This thread is an overview of what wiki mods and admins do, and how they are hired.
Wiki Mods
The first level of staff is the Wiki Mods. These are the staff who help keep order on the wiki. They:
- Have access to all page editing powers on the wiki, including but not limited to, deleting pages, locking and editing locked pages, editing and locking forum topics/threads, editing forum posts, etc. With these powers, they are responsible for managing essentially the entire wiki.
- Are the ones that help users out and guide them along, etc.
- Monitor the wiki for rule-breakers.
- Uphold the wiki/AE rules and keep a professional manner.
- Maintain the wiki to keep it up-to-date with both content, rules, functions, and other features implemented in the future. This especially includes release nights (which are on Fridays).
The selection process is explained below.
Wiki Admins
The staff who come above the Wiki Mods are the Wiki Admins. These are the staff who essentially run the whole wiki. They:
- They have all the powers that the Wiki Mods have, along with access to the Site Manager, which includes (but is not limited to) access to the wiki's general settings, the wiki's security (permissions, bans, etc.), extra features to the wiki forums (settings, the forum structure, permissions, etc.), inviting other people to the wiki, etc.
- Are the ones that help instruct the Wiki Mods, guiding them along, helping users out, etc.
- Monitor the wiki for rule-breakers.
- Uphold the wiki/AE rules and keep a professional manner.
- Maintain the wiki to keep it up-to-date with both content, rules, functions, and other features implemented in the future.
We select Wiki Admins by picking someone from the list of Wiki Mods. We are not hiring for wiki admins. Exceptionally experienced Wiki Mods may be selected for becoming a Wiki Admin when it is deemed necessary.
Please note the following:
- There are currently 4 admins for this wiki: the AQW Wiki Team Lead (which is currently,
YoshinoFTL, and the Master Wiki Administrator (which is currently
- A new AQW Wiki Team Lead is chosen when the current head of the AQW Wiki has to step down for any reason. Only Wiki Admins are eligible for this position.
Becoming a Wiki Mod
The following will be explaining the definition of a Moderator and all the requirements we look for (should you want to become one).
1. Here's what you need to know about being a Moderator:
- The Moderator staff position is a volunteer position. Just like the wiki admins, you will not be getting paid for this position.
- If there are users who aren't following the rules, send the user a PM telling them what they're doing wrong and what they should do.
- Having a positive attitude is important. If we find that you're behaving negatively towards users, chances are, you won't be chosen to be a Moderator, or if you are already one, you won't get promoted and, depending on the severity of your behavior, may even be dropped from the list of Moderators.
- Due to the fact that we have a wiki staff Discord channel, there is a lot of private information that is only meant for the wiki staff and not the public. Honesty and trustworthiness are very important when working in the wiki, this includes all wiki mods and admins. If we find out that ANY Moderators are leaking private information, then the Moderators who initiated it will be removed immediately.
- Moderators are monitored by the AQW Wiki Lead, which is currently,
Apus. This person plays a big role in which Moderators are approved and which sections they are assigned to. This person will watch a user's progress as a Moderator and make sure they are acting appropriately.
- So long as you remain a Moderator, you are a member of the wiki staff. You must follow all wiki and AE game rules so long as you are using your Moderator alias. If we do catch you breaking either wiki rules or AE rules, you won't be chosen to be a Moderator (depending on the severity of the situation), or if you are already one, you won't get promoted and, depending on the severity of your behavior, may even be dropped from the list of Moderators.
- You get access to the AQW Wiki Team guild. (Do note that it's for wiki staff only)
2. Requirements & Things to Keep in Mind
We have a lot of these, so make sure to read through them all carefully.
- You do not have to be part of the team to help out on the wiki. As this is a wiki, editing (most) pages is open to all. This position is for those who have been around for a while, helped out a lot, and want to be part of the team that manages the entire wiki. If you're new to the wiki, or have barely done any work for the wiki, we will not even think of considering you for a Moderator position. You need to familiarize yourself with the wiki and our ways of doing things before we can consider adding you. We judge by the quality of your posts/edits, and of course how active you are (which can be judged by your account history and (sometimes) the karma system).
- Unlike the hiring process for volunteer AQW staff, the AQW Wiki does not hire people through an application process. We will hire people when we see fit. Please do not send "applications" to any wiki staff, or ask any wiki staff about becoming a Moderator, because you will just be told what we're telling you here. It will also decrease your chances of becoming staff because you're showing us that you cannot follow instructions.
- To hire new Moderators, we keep an eye on editors actively editing on the wiki (usually through the Recent Changes) that have been around for a while. If we see a potential candidate for Moderator, we will discuss it amongst ourselves and we look at your activity to see if you've proven to be helpful. If you qualify, we will send you a PM requesting if you wish to become a Moderator. If you accept, we'll add you to the Moderators List and set you up with any additional information you're required to know. Excessively asking me or other staff members while doing little to nothing will not do you any good, and may get you removed from the wiki if it becomes a problem.
- Being on the Wiki Team is more than just being a good editor. You must be a helpful and friendly participant of the Wiki community. You should try your best to be involved in the Wiki Forum and the AQW Wiki Discord.
- Knowing how to speak/write English is an absolute must on the wiki since most of this wiki is entirely in English. Proper communication is also very vital when working on the wiki, if we can't understand what you're trying to say, or if you can't understand what we're trying to say, then that creates communications problems. The wiki can't function properly if there is no proper communication among the wiki members, staff members, etc.
- Activity is important. If you're a Moderator, and you're inactive, you will most likely be removed. So post if you're active, don't otherwise. If you have been removed and would like to be a Moderator again, you will have to repeat the process, as we won't know if you'll be active again or not.
- You must be willing to work outside your comfort zone. For example, if we ask you to do a certain page, you should be able to know what template to use and what information has to go into that template.
- Having a title does not make you better than others. All rules must still be followed.
- This wiki is hosted by Wikidot, a third-party company not affiliated with Artix Entertainment. As such, being a wiki Moderator does not grant you any in-game powers, in-game currency or membership on the AEForums, AQWorlds, or any of AE's games.
- Those who become Moderators are eligible to receive the wiki staff reward, Blade of the Wiki'd. This, however, is only given to those who are helping for the sake of helping, not for the sake of the reward. After becoming a Moderator, there will be a period of time where we check your progress, and if we find you're doing just as good as you did before, or even better, then you will receive the item.
3. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to be an upgraded player/be a certain level/have a certain item, to become a Moderator?
A: Absolutely not. Anybody can become a Moderator, regardless of how good/bad your in-game account is. We are only looking for people who are experienced with the wiki and basic Wikidot code.
Q: Do you need to be a certain age to be a Moderator?
A: There's no age limit. Anybody can be a Moderator regardless of age.
Q: When will you be hiring more Moderators?
A: Moderators are hired at the discretion of the Wiki Team Lead when more are deemed necessary.
Q: How much karma do I need to become a Moderator?
A: You don't need to be at a specific level in karma to become a Moderator. Although, karma does indicate how active you are, so having a decent karma level is recommended.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me or another staff member.