Werewolf Captain of the Full Moon
So, I'm thinkin' maybe I won't kill you just yet. I'm thinkin' I could always use another swabbie - especially one what doesn't run at the first sign o' danger! No promises, now… but if ye show me ye can be useful, I'll let ye be me new lackey!
Midnight Crown?
This here island be the site of a yearly contest held between rival crews - a contest to decide which of the Pirates of the Night will be crowned Midnight King for that year. Well, or Midnight Queen, but that's only if that vampire captain Bonnie Blood wins. And she ain't goin' te be winnin'!
After completing the 'Pirates Be Stealthy!' quest:
Werewolf Captain of the Full Moon
Back so soon? Go on! Get back out there, swabbie! Ye haven't been gatherin' intel on the Back Veil for nearly long enough!
- Get Back There (Takes you to screen 12)
After completing the 'Black Veil Courier Service' quest:
Werewolf Captain of the Full Moon
Time te pick a side, swabbie! Are you goin' te help me win, or are ye goin' back te that harlot down the shore?
Midnight Crown?
This here island be the site of a yearly contest held between rival crews - a contest to decide which of the Pirates of the Night will be crowned Midnight King for that year. Well, or Midnight Queen, but that's only if that vampire captain Bonnie Blood wins. And she ain't goin' te be winnin'!
Thanks to Memine and Rare.
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