Dwakel Warrior (Monster)
Location: Dwakel Crash Site
Level: 15
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 1,220
AI: Aggressive when passing through it.
- Slash: 27-33
- Stab: 27-33
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Big Iron Bolts (Dropped during the 'Secretteller's Building Materials' quest)
- Breaking Tools (Dropped during the 'Sabotage' quest)
- Bumper Bolts (Dropped during the 'Bumper Bolts' quest)
- Dam balloons (Dropped during the 'Dam Balloons' quest)
- Dwakel Scrap Metal (Dropped during the 'Scrap Metal' quest)
- Dwakel Warrior Egg (Dropped during the 'Eggscavating Dwakel Eggs' quest)
- Dwakel Weapon (Dropped during the 'Which Came First, the Dragon or the Dragonoid?' quest)
- Eight Track Hub (Dropped during the 'Gearheads, man!' quest)
- Magic Matches (Dropped during the 'Got a Light' quest)
- Pneumatic Relay (Dropped during the 'Mug Me Some Dwakels' quest)
- Purified Xenon (Dropped during the 'Follow the Pattern.. He Ne Ar Kr' quest)
- Quadrolithium (Dropped during the 'Quadrolithium' quest)
Items Dropped:

Thanks to Aeryn, Kaibinlore, Pmk138, Xia and .Shadow//.
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