Eggly Pink Haresplitter

- Eggly Pink Haresplitter
- Eggly Pink Haresplitter 15
- Eggly Pink Haresplitter 14
- Eggly Pink Haresplitter 13
- Eggly Pink Haresplitter 12
- Eggly Pink Haresplitter 11
Location: Grenwog (Location)
Price: N/A (Dropped by Grenwog (Monster))
Sellback: 250 Gold
Rarity: Seasonal Item Rarity
Base Damage: 27-33
Description: The magical pink egg on the end of this sword glows strong as you are surely stepping closer to a camouflaged Grenwog prize.
Note: Also see Eggly Blue Haresplitter.

Thanks to Element Die and tebeskinstilfitos.