- Palace - Plays after completing the "Bridge Over Troubled Wellmet" quest
- Second cutscene button - Twilight Slums
Chapter 3: Focus on the Locus Magicalicus
«Hero, Warlic, Rowan, Conn and Cysero in the bridge. Cysero is playing with a Misery Eel with food hanging from a string»
Warlic: A hard run with many battles, <Hero>?
Conn: *mutters* I'd be more helpful if I had my locus magicalicus… all I can use now are daggers.
Warlic: That's as may be, young Conn. A focus stone IS a necessity, you are correct. But -
Hero: But Pettivox is USING them to leech magic from the stolen mages.
Hero: Cleric Dawn said he's feeding off them, growing fat on their power and strength, making himself the most powerful of all!
Conn: We read something in his Lab. It said… it said that magic taken by force gains an extra, unknown dimension of power. But what do the stones have to do with -
«Zoom in on Cysero playing with Misery Eel with food from a string, until he swings it in 270 degrees and eats the food. The Misery Eel launches itself at Cysero and Cysero catches it midair»
Cysero: You can't wring magic from a dried turnip… unless that turnip's a focus stone and linked to a mage.
Conn: … What? … Oh! Yes, exactly! It was the focus stones we saw in Pettivox's lab. They were linked somehow.
Hero: *grimly* Yes. Linked… to a Chaos Gemerald.
Warlic: Which means… Drakath. If HE is involved, this is more than just theft and abuse of magic for ambition.
Rowan: pardon me, ArchMage. But EVERY magic user at the Academicos knows of ley lines and of Drakath.
Rowan: What we do NOT know is, how are they linked? THAT is what <Hero>, Conn, and I must know now.
«Cysero now has the Misery Eel hanging from his neck»
Cysero: I'm full of blood. You probably are, too. It's in my veins, running through my body.
Cysero: Lore's got blood, of a form: its magic. And the ley lines that criss-cross the planet keep the magic flowing.
«Cysero points to sky and a star map is seen with ley lines»
Rowan: Like the Verix and the Horix? The polar lines, running North-South and East-West.
«Warlic nods»
Warlic: You remember correctly, Rowan. And where they intersect - the largest nexus on Lore: its core.
Warlic: Our planet's shell rests on a core of pure magic, and its veins - the ley lines - carry the magic across the land.
«Cysero puts the Misery Eel in a bucket of water»
Cysero: Unagi!
Cysero: Anyways, nexuses. They're pools of magic, reservoirs formed when any two or more ley lines meet.
Cysero: What makes a mage is the ability to tap into those streams of magic and use them.
Cysero: I'm pretty sure ANYone could if they tried, but only mages can do it with any strength or talent.
«Warlic's staff flashes white»
Warlic: And they would, of course, need a focus stone. Conn, your Nevery calls it a locus magicalicus; the term is particular to those studying at the Academicos.
Warlic: These stones - and they can be of any material or value - are reservoirs and conductors.
Warlic: Through them, mages are able to detect and link to the ley lines and nexuses around Lore.
Warlic: And if, as we suspect, Drakath has influenced Pettivox, he will want to do more than steal magic.
Warlic: I fear he will want to inject the stolen magic BACK into the ley lines. After it's been tainted with Chaos.
«Hero slashes with his sword»
Hero: Some weapons and skills are USELESS in this fight! If Drakath poisons Lore's lifeblood with Chaos, we're lost! But… wait! What if -
«Hero takes out Conn's lock-picks in a bag»
Hero: You dropped your lock-picks in the fighting. It's my thought that, if your skills back there were any indication…
Hero: You might have what it takes to get back in and… liberate the stolen stones. I can free the mages after.
Warlic: If the linkage is as strong, as pervasive, as I assume, you will need a great deal of ready magic to break the binding, Conn.
«Conn nods»
Conn: Then we'll just have to find me a new locus magicalicus NOW, won't we! I've been feeling a tugging since we exited the Palace, <Hero>.
Conn: The Twilight's a dangerous place if you're not paying attention.
Hero: You focus on the locus stone. I'll guard your back, and even help you look if you point out where to dig.
«Scene fades»
Previous: Motive, Malice, Magic | Next: Not So Pretty Plans