests
Blizzy's Quests
Chilly's Quests
Gravelyn's Quests
Frost Deep's Quests
Issik the Vile's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Robina's Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Yorumi & Eienyuki's Quests
Yorumi and Yuki's Quests
Athon's Frostval Shop
Blizzy's House Shop
Blizzy's Shop
Dage's Darkwinter Rares
Darkwinter Evil Merge
Darkwinter Good Merge
Darkwinter Rare Merge
Darkwinter War Shop
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Seasonal Shop
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Quibble Coinbiter's Twenty-Seventh Shop
Sword of Hope (Shop)
Dark Winter War
ArmorsAncient Time Voyager 13

Armor of Elim 13

Battle Frost King and Queen

Battle Sassafras 13

Bleakwind Rogue

ChaosChrono Distorter
Chrono Ender
ChronoFrost Guard

Chrono Guardians
Cold Bones Armor

Crimson Glory Mage

Cute Santa 13

Dark Frost Ninja

Dark Stalker

Doom Holiday Paragon Plate

Emerald Glory Mage

Festive Brutalcorn

Fortunate Holiday Paragon Plate

Frigid Chaos Knight

Frost Ninja
Frostguard Commander

Frozen In Time

Golden Moglin Brawler 13

Giftbox (Armor)
Golden Moglin Suit 13
Green Dragon Armor 13

Holiday Caster 13
Holiday Jester 13
Holiday Ritz! 14
Hyperborean Blues
Ice Claw (Armor)

Ice Protector

Kezeroth's Armor 13 (Legend)

Kezeroth's Armor 13 (Non-Legend)

Kezeroth's Armor 13 (Rare)

Legendary Frostguard Commander

Legion Holiday Paragon Plate

Maximillian Arctic Armor 13

O Holly Knight 13

Peppermint Twist 13

Red Moglin Suit 13
Savage SantaClaws
Snowman Armor 14
Spearmint Twist 13

Tarandus Battle Armor 13

Warrior of the Star 13

White Stalker (Armor)

Cape of Moments 13

Back Frost Blades 2013
Backblades and Cloak Combo

Bleakwind Mantle

Cloak of Blizzard 2013

Dark Sparkle Cape

Festive Sparkle Cape

Frost Sparkle Cape

Frostguard's Cloak
Frostmoglin on your back 13
FrostScythe's Frigid Mantle

Frozen Back Blades 13

Giant Sack of Gifts 13
Giftbox (Cape) (2)
Glory Mage Cape

Golden Moglin on your back 13
Green Dragon Cloak 13

Guiding Stars Cape 13

Holly Cape 13
Kezeroth's Cape 13 (Legend)

Kezeroth's Cape 13 (Non-Legend)

Kezeroth's Cape 13 (Rare)

Legendary Glory Mage Cape

Maximillian's Arctic Cape 2013

Prismatic Clawspikes

Sheathed Icerender

Snowball Trebuchet 13

Snowman Head Display 13
Symbiote Growths 13

Tarandus Battle Cape 13

White Stalker's Wings

Prismatic ClawSuit (Class)

Adorable Antlers 2013
Battle Clawshelm 13

Black Mage Hat

Bleakwind Hood

Bleakwind Locks

BrainFreeze Spikes

Candy Top 13

ChronoFrost Horns

Crimson Glory Hat and Locks

Crimson Glory Hood

Doom Holiday Paragon Helm

Dramatic Santa Hat
Elite Shadow Guard 2013

Elven Santa Hat 13
Emerald Glory Hat and Locks

Emerald Glory Hood

Evolved Clawshelm 13

Festive Neko Waif-er

Festive Neko Waif-ette

Festive Tophat and Locks
Fortunate Holiday Paragon Horns

Frigid Chaos Helm

Frost Guard 13

Frost Ninja Hair
Frostguard's Helm

Giftbox Female (Helm)
Giftbox Male (Helm)
Girly Santa Hat 13
Golden Moglin Brawler Morph 13

Golden Moglin Morph 13

Green Bow Topper 13
Green Dragon Helm 13

Holiday Caster's Hood 13
Holiday Paragon Helm

Holiday TopHat
Holly Helm 13
Hood of the Time Voyager 13

Howl at the Frost

Howl at the Moon

Hyperborean Holiday Hair 13

Hyperborean Holiday Hat 13

Ice Protector Helmet

Kezeroth's Helm 13 (Legend)

Kezeroth's Helm 13 (Non-Legend)

Kezeroth's Helm 13 (Rare)

Kezeroth's Shattered Helm 13

Legion Neko Waif-er

Legion Neko Waif-ette

Long Cute Santa's Hat 13

Maximillian's Arctic Helm 2013

Mistletoe Madcap 13
Peppermint Flopper 13

Reindeer Beanie 13

Reindeer Beanie Locks 13

Reindeer Locks with Nose 13

Reindeer Shag with Nose 13

Reindeer Antlers 13
Ritzy Headgear for Her 14
Ritzy Headgear for Him 14
Royal Frost Helm

Royal Frost Faceguard

Santa Hat Twilly Head 13
Santa Claws' Battle Helm 13
Santa Cutie's Pink Hat

Santa Hunk's Pink Hat

Santacorn Helm

Sassafras' War Helm 13

Short Cute Santa's Hat 13

Snow Globe Helm 2013
Snow's Blight

Snowman Head 13
Snowman Head 14
Snowman Topper 14
Sparkling Green Bow Topper 13
Sparkling Peppermint Flopper 13

Sparkling Red Bow Topper 13

Sparkling Spearmint Flopper 13
Spearmint Flopper 13
Spearmint Top 13

Stalker's Curse

Stalker's Guard

Stalker's Spikes

Symbiote Infection 13

Tarandus Battle Helm 13

Gingerbread House

Decorated Frostval Tree

Golden Moglin Statue

Long Garland
Holiday Garland
Holiday Wreath
Small Garland
Tiny Frostval Tree
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree Misc. Items
Ray of Hope
Read Me!

Bah-hum Bug 13



Dark Hashtog

Frost Beetle 13

Frost Draglin

Frost Moglin 2013

Frostval Hashtog

Frostvale Moglin (Pet)

Golden Moglin 13

Holiday Baby Polarbear Cub

Holiday Paragon Pet

Icepwny 13

Ice Spider Pet 2013

Legendary Giftbox (Pet)

Leo Frost 2013

Mini FrostScythe

Nippy (Pet)

Noggy (Pet)

Nutcracker 13

Pair of Golden Moglins 13

Polar Bear Cub 2013

Reindragon 13

Rein Doggy 13

Santa Moglin 13

Santa Sneevil 13

Snowball 13

Stumpy 13

Tiny Santy Claws 13

TrIcicle 13

Axe of Frozen Agony

Axe of Frozen Peace
Double Blade of Ice
FrostScythe's Axe

Snowy Axe 13
Sub-Zero Axe 13

Sub-Zero Hatchet 13
The Frost Axe 13

Blade of Trapped Souls

Candy Cane Rippers 2013
Dark Frost Ninja Daggers

Dark Snowfall Daggers

Dual Legion Doombringer

Frigid Heartrender
Frost Ninja Daggers
FrostScythe Dual Blades

FrostScythe Mace and Shield

FrostScythe's Battlegear

Glacial Edge
Glacial Slicers
Kezeroth's Dual Destroyers

Santa Claw's Ripper 13
Santa's Impaler 13
Snowfall Daggers

Maximillian's Ice Whip 2013
White Stalker's Bow

Frost Mace

Glacial Maul
Golden Mace 13

Jester's Folly 13

Kezeroth's Devastation

Peppermint Lollipop 13
Tintinnabulation Chain

Toy Maker Wrench 2013 Polearms
Bright Deorum Lance
Deorum Lance
Fear of Light (1)
Frigid Frostbarb
Frostguard's Green Lance

Frostguard's Lance

Frostguard's Red Lance

Frostscythe's Cruelty 2013

Frozenflame Lantern

Piercing Azurite
Sweet Scythe of Pain
Tinsel Taunter

Aura of the Snowglobe 2013

Candy Cane 13
Cane of Greed 2013
Crimson Glory Staff

Emerald Glory Staff

Golden Staff 13
Pulsing Golden Staff 13

Star of the North Pole 13 Swords
Ancient Greatsword Of Ice

Bitter Deathgiver
Bom Velhinho Blade 13
Claws' Little Helper 13

Crimson Brightsword 13
Elim's Sword 13
Forest Valeblade
Frost and Steel 2013

Frost Demon's Icy Sword

Frost Sword 2013

FrostReaver 13

Frostval On a Steeck 13
Giftbox (Sword) (2)
Greatsword of Winter
Green Dragon Hunting Blade 13

Holly Sword 13

Ice Cold Steel

Ice Sabre 2013
Ice Storm Blade 2013



Interfector Blade
Joyful Resolve 2013
Legion Doombringer

Legion Fleshrender

Malachite Brightsword 13
Protector's Edge

Rapier of the Star 13

Regal Valeblade
Slayer of Time 13

Second Giftbox (Sword)
Sugary Sword 2013

Sword of Hope (Sword)

Tarandus Battle Blade 13

Note: Also see the 12-12-12 Event.
Toy Factory
Frost Deep
Golden Ruins
Ice Cave
Ice Cavern

IceRise Keep
Ice Volcano
Snow Globe
Snow Path
Snowy Vale Monsters
Ancient Golem
Ancient Terror
Arctic Direwolf (Level 19)
Corpsicle Symbiote

Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Lion
Frozen Deserter
Frozen Moglin
Golden Warrior (Monster) (1) (Version 2)
Greater Ice Elemental

Ice Spider
Maximillian Lionfang
Polar Draconian
Polar Bear
Polar Elemental
Polar Golem
Polar Mole
Polar Spider
Polarwyrm Rider
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snow Golem (Monster) (2)
Snowman Soldier
Temple Maggot
Temple Prowler
Temple Spider
Ultra Kezeroth
Wendigo (Monster) (2)
Gravelyn (NPC)
Major Moglin
Robina & Blizzy
Sword of Hope (NPC)
Yorumi and Yuki
Athon's Quests
Blizzy's Quests
Chilly's Quests
Gravelyn's Quests
Frost Deep's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Robina's Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Yorumi and Yuki's Quests
Athon's Frostval Shop
Blizzy's House Shop
Blizzy's Shop
Frostval Seasonal Shop
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Holi-Daily Merge
Holi-Daily Resource
Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Quibble Coinbiter's Twenty-First Shop
Sword of Hope (Shop)
ArmorsAncient Time Voyager 12

Armor of Elim 12

Battle Sassafras 12

Battle Sassafras 12 (Quest)

ChaosChrono Distorter
ChronoFrost Guard

Chrono Ender
Chrono Guardians
Cold Bones Armor

Cute Santa 12

Frigid Chaos Knight

Frozen Soul Knight

Frost Royalty 12
Frozen in Time

Glacial Destroyer

Glacial Summoner

Golden Moglin Brawler 12

Golden Moglin Suit 12
Green Dragon Armor 12

Holiday Caster 12
Holiday Jester 12
Holiday Ritz! 12
Holly Jolly Elf

Hyperborean Blues
Ice Beast

Ice Claw (Armor)

Ice Protector

Kezeroth's Armor 12 (Legend)

Kezeroth's Armor 12 (Non-Legend)

Maximillian Arctic Armor 12

Missile-Toe Mech

O Holly Knight 12

Peppermint Twist

Prismatic Elf

Red Moglin Suit 12

Scrooged Warrior

Shadow of the Frostval

Snowman Armor 12
Spearmint Twist

Tarandus Battle Armor 12

Warrior of the Star 12

Bag for the Naughty

Cape of Moments

Back Frost Blades 2012
Backblades and Cloak Combo

Cloak of Blizzard 2012

Frostmoglin on your back 12
FrostScythe's Frigid Mantle

Frozen Back Blades 12

Giant Sack of Gifts 12
Glacial Destroyer Wings

Golden Moglin on your back 12
Guiding Stars Cape 12

Green Dragon Cloak 12

Holly Cape 12
Ice-Cold Metallic Cape

Kezeroth's Cape 12 (Legend)

Kezeroth's Cape 12 (Non-Legend)

Maximillian's Arctic Cape 2012

Prismatic Clawspike

Royal Frost Cape
Snowball Trebuchet 12

Snowman Head Display 12
Symbiote Growths 12

Tarandus Battle Cape 12

Prismatic ClawSuit (Class)

Adorable Antlers 2011
Battle Clawshelm 12

BrainFreeze Spikes

Candy Top

Cheery FlopHat

Cheery Tophat 'n' Curls

ChronoFrost Horns

Deck the Long Hat

Deck the Short Hat

Elf Hat

Elite Shadow Guard 2011

Elven Santa Hat 12
Evolved Clawshelm 12

Frigid Chaos Helm

Frost Guard 12

Frosted Spikes

Frozen Soul Knight Skull

Girly Santa Hat 12
Glacial Destroyer Battle Helm

Glacial Destroyer Halo

Glacial Winged Helm

Golden Moglin Brawler Morph 12

Golden Moglin Morph 12

Green Bow Topper
Green Dragon Helm 12

Helm of the Ice Beasts

Holiday Caster's Hood 12
Holly Helm 12
Hood of the Time Voyager 12

Horns of the Ice Beasts

Howl at the Frost

Howl at the Moon

Hyperborean Holiday Hair 11

Hyperborean Holiday Hat12

Ice Protector Helmet

Kezeroth's Helm 12 (Legend)

Kezeroth's Helm 12 (Non-Legend)

Kezeroth's Shattered Helm 12

Long Cute Santa's Hat 12

Maximillian's Arctic Helm 2012

Missile-Toe Headgear

Missile-Toe Locks

Missile-Toe Shag

Mistletoe Madcap 12
Mistletoe Modestcap 12
Peppermint Flopper

Prismatic Elf Hat

Reindeer Beanie 12

Reindeer Beanie Locks 12

Reindeer Locks with Nose 12

Reindeer Shag with Nose 12

Ritzy Headgear for Her 12
Ritzy Headgear for Him 12
Reindeer Antlers 12
Santa Hat Twilly Head 12
Santa Claws' Battle Helm 2012
Sassafras' War Helm 12

Shadow of the Frost Helm

Shadow of the Frost Hood
Short Cute Santa's Hat 12

Snow Globe Helm 2012
Snowman Head 12
Snowman Topper 12
Snowoman Topper 12
Sparkling Green Bow Topper
Sparkling Peppermint Flopper

Sparkling Red Bow Topper

Sparkling Spearmint Flopper
Spearmint Flopper
Spearmint Top

Symbiote Infection 12

Tarandus Battle Helm 12

Gingerbread House

Decorated Frostval Tree

Golden Moglin Statue

Long Garland
Holiday Garland
Holiday Wreath
Small Garland
Tiny Frostval Tree
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree Misc. Items
ChronoCorruptor Pre-Gift
Chronomancer Pre-Gift
Holly-Daily Present
Legend Holly-Daily Present

Legend Present Merge

Ray of Hope
Regular Present Merge
TimeKiller Pre-GiftPets
Bah-hum Bug 12

Frost Beetle 12

Frost Moglin 2012

Golden Moglin 12

Icepwny 12

Ice Spider Pet 2012

Leo Frost 2012

Mini FrostScythe

Nutcracker 12

Pair of Golden Moglins 12

Polar Bear Cub 2012

Reign Doggy 12

Reigndragon 12

Santa Moglin 12

Santa Sneevil 12

Snow Golem Battle Pet

Snowball 12

Snowman Quibble Bank Pet

Stumpy 12

Tiny Santy Claws 12

TrIcicle 12

Double Blade of Ice
FrostScythe's Axe

Snowy Axe 12
Sub-Zero Axe 12

Sub-Zero Hatchet
The Frost Axe 12

Candy Cane Rippers 2012
FrostScythe Dual Blades

FrostScythe Mace and Shield

FrostScythe's Battlegear

Glacial Edge
IceShard Dual Edges
Kezeroth's Dual Destroyers

Santa's Impaler 12
Maximillian's Ice Whip 2012
Absolute Zero Club

Golden Mace 12

Jester's Folly 12

Kezeroth's Devastation

Peppermint Lollipop 12
Toy Maker Wrench 2012 Polearms
Frostscythe's Cruelty 2012

Glacial Destroyer Pike

IceDragon Breath Scythe
IceShard Slicer

Piercing Azurite
Sweet Scythe of Pain
Tinsel Taunter

Aura of the Snowglobe 2012

Candy Cane 12
Cane of Greed 2012
Golden Staff 12
Pulsing Golden Staff 12

ShadowSnow Staff

Staff of Glacial Destruction

Star of the North Pole 12 Swords
Blade of the Chilling
Blade of the Incinerated
Bom Velhinho Blade 12
BoneChilling Carver

Claws' Little Helper 12

Crimson Brightsword 12
Elim's Sword 12
Frost and Steel 2012

Frost Sword 2012

FrostReaver 12

Frostval On a Steeck 12
Glacial Great Sword

Green Dragon Hunting Blade 12

Holly Sword 12

Ice Cold Steel

Ice Sabre 2012
Ice Storm Blade 2012

Ice Walker's Blade
IceShard Stabber
Joyful Resolve 2012
Malachite Brightsword 12
MetalStar Broadsword

Protector's Edge

Rapier of the Star 12

Slayer of Time 12

Sugary Sword 2012

Sword of Hope (Sword)

Tarandus Battle Blade 12

Toy Factory
Golden Ruins
Ice Cave
Ice Cavern

Ice Volcano
Snow Globe
Snow Path Monsters
Corpsicle Symbiote

Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Lion
Frozen Deserter
Frozen Moglin
Golden Warrior (Monster) (1) (Version 2)
Greater Ice Elemental

Ice Spider
Maximillian Lionfang
Polar Bear
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snow Golem (Monster) (2)
Snowman Soldier
Wendigo (Monster) (2)
Gravelyn (NPC)
Major Moglin
Robina & Blizzy
Blizzy's Quests
Chilly's Quests
Gravelyn's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Robina's Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Blizzy's House Shop
Blizzy's Shop
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Frostval Seasonal Shop
Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Quibble Coinbiter's Sixteenth Shop
ArmorsCheer Bringer

Cold Bones Armor

Envenomed Ice Symbiote

First Armor Shaped Gift
Frost Rammer

Golden Moglin Brawler 11

Golden Moglin Suit 11
Green Dragon Armor 11

Holiday Caster 11
Holiday Enforcer

Holiday Jester 11
Holiday Ritz! 11
Hyperborean Blues
Ice Symbiote (Armor)

Iced Jester
Maximillian Arctic Armor 2011

O Holly Knight 11

PermaFrost Legionaire

PermaFrost Sapiens

Red Moglin Suit 11
Silver Azurite Armor

Snowman Armor 11
Tinsel's Second Armor Gift
Tundra Hunter

Back Frost Blades 2011
Backblades and Cloak Combo

Cape Shaped Giftbox 11

Cloak of Blizzard 2011

Evergreen Cape Shaped Giftbox 11

Evolved Clawspikes 11

Frostmoglin on your back 11
FrostScythe's Frigid Mantle

Giant Sack of Gifts 11
Golden Moglin on your back 11
Green Dragon Cloak 11

Holly Cape 11
Maximillian's Arctic Cape 2011

Permafrost Wrap

Snowball Trebuchet 11

Snowman Head Display 11
Symbiote Growths 11

Evolved ClawSuit 11

Adorable Antlers 2011
Battle Clawshelm 11

Bearded Helm Shaped Giftbox 11

Cheer Bringer Cap

Cheer Bringer Hat

Elite Shadow Guard 2011

Elven Santa Hat 11
Evergreen Helm Shaped Giftbox 11

Evolved Clawshelm 11

First Female Helm Gift
First Male Helm Gift
Frost Guard 2011

Frost Rammer Helm

Girly Santa Hat 11
Glare of the Permafrost

Golden Moglin Brawler Morph 11

Golden Moglin Morph 11

Green Dragon Helm 11

Helm Shaped Giftbox 11

Holiday Caster's Hood 11
Holiday Enforcer Helm

Holly Helm 11
Hyperborean Hair

Hyperborean Hat

Hyperborean Holiday Hair 11

Hyperborean Holiday Hat11

Iced Foule-Bordeau
Maximillian's Arctic Helm 2011

Mistletoe Madcap 11
Mistletoe Modestcap 11
PermaFrost Legionaire's Visage

Reindeer Antlers 11
Ritzy Headgear for Her 11
Ritzy Headgear for Him 11
Santa Hat Twilly Head 11
Santa Claws' Battle Helm 11
Second Female Helm Gift
Second Male Helm Gift
Silver Azurite Helm

Snow Globe Helm 2011
Snowman Head 11
Snowman Topper 11
Snowoman Topper 11
Spikes of PermaFrost

Stylin' Tundra Hunter

Symbiote Infection 11

Tundra Hunter Hood

Gingerbread House

Decorated Frostval Tree

Golden Moglin Statue

Long Garland
Holiday Garland
Holiday Wreath
Small Garland
Tiny Frostval Tree
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree Misc. Items
Class Shaped Giftbox 11

Evergreen Armor Shaped Giftbox 11

Bah-hum Bug 11

Frost Beetle 11

Frost Moglin 2011

Frostval Quibble Bank Pet

Golden Moglin 11

Icepwny 11

Ice Spider Pet 2011

Leo Frost 2011

Mini FrostScythe

Nutcracker 11

Pair of Golden Moglins 11

Polar Bear Cub 2011

Reign Doggy 11

Reigndragon 11


Santa Moglin 11

Santa Sneevil 11

Snowball 11

Stumpy 11

Tiny Santy Claws 11

TrIcicle 11

Double Blade of Ice
FrostScythe's Axe

Snowy Axe 11
The Frost Axe 11

Arctic Breeze Bow

Festive Holiday Bow
Glacial Bow

Candy Cane Rippers 2011
Envenomed Iceblades

FrostScythe Dual Blades

FrostScythe Mace and Shield

FrostScythe's Battlegear

Glacial Edge
Hyperborean Bite

Santa's Impaler 11
Maximillian's Ice Whip 2011
Envenomed Bludgeon

Golden Mace 11

Jester's Folly 11

Peppermint Lollipop 11
Toy Maker Wrench 2011 Polearms
Frostscythe's Cruelty 2011

Piercing Azurite
Sweet Scythe of Pain
Tinsel Taunter

Aura of the Snowglobe 11

Candy Cane 11
Cane of Greed 2011
Glacial Wand

Golden Staff 11
Mystical Ice Orb Staff

Pulsing Golden Staff 11

Star of the North Pole 11
Wings of Ice

Bom Velhinho Blade 2011
Claws' Little Helper 11

Crimson Brightsword
Evergreen Sword Shaped Giftbox 11

Frigid Blade of Light

Frost and Steel 2011

Frost Sword 2011

FrostReaver 11

Frostval On a Steeck 11
Green Dragon Hunting Blade 11

Hyperborean Blade

Ice Cold Steel

Ice Sabre 2011
Ice Storm Blade 11

Joyful Resolve 2011
Holly Sword 11

Hyperborean Blade

Malachite Brightsword
Silver and Gold

Sugary Sword 11

Sword Shaped Giftbox 11

Toy Factory
Golden Ruins
Ice Cave
Snow Globe
Snow Path
Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Lion
Frozen Moglin
Golden Warrior (Monster) (1) (Version 2)
Ice Spider
Maximillian Lionfang
Polar Bear
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snow Golem (Monster) (2)
Snowman Soldier
Major Moglin
Robina & Blizzy
Blizzy's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Robina's Quests
Tinsel's Quests
Blizzy's House Shop
Blizzy's Shop
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Frostval Seasonal Shop
Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Quibble Coinbiter's Eleventh Shop
ArmorsArctic Dragonslayer

Armor Shaped Giftbox
Chaos Claws Suit

Golden Moglin Brawler 10

Golden Moglin Suit 10
Holiday Caster 10
Holiday Jester 10
Jolly Frostval Attire

Maximillian Arctic Armor 10

Moglin Defender

O Holly Knight 10

Red Moglin Suit 10
Snowman Armor 10
Totally Pink Moglin Morph

Arctic Dragonslayer Cloak

Back Frost Blades 10
Cape Shaped Giftbox

Cloak of Blizzard 10

Evolved Clawspikes 10

Frostmoglin on your back 10
Frostval Fur Cloak

Giant Sack of Gifts 10
Golden Moglin on your back 10
Hangin' Around Pink Moglin

Holly Cape 10
Maximillian's Arctic Cape 10

Moglin Defender Tail

Snowball Trebuchet 10

Snowman Head Display 10 Classes
Evolved ClawSuit 10

Adorable Antlers 10
Arctic Dragonslayer Trophy

Battle Clawshelm 10

Bearded Helm Shaped Giftbox

Boyish Helm Shaped Giftbox
Chaos Claws Helm

Color Custom Santa Hat

Cute n' Cuddly Moglin Helm

Elite Shadow Guard 10

Elven Santa Hat 10
Evolved Clawshelm 10

Gilry Helm Shaped Giftbox
Girly Santa Hat 10
Golden Moglin Brawler Morph 10

Golden Moglin Morph 10

Helm Shaped Giftbox

Holiday Caster's Hood 10
Holly Helm 10
Maximillian's Arctic Helm 10

Mistletoe Madcap 10
Mistletoe Modestcap 10
Moglin Defender Helmet

Reindeer Antlers 10
Santa Claws' Battle Helm 10
Santa Cutie

Santa Hat Twilly Head 10
Santa Hunk

Scarfed Boy

Scarfed Girly

Snow Globe Helm 10
Snowman Head 10
Snowman Topper 10
Snowoman Topper 10 Houses
Gingerbread House

Decorated Frostval Tree

Golden Moglin Statue

Long Garland
Holiday Garland
Holiday Wreath
Small Garland
Tiny Frostval Tree
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree Misc. Items
Class Shaped Giftbox

Golden Ruins Ribbon
Snow Globe Ribbon Pets
Bah Hum Bug 10

Frost Beetle 10

Frost Moglin 10

Golden Moglin 10

Ice Spider Pet 10

Icepwny 10

Leo Frost 10

Moglin's Tutelar

Nutcracker 10

Pair of Golden Moglins 10

Polar Bear Cub 10

Reign Doggy 10

Reigndragon 10

Randolph the Red Nosed Reinzard

Santa Moglin 10

Santa Sneevil 10

Snowball 10

Stumpy 10

Super Adorable Pink Moglin

Tiny Santy Claws 10

TrIcicle 10

Hoarfrost Hatchet

The Frost Axe 10

Candy Cane Rippers 10
Dark Lunar Daggers

Frostval Sword and Shield

Happy Holiblades

Howling Frost Set

Santa Claw's Ripper 10
Santa's Impaler 10
Maximillian's Ice Whip 10
Golden Mace 10

Jester's Folly 10

Peppermint Lollipop 10
Toy Maker Wrench 10 Polearms
Holly Trident

FrostScythe's Cruelty 10

Candy Cane 10
Cane of Greed 10
Dark Moon Rising

Golden Staff 10
Pulsing Golden Staff 10

Bom Velhinho Blade 10
Claws' Little Helper 10

Dark Solistice Sword

Holly Sword 10

Frost Sword 10

FrostReaver 10


Ice Sabre 10

Ornate Moglin Claymore


Sword Shaped Giftbox

The Frostval Fir

Wing of the Frost Griffin

Toy Factory
Guwio Village
Ice Cave
Mount Frost
Northland Lights
King Coal
Snow Path
Aisha's Drake
Frost Dragon (1)
Frost Dragon (2)
Frost King

FrostWyrm Rider

Frozen Moglin
Ice Elemental (Level 12)
Ice Spider
Polar Bear
Santy Claws
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Snow Golem (Monster) (2)
Adak Amaroq
George Forge-Man
Major Moglin
Nurse Marie-Neige
Nythera (NPC)
Old King Coal
Robina & Blizzy
Blizzy's Quests
Major Moglin's Quests
Nurse Marie-Neige's Quests
Nythera's Quests
Robina's Quests
Adak's Shop
Forge Shop
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Frostval Seasonal Shop
Major Moglin Shop
Major Moglin's House Shop
Old King Coal's Shop
Mount Frost War
ArmorsColorful Claws Suit


Frost Draconian


Giftbox Armor Item

Glacier Garment

Golden Moglin Brawler 09

Golden Moglin Suit 09

Holiday Jester 09

Red Moglin Suit 09
Santy Claws Moglin Suit

Snow Golem (Armor)

Vivid Mountaineer

Vivid Snowsuit Capes & Back Items
Back Frost Blades 09
Cloak of Blizzard 09

Frost Drake Wings

Frostmoglin on your back 09
Frost Wyrm Rider Cape
Giant Sack of Gifts 09
Giftbox Cape Item

Golden Moglin on your back 09
Matriarch's Cloak

Santa's Colorful Backblades

Snowball Trebuchet 09

Snowman Head Display 09 Helmets & Hoods
Armored Frost Dragon

Colorful Claws' Battle Helm

Classy New Year's Hat

Dicken's Pauper Hat
Frost Drake Matriarch Morph
Frost Drake Morph

Elven Santa Hat 09
Frost Guard 09

Giftbox Helm Item

Girly Santa Hat 09
Glacier Helm

Golden Moglin Brawler Morph 09

Golden Moglin Morph 09

Helmet-shaped Present

Mistletoe Madcap 09
Mistletoe Modestcap 09
Mountaineer's Hood

Pom Pom Toque
Reindeer Antlers
Santa Claws' Battle Helm 09
Santa Hat Twilly Head 09
Santy Claws Moglin Morph
Sequined New Year's Hat

Snow Golem Morph
Snowman Head 09
Vivid Furry Toque

Vivid Mountaineer's Hood

Vivid Pom Pom Toque House Items
Decorated Frostval Tree

Golden Moglin Statue

Tiny Frostval Tree
Two Moglins in a Frostval Tree

Undecorated Frostval Tree
Xan Poster

Giftbox Weapon Item

Baby Frost Drake

Bah Hum Bug 09

Candy-Coated Baby Frost Dragon 09

CoalZard 09

Frost Beetle 09

Frost Moglin 09

Giftbox Pet Item

Glacial Moglin

Golden Moglin 09

Ice Spider Pet 09

Icepwny 09

Nutcracker 09

Pair of Golden Moglins 09

Polar Bear Cub 09

Reign Doggy 09

Reigndragon 09

Santa Moglin 09

Santa Sneevil 09

Snowball 09

Stumpy 09

Tiny Santy Claws 09

TrIcicle 09

Frazier Fury

The Frost Axe 09

Arcane Longbow


Santa Claw's Ripper 09
Santa's Impaler 09
Wreath of Wrath


Climber's Ice Pick
Coal Mace

Dellovibrio Rod
Golden Mace 09

Harm 'O Nee

Jester's Folly 09

Peppermint Lollipop 09
Seal of the Seal

Toy Maker Wrench 09 Polearms
FrostScythe's Cruelty 09

Northlands Fishing Spear

Northlands Hunting Spear Staffs
Candy Cane 09
Cane of Greed 09
Coal Staff
Golden Staff 09
Nuclei Nebula Staff
Pulsing Coal Staff

Pulsing Golden Staff 09

Staff of the Snowflake Swords
Amethyst Rune Blade

Ancient Platinum Blade

Blade of Holy Might
Blade of Silent Might

Booger Blade

Dark Rune Blade

Frost Matriarch Sword

Frost Sword 09

Frost Wyrm Blade

FrostReaver 09

Glacial Knuckle Sword

Golem's Ice Sickle

Ice Sabre 09
Ice Sickle

Noble Blade

Obsidian Sword

Royal Rune Blade

Sister Ancient Platinum Blade
Sword of the Northlands

Vaccine Needle


Toy Factory
Ice Cave
Snow Path
Frost Dragon (1)
Frozen Moglin
Ice Spider
Polar Bear
Sneevil Toy Maker
Snow Golem (Monster) (1)
Major Moglin
Robina & Blizzy
Blizzy's Quests
Robina's Quests
Frostval Seasonal Shop
Frostval Caves
Frostval Factory
Frostval Gift Boxes!
Holiday Jester 08
Red Moglin Suit 08
Back Frost Blades 08
Cloak of Blizzard 08

Frostmoglin on your back 08
Giant Sack of Gifts 08
Giftbox (Cape) (1)

Snowman Head Display 08
Snowball Trebuchet 08 Classes

Giftbox (Class)

Claws' Hood 08

Elven Santa Hat
Frost Guard 08

Giftbox (Helm)

Girly Santa Hat 08
Mistletoe Madcap 08
Mistletoe Modestcap 08
Reindeer Antlers
Santa Claws Battle Helm
Santa Hat Twilly Head 08
Snowman Head Pets
Armored Baby Frost Dragon 08

Bah-hum Bug

Frost Moglin 08

Giftbox (Pet)

Icepwny 08

Ice Spider Pet 08

Frost Beetle 08

Nutcracker 08

Polar Bear Cub 08

Reign Doggy

Reigndragon 08

Santa Moglin 08

Santa Sneevil 08

Snowball 08

Stumpy 08

TrIcicle 08

The Frost Axe 08

Santa Claw's Ripper 08
Santa's Impaler 08
Jester's Folly 08

Peppermint Lollipop 08
Toy Maker Wrench 08 Polearms
FrostScythe's Cruelty 08

Candy Cane 08
Cane of Greed 08
Frost Sword 08

FrostReaver 08

Giftbox (Sword) (1)

Ice Sabre 08
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