Jump to Fable Forest - Story Quests, Fable Forest - Merge Quests, Guardian Tree.
Quest Location: Fable Forest
Quests Begun From: Fae (NPC) (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Get Choppin'' quest.
Note: Previously Legend only.
- Fight Fire with Fire Elementals
- Man's Best Fiend
- Water Softener
- Swimming with Sneevils
- 100% Natural
- Conquer the Satyr
- Air Heads
- The Forest & Furious
- Mystery Tree
- Guidance from the Guardian
Note: This quest cannot be accessed after completing the 'The Forest and Furious' quest.
The Guardian Tree has 4 nodes in it… and my instincts tell me Elemental Stones go in there! Search the area for Fire Elementals and collect the Fire Fragments that they drop. Aaa… ahhh… aaaCHOO!
Items Required:
- Fire Fragment x4
- 100 Gold
- 100 Exp
Thanks to rickyb20.
Quest Location: Fable Forest
Quests Begun From: Fae (NPC) (1)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Guidance from the Guardian' quest.
Note: Previously Legend only.
It takes time to fully master the Elements. Study the Fire Elementals and Bloodwolves in this forest to better understand the Element of Fire. Bring me Fire Auras and Bloodwolf Pelts, and in exchange, I will award you with Fire Stones to use in the Merge Shop. Good luck! ACHHOOOOEEEY!!
Items Required:
- Fire Aura x5
- Bloodwolf Pelt x5
- Dropped by Bloodwolf
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
- Fire Stone
Thanks to rickyb20.
Quest Location: Guardian Tree
Quests Begun From: Fae (NPC) (1)
Note: The quest can only be completed once.
Alrighty! Let's start by helping Aria work on her connection to plantlife. Gather some cuttings from the Treeants nearby. Then plant them in the green, so Aria can practice helping them grow!
Items Required:
- Treeant Cuttings x5
- Dropped by Blossoming Treeant
- Cuttings Planted x5
- Click on the sprouts on Screens 2 and 3
- 125 Gold
- 125 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!