Edvard and Esmee

Father of the soon-to-be NEW Vampire Queen
I'm impressed with you. By helping all of us, you have saved Mogloween! And now the Sisters can begin making their delicious candy once more. Perhaps you should consider becoming a part of my vampire army, hero. Until then, please go help the Cauldron Sisters in their Candy Shoppe.
- Bubble Mogloween
- Mogloween Legend
- Safiria's Quests
- Toil Mogloween
- Trouble Mogloween
- Vampire Shop Mogloween
- Previously called "Edvard and "Queen"".
- Replaces Safiria after completing World War Lore (Darkovia).
- Replaced by Esmee during the 'Battle of the Vampire Throne' Event.
- Also see Edvard.

Thanks to Amduscia.
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