Please put in any information that you changed, added, or deleted so that other members know what you did and there aren't duplicates of every new item.
Just a minor addition of a word in description to Undead Curse entry it was missing a word in the description and I added it
um corrupted forrest is mem but will be non mem soon so i sugjest that u cang it for not then chang it back
@dark kid941:
Perhaps you should try posting your information in "Areas" related forum. This one is at least supposed to post information about armors.
Earth Creeper Morph entry needs an update on first 24 hr sellback price..I've already updated the after 24 hr and the cost and yea, if anyone has the info for 24 hr sellback price go ahead and update it
Fiend Carapace Armor entry needs an update on after 24 hr sellback..I went and updated the price and first 24 hr sellback so anyone with the info for that entry go ahead and update it
gonna be honest here, if i did my math correctly, there should be around 840 different combos for the undead pirate armour
and i'm pretty sure no one's gonna go posting all 840 combos…soooooo ya. I could put in the different parts of the armor on the armor page…just so ppl know what differences there are…heck i'll do it here:
Head: Eyepatch, no eyepatch
Arm: Sleeves, no sleeves
Wrist: cuffs, no cuffs
Body: Nothing, Black vest, White vest, Red vest, Brown vest
Legs: Nothing, pants, shorts, ankle pants (i dunno what to call it, but it's just the cloth on the ankles)
Feet: Nothing, shoes, boots, broken shoes, 2x broken boots
those are the differences i've found, so if any1 wants this info, we could post this on the Undead Pirate armor page instead of posting hundreds of screenshots xD
AQW - Hina, HS - Raiken, OS - Hina
AQWwiki - HSwiki - OSwiki
Twitterific Twig
Do what you love, love what you do
I added something like that to pirate curse, but it was removed. :(
but you got a bit more stuff for me.
@ Hina:
2*4*(2^2)*(2^2)*(2^2)*(3^2)*(3^2) = 41,472 different looks has "Undead Pirate Curse" actually…
head - 2
body - 4
upper arm - 2(front) and 2(back)
lower arm - 2(front) and 2(back)
upper leg - 2(front) and 2(back)
lower leg - 3(front) and 3(back)
foot - 3(front) and 3(back)