Eye of Astaroth Blade Pet's Quest

Quest Location: N/A
Quests Begun From: Eye of Astaroth Blade Pet
Note: Must own Eye of Astaroth Blade Pet to access these quests.
Requirements: Must own Eye of Astaroth Blade Pet to access this quest.
Nulgath the ArchFiend knows all, and sees all. His eyes - and his spies - are everywhere. Few can be trusted. Test the loyalty of the Void Draconians to see if they are worthy of his attention.
Items Required:
- Void Draconian Defeated x5
- Dropped by Void Draconian
- 300 Gold
- 300 Exp
You may also receive at random:
Thanks to hecyon.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!