Evil Soldier

Location: Alliance
Level: 36
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 3,400
- Slash: 31-39
- Slice: 31-39
Temporary Items Dropped:
- DoomKnight Armor Piece (Dropped during the 'Pinpoint the Pieces' quests)
- Evil Soldier Vanquished (Dropped during the 'Good and Evil Not Always Right' quest)
- Evil Soldier Vanquished (Dropped during the 'Threat Nullification, Good and Bad' quest)
- Evil Soldier's Skull (Dropped during the 'Creepy Monkey Quest' quest)
- Evil Soldier's Skull (Dropped during the 'Creepy Undead Monkey Quest' quest)
Items Dropped:

Thanks to MagicImpulse and The Magic Caster.
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