Dungeon Fiend (1)
Level: 9
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 790
- Bite: 29-37
- Kick: 29-37
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Dungeon Fiend Bow Tie (Dropped during the 'Boy Fiends and Ghoul Fiends' quest)
- Dungeon Fiend Cloth Bedding (Dropped during the 'Pet Shop and Drops' quest)
- Dungeon Fiend Dagger (Dropped during the 'Weapons-in-Progress' quest)
- Dungeon Fiend Hair Bow (Dropped during the 'Boy Fiends and Ghoul Fiends' quest)
- Dungeon Fiend Slime (Dropped during the 'Beautician Magician' quest)
- Dungeon Fiend Textiles (Dropped during the 'Helping Hands for Armors' quest)
- Fiend Claw (Dropped during the 'Death after Death' quest)
- Random Broken Weapon (Dropped during the 'Putting the Sword in Swordhaven (Daily)' quest)
Items Dropped:
Note: Also see Dungeon Fiend (2).

Thanks to Darkfirekiller and .Shadow//
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