Floating Coffin

Location: AIC Concert
Level: 35
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 6,811
- Float: 102-122
Temporary Items Dropped:
- N/A
Items Dropped:
- Alice In Chains Dancer
- Alice In Chains Lycan Thrasher
- Alice In Chains Vampire Rocker
- Axe of Songs
- Axe of Songs Attack Guitar
- Blue Glowchucks (2)
- Bronze Arena Coin
- Dragon Disciple Armor
- Edgy Punk Back Guitar
- Edgy Punk Outfit
- Edgy Punk Shaved Female Morph
- Edgy Punk Shaved Hair
- Edgy Punk Shaved Male Morph
- Elegant Guard's Cape
- Elegant Guard's Wings
- Elegant Vampire
- Elegant Vampire Hair
- Elegant Vampire Locks
- Elegant Vampire Scythe
- Elegant Vampire Wings
- Gold Arena Coin
- Grunge-Z
- Loremaster Disciple Armor
- Pink Glowchucks (2)
- Platinum Arena Coin
- Restin' Rock Guitar
- Rock Display Guitar
- Rockin' Ceiling Lights
- Rockin' Floor Lights
- Rockin' Microphone
- Royal Vampire Guard
- Silver Arena Coin
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Unchained Rocker (L)
- Unchained Rocker (R)
- Unchained Rocker Hair
- Unchained Rocker Locks
- Vampire Guard's Bob
- Vampire Guard's Cape
- Vampire Guard's Locks
- Vampire Guard's Mask
- Vampire Guard's Mask + Locks
- Vampire Guard's Messy Hair
- Vampire Guard's Ponytail
- Vampire Guard's Scythe
- Vampire Guard's Short Ponytail
- Vampire Guard's Sidecut
- Vampire Guard's Wings
- Yellow Glowchucks
- Z's Grungy Hair
- Z's Grungy Locks

Thanks to Darkfirekiller.
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