- Escherion's Tower - After taking down Escherion (Monster) (1) for the first time
«Scene fades in with Escherion speaking, leaned over after being defeated»
Escherion: *pant pant* Impressive. Perhaps you are not as much of a weakling as I thought.
Hero: What do you mean by "Perhaps"?!
Hero: I just owned you!
Hero: Now in the name of Gravelyn, Empress of the Shadowscythe…
Hero: …this valley is no longer yours. Leave it…
Hero: …and let everyone see that you bow to the forces of Evil!
Escherion: I… I suppose I have no choice.
Escherion: I underestimated you, hero. You didn't look that powerful to me…
Escherion: …but you have shown me that it is really what's on the inside that counts…
«Escherion grabs the Chaotic Staff of Inversion, standing up»
Escherion: So I will turn you INSIDE OUT to avoid making that mistake again! HAHAHAHA!
«Escherion shoots a ray from his Chaotic Staff of Inversion, but the Hero reflects it with a mirror and it hits Escherion»
Escherion: You made me INVERT MYSELF!
Hero: Good thing I held onto this magic mirror I found in the Ruins.
Hero: Hmmmm. You don't look much different turned inside out.
Escherion: I'm not inside out, fool. The spell must have had no effect on me.
Escherion: Perhaps I should stick with some classic mage spells to destroy you….
Escherion: Like FIREBALL!
«Excherion tries to cast Fireball, only for it to cast upon himself. Following that, he casts an ice spell, and again it casts upon himself»
Escherion: Fine…. POLYMORPH!
«Escherion casts a spell and turns himself into a frog»
Hero: Huh… I guess you inverted your powers.
Hero: Every spell you try to cast on me, you actually cast on yourself.
Escherions: *ribbit ribbit*
Hero: I'm sure you just said something very rude in froggy.
Otto: I feel like myself again!
Anna: We've been saved! We're free!
Surrounding Villager (Left): HOORAY!
Surrounding Villager (Middle): Mobius is free!
Surrounding Villager (Right): This is great!
Otto: Why is that frog standing on a huge block of ice?
Hero: It looks like you're pretty harmless now, Chaos Lord Escherion…
Hero: …Even if you change yourself back, your spells will only harm you.
Hero: Mobius, The Faerie Forest, The Ruins… all of Chiral Valley is no longer under your rule.
Hero: Goodbye, Escherion. It has been a Toad-ally un-frog-ettable experience!
«Scene changes to Drakath at his Chaos Gate»
Drakath: What an…. entertaining…. turn of events.
Drakath: Escherion has been defeated and Chiral Valley has been freed.
Drakath: But that is the nature of Chaos: unpredictable.
Drakath: Escherion served my purpose well.
Drakath: The Lake Hydra was free, destroying one of the seals. It's only a matter of time.
Drakath: But Escherion couldn't have done it alone. That hero found him the cube.
Drakath: I hope you had fun Hero….
Drakath: The next LORD of CHAOS has ALREADY been chosen!
«Scene fades out with Drakath laughing as it zooms out, and finally fades out»
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