- Beach Party - Plays after completing the 'Ice, Ice Maybe?' quest
«Scene: the Hero, Cysero, Alina, and Memet rush to the ocean»
Everyone get in the water!
«Scene: the gang in the water»
Alina: Ahhh! So cool and refreshing!
Hero: FINALLY! Oh, this feels so good!
Cysero: Hey, what's that over there?
«Everyone looks to the right at the bubbles in the water»
Alina: Well, THAT doesn't look good.
Hero: Oh, no.
«A dragon appears from the water and everyone rushes out»
Everyone get out of the water!
«Scene: the gang at the juice bar»
Hero: Auuuugh! WHYYYYY?
Alina: Is that water dragon… steaming?
Cysero: Ha! I guess the water is too cold for it now!
Cysero: (Boy, he sure looks mad about it, too!)
«Random NPCs on the beach»
Is it leaving?
Man, I just wanted to cool off!
«Hero in a fighting pose»
Hero: Alright, don't worry! I'm gonna fight it!
«Hero swings weapon»
Hero: Everything's gonna be cool.
«Cysero pops up from the bottom of the screen with two thumbs-up»
Cysero: Pun intended!
«Cysero pops back down and the Hero rushes off»
«Scene fades»
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