Mutating Monster from BioBeasts
Hey… hey pal, want in on a secret? *glances around* I just escaped the BioBeasts Laboratory, and stole some Top Secret plans. It looks like we can spread BioBeasts into this world… mwahahaa… but I'm going to need YOUR help
How'd You Get Here?
I found a tall blue box piloted by some weird guy back on Delta V. I don't normally care for British food, but he was delicious! *urp*
Can't wait for BioBeasts? Don't blame you. So here's your chance to get exclusive BioBeasts Armor and Items RIGHT NOW in Battleon! All we need is for you and your friends to Like the BioBeasts Facebook page, and new items will unlock at each stretch goal achieved.
Top Secret Plan
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Location: Battleon

Thanks to Ness860.
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