On Screen 2 of Necro Tower:
Undead Intercom Unit
*blink* Welcome to the Tower of Necromancy. Technological innovations like the eyeCom Cam Units - designed to facilitate communications - and other recent renovations ensure that your visit to the Tower is a most satisfactory, possibly eternal, stay.
eyeCom Cam Units are designed to imitate the Master in many aspects. As the Master is mischievous, eCC Units are enabled to assist with less-than-legal activities, such as localized trespassing and counterfeiting, as well as more global trickery. *blink*If continuing on towards Necro University, please heed the following disclaimer: Admission to the campus is restricted to those with a Student ID. *blink* For activities inside the Tower, please enter at your leisure. All eCC Units are ready to assist you in any way. Enjoy your stay! *blink*
After completing the 'An IDeal Seal' quest:
Undead Intercom Unit
*blink* Welcome to the Tower of Necromancy. Technological innovations like the eyeCom Cam Units - designed to facilitate communications - and other recent renovations ensure that your visit to the Tower is a most satisfactory, possibly eternal, stay.
eyeCom Cam Units are designed to imitate the Master in many aspects. As the Master is mischievous, eCC Units are enabled to assist with less-than-legal activities, such as localized trespassing and counterfeiting, as well as more global trickery. *blink*If continuing on towards Necro University, please heed the following disclaimer: Admission to the campus is restricted to those with a Student ID. *blink* For activities inside the Tower, please enter at your leisure. All eCC Units are ready to assist you in any way. Enjoy your stay! *blink*
Where should I go?
You should proceed past the tower to the necropolis, the teachers there have tasks for you, or you can take the trials inside the tower here.
On Screen 5 of Necro Tower:
Undead Intercom Unit
*blink* Welcome to the Tower of Necromancy. Applicants wishing to begin their ascent to the 10th floor of the Tower will be required to complete a series of challenging tasks designed to test their suitability. A confection-based reward will be offered upon arrival. All other visitors should proceed to the INFERNAL PIT OF ENDLESS DOOM. For candy.
Where should I go?
You should proceed past the tower to the necropolis, the teachers there have tasks for you, or you can take the trials inside the tower here.
Location: Necro Tower
Note: Also see List of all Flying Eyes.

Thanks to Aero_Man64.
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