UPDATE 12/09/14: Imageshack is now banned from this wiki. Please refrain from using it as an image-hosting website, also, please replace any Imageshack links if you happen to find them. Thanks! ~Rickyb20
Hey all,
For those of you who are not aware, today the Tinypic database had a massive crash. Roughly 1/5 of the wiki's images hosted on Tinypic were taken down all at once, and replaced with miscellaneous images completely unrelated to the wiki. Many of these images were inappropriate, and we were plunged into chaos as we tried to repair so many images all at one time.
Fortunately for us, the images fixed themselves over time. We could not be so lucky next time though, and this is not the first time Tinypic has crashed on us. It has become unreliable, so from now on:
Tinypic images are banned from the wiki.
Do not use Tinypic as an image hosting site. At all. If you need a replacement site, we highly recommend Imgur — it is the most reliable option available to us.
Furthermore, starting today we will be moving all existing images away from Tinypic. I realise this is a large task but it must be done to avoid the same scenario happening again.
If you have any questions, feel free to post here. Thank you for your co-operation everyone.
AQWWiki Moderator
It seems some people got confused on how such priority needs to be dealt with, we are really sorry for that. Our priority is to do not use any tinypic images for new pages since this announcement was made but it is not a priority to change every tinypic image to imgur or whatever 3rd party website.
I would like to guide you all to avoid unnecessary editings, it is not against the rules but take that like a random number divided by zero, it is unnecessary to use zero as a divisor instead just adding 0 (both forms are not wrong, like i said before) thus it is better to wait for the right chance to update them.
- Avoid updating the links when any picture is needing an image, it will get removed and replaced with a new link so that action is completely useless.
- Avoid uploading a new image for a Rare-tagged item. We now are used to upload the rare images using our wiki uploader. If there is a broken pic you can update it and leave a note for uploading, you can also add incomplete tag on them so we will figure out whats not complete on that page.
- We strongly recommend to try to update links when the page is missing information, if you want to add shortcuts for quests (quicky jump) you can do that while adding a new image but avoid editing the page just to update the links.
- Remove the picture if it is something innapropriate if you don't have a way to get that item then add the need-image tag.
- And the most important point, don't edit for Karma, we don't really want to interpret you are taking advantage of such situation just to increase your karma, wiki don't use karma, it is a wikidot tool. It is true we take some references from karma but once we detects you were just changing the images and not meeting the right requirements to be a LoreKeeper, by example, you will not be a one so Karma is completely useless. The way you act and how you interact with us (IRC/Wiki Forums/Wiki Knowledge) is the right path to be a LoreKeeper.