Evolved Shaman Armor (AC)
Location: Arcangrove Rep Shop - Arcangrove
Price: 500 AC
- First 24 Hours: 450 AC
- After 24 Hours: 125 AC
Rarity: Epic Rarity
Description: Shamans share a deep connection with Lore's four main elements. But there lies within the Shaman sect a core group who have gone beyond, looked deeper, traveled down magical paths others dare not tread, and so are now more closely connected to the elements than their less-evolved brethren.
- Robe is Color Custom to Base Color.
- Trim is Color Custom to Trim Color.
- Rocks and runes are Color Custom to Accessory Color.
- Also see:
Thanks to Haileym1, Na Tra and Tendou no Mazo.