(Please note that in addition to these rules, we also follow AE's Terms and Conditions. Refusal to follow any of our rules may result in your removal from the AQW Wiki.)
Universal Rules are rules that are enforced throughout the entire AQW Wiki and its forum and must be obeyed at all times by all users. Understanding (including all changes) these rules are the responsibility of the user alone. It might look like a lot, but most of it is common courtesy and common sense. They are subject to change at any time; each member is responsible for keeping up with any updates.
By using the AQW Wiki and its forum, you agree to these rules. Refusal to follow these rules will result in your termination from the AQW Wiki.
(Click a link to jump to that rule)
1) No profanity, inappropriate material, or content
2) No illegal content
3) No harassment
4) Page Locks
5) No trolling
6) No spamming
7) No trick links/pranking
8) Staff may delete and/or lock messages/wiki pages at their discretion
9) No posting unreleased or staff-only items
10) Please be accurate
11) Follow AE's Terms & Conditions
1) No profanity, inappropriate material, or content
This is a family friendly game; we have players of all ages, including children. Do not post links to sites that have content rated more "mature" than PG-13 (Some PG-13 content, swearing and partial nudity in particular, is prohibited from the boards.). Any material that is pornographic, sexually explicit, graphically violent (detailed descriptions of violence include describing/referencing torture, vicious acts of physical brutality, etc), visually offensive, derogatory, or discriminates on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, color, creed, religion, lifestyle, or, any other material (includes nudity and offensive pictures) that may be deemed as objectionable in a public community environment is strictly prohibited.
Profanity is strictly prohibited. Use of foul language, including swear words, real-world racial slurs, alternate spellings, and other language that is not consistent with the fantasy environment will be considered a disruption.
Any swearing, whether spelled out, placed in an acronym, and/or censored, or placed in a graphical image/offsite link, is prohibited.
2) No illegal content
This includes linking to any sites that may violate the rules. If you have any doubts whatsoever about the appropriateness of the content you want to post, don't post it. This includes but is not limited to:
- adult-oriented content
- content that breaks any laws
- copyright infringement (many MP3s, ROMs, etc.), warez, CD keys, cracks, passwords, serial numbers, etc.
- gambling and drugs
- hacking materials and information
- selling AE Characters (property of Artix Entertainment, LLC.)
- terrorism (promotion/carrying it through)
- trojans, viruses, worms, and other such harmful things
3) You must not harass or abuse others
Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them. As harassment can take many forms, the moderators will make a determination as to whether or not a "reasonable person" would feel harassed and act accordingly. Actions which would be considered abuse include but are not limited to:
3.1) Sexual Abuse or Harassment
Untoward and/or unwelcome advances of a graphic and sexual nature - PMs: If someone tells you to stop PMing them and includes a reason, you stop. If you do not, it will be considered harassment.
3.2) Attempting to Defraud
Creating false information with the intent of harming another and/or receiving benefits as a result - This includes reporting player misconduct without basis for it.
3.3) Personal Abuse
Includes but is not limited to sending excessive private messages or e-mails to a moderator or staff member, making physical threats, or using abusive language against a moderator.
3.4) Fellow Users
The above also apply to fellow users on the Wiki.
4) Page Locks
For those of you who don't know what a page lock is, a page lock occurs when somebody is editing a page. A page lock is put in place to ensure other wiki members that there is a person editing the page. A page lock will tell you who is editing, the lock mode, when the person started editing and how many seconds are left until the lock expires. Page locks will either look like this or this.
4.1) Force lock removals/intercepting locks
Forcibly removing a user's lock on a page is a ban-able offense. If a user has locked the page it means that they are in the process of editing the page. Force locking is disruptive and only slows the editing process. Please be patient and wait until the user has finished editing.
Force-locking is also not considered thanks-worthy. So if someone makes a page or adds something along with their thanks and they force-locked you, please PM a Wiki Moderator or Admin and we'll deal with it.
4.2) Multi-locking pages
Multi-locking is when a user locks several pages at once. This is not allowed. The Wiki is not a race, there is no need to lock multiple pages just so that you can create them. Not only is this unfair but it will also take longer to get information on the Wiki. Just create one page at a time. (Note: We will only allow multi-locking if it is 2 of the same item, meaning that the items have to same look and approximately the same description and rarity (for example, Chaorrupter Locked). This is the only exception.)
If your lock has been forcibly removed, if you notice a user multi-locking pages, or if you have an issue with someone who is editing, please PM a Wiki Moderator or Admin.
Also, when exiting a page, PLEASE hit either "Save" or "Cancel". Doing so will remove your page lock. DO NOT CLOSE THE BROWSER TAB/WINDOW. Doing so will keep your page lock up and make us think that you're multi-locking pages, and nobody wants that.
4.3) Holding Pages
Holding a wiki page is when you're in the editing window for an extremely long period of time (40+ minutes or more) and keeping the timer going without actually editing. A few situations where this might occur include, but are not limited to:
- Right before a release is about to begin
- When the person who is editing is farming for an item that they don't have
- When the person who is editing is holding the page to try and get new information
Please do not hold pages. Again, the Wiki is not a race. The wiki is about getting information on the wiki when it is released to the public in a timely manner. It is NOT about being the first to do so.
If you are actually going to edit and create a page for longer than 40 minutes, please PM rickyb20 and indicate so to him.
5) No trolling
Trolling is posting with the intent to cause a negative reaction in an individual or group of people. This can take the form of pointlessly spamming a thread or a more directed form of posting something you know is likely to upset them. If you don't have any serious things to contribute to the conversation, stay out of it. In other words, do not post anything intended to provoke someone into replying negatively.
6) No spamming
Here are a few rules regarding spam on the AQW Wiki:
- Please keep threads on a topic related to the board you are posting in, and replies relevant to the topic you are replying to.
- If your wiki/post edit gets removed and a reason is not given, please do not re-add the edit. Contact the person who removed your edit via PM and ask them why it was removed if you don't know (this especially goes for tags/parents/page renames). If that does not work, then contact a wiki mod/admin
- If your wiki page ever gets deleted, you will get a PM from the mod/admin who deleted your page, explaining why it was deleted. If your page gets deleted, please do not recreate it. Wait for the PM to come, and if you do not get one, contact a wiki mod/admin.
- If you spam edits or wiki pages and if the edits/wiki pages are irrelevant/unnecessary, you WILL be banned immediately for doing so. Please don't do it.
7) Trick links and pranking
Trick links (Saying a link will show someone something, but then actually linking to something else) are not allowed. Trick links of a malicious nature (browser hijacking links, for example) will be severely punished, even for a first offense.
Pranking is also not allowed. Pranking is posting anything which you claim is truthful even though you know it to be false. (For example, posting that a release is live or that a certain item has been made rare when you know the statements to be false.)
8) Staff may delete and/or lock forum messages/wiki pages at their discretion
Part of the job of moderators is to keep the boards clean. Messages deemed inappropriate, old, or off topic may be deleted/locked by moderators at any time. If you see a wiki page that is locked that you wish to edit, please contact a wiki mod/admin
Also, wiki moderators and administrators reserve the right to delete incomplete pages or pages that are not properly done. If you do not know how to create a wiki page properly, refer to the AQW Wiki Editing Guide.
9) You may only post entries that are or have been available to the public
That means no staff-only items or unreleased items. Any unreleased information or information gathered through cheating will not be tolerated. If anyone does publish such information in any way or form, they will lose their ability to post on this wiki. This applies to all items and details when they are obtainable only through illegal methods such as cheating. Staff only items are considered unobtainable and therefore should not be added to the wiki.
That also means that personal pages, fanfiction, clans, and the like do not have a place on this site. This Wiki is an encyclopedia that documents in-game features — anything else is irrelevant and will be deleted.
10) Please be accurate
It is a pain for everyone if people do not follow templates or post inaccurate information. This is not a race, so please check and recheck all information you post for new releases, and make sure they follow the same format as the majority of other similar categorical entries.
11) Follow AE's Terms & Conditions
Above all else, please abide by AE's Terms & Conditions when editing/posting on this wiki. You agree that you are abiding by AE's Terms & Conditions when editing/posting on the AQW Wiki, so please remember them.