Fallen Knight (3)

Level: 20
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 2,470
- Red Pulse: 49-62
- Polearm Slash: 49-62
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Bright Flower Seed (Dropped during the 'Summon Help' quest)
- Brimstone-Stained Gauntlet (Dropped during the 'Break the Spell' quest)
- Clue 3 (Dropped during the 'Find the Clues' quest)
- Fallen Knight Defeated (Dropped during the 'The Celestial Realm' quest)
- Fallen Knight Slain (Dropped during the 'Take out the Knights' quest)
- Infernal Enemy Defeated (Dropped during the 'Protect Them' quest)
- Infernal Warrior Defeated (Dropped during the 'Celestial Realm at War' quest)
- Spell Notes (Dropped during the 'Power Up!' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Infernal Token
- Trapped Spirits
(Dropped during the 'Guardian of Spirits' Blade' quest)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Also see:

Thanks to Harrison, Ness860 and N e x u s.
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