Frost SpiritReaver (Class)
Location: Ice Dungeon
Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Ice See You' quest)
Sellback: 0 AC
Weapon Damage: 35%, 2.0 speed
Description: Recommended enhancement: Wizard, Lucky. Granted a portion of the Champion of Ice’s power, Frost SpiritReavers are ice mages that battle by unleashing the power of the frost spirits that they gather.
Stat Model: Offensive Caster
Special Effects: Frost SpiritReavers regain 10 Mana when using Spirit Ripper or Spirit Freeze.
- Class breakdown Design Notes post.
- Frozen Essence lasts for 10 seconds and improves the damage of Spirit Synchronization.
- Also see Frost SpiritReaver (Armor).
Thanks to Apus.