Jump to: Greenguard West, BeastMaster Quests, Northpointe.
Quest Location: Greenguard West
Quests Begun From: Faith
If ya want me to show ya the best fishing hole in all Green Guard, then you're gonna have to give me a hand first. I can't find my favorite fishin' pole. The strangest thing is, there was a trail of slime leaving my fishin' spot! If you can find ma pole, I'll teach ya how ta pro fishes in these parts.
Items Required:
- Faith's Fi'shtick x1
- Dropped by Slime (Level 5)
- 100 Gold
- 100 Exp
- 25 Rep : Fishing
- Fishing Bait x7
- Fishing Dynamite
Thanks to Black kombat.

Quest Locations: Northpointe
Quests Begun From: Faith
Requirements: Must be Level 50.
- Beat the Beasts
- Secrets and Scrolls
- Taming the Elementals
- Dark Creature Demands
- Chaos Beast Battle
- BeastMaster Challenge
If you're going to train beasts, first you'll have to TRAP them! Bring me 6 Beast Crates from Sneevils and 6 Fish Scales from the Fishwings in /pirates.
Items Required:
- Beast Crate x6 (Stacks up to 30)
- Dropped by:
- Fish Scale x6 (Stacks up to 30)
- Dropped by Fishwing (Monster) (Level 7)
- 1,000 Gold
- 1,000 Exp
- 300 Rep : BeastMaster
Thanks to Apus.
Quest Location: Northpointe
Quests Begun From: Faith
Northpointe pets have a very hearty palate. They enjoy a wide variety of fodder from gristle to boneshards and even soft rock hunks. You look like you've got what it takes to help me feed them… I bet you will have no problem bringing back 3 Chimera Tongues and 2 Stalker Spleens!
Items Required:
- Chimera Tongue x3
- Dropped by Chimera (Monster) (Level 25 & 45)
- Stalker Spleen x2
- Dropped by Grim Stalker (Monster)
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
- 100 Rep : Northpointe
Thanks to Tristyn.
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