Empty Potion Bottle
Location: The Gaol of Eternal Torment and Misery
Price: N/A (Dropped by Treasure Chest (Version 2))
Sellback: 0 Gold
Type: Item
Description: The potion is gone, the bottle is all that remains.
Failure to properly recycle any empty bottles will result in a heavy penalty.
- Stacks up to 999.
- Applies Litterbug to the player, causing the following effects for 2 hours:
- Increases all incoming damage by 500%
- Reduces Evasion Chance by 500%
- Reduces Hit Chance by 100%
- Reduces Haste by 200%
- Can only be consumed when targeting a monster.
- Cooldown lasts 10 seconds.
- Displays the message "You shouldn't have done that." when consumed.

Thanks to Tux47.
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