Of course it's a "surplus," you give me a Combat Badge… I give you one potion.
Items Required:
Thanks to Hina.
Electric paper, I tell you! That is the secret to harnessing the power of lightning within a scroll. How about I just trade my pre-infused scrolls for a mere Combat Trophy each.
Here you go. Just a word of advice, don't read the scroll while at the dinner table it might have electrifying results.
Items Required:
Thanks to Hina.
Going back to the basics of many common sword foundations. This Blade can be made into bigger better swords, too… so if you want it, I'll need 50 Combat Trophies.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
This helm would go well with that armor. Don't believe me? 50 Combat Trophies and you'll see, too.
Ready to equip this awesome helm?
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
MEMBER ONLY! You really want this Blade, huh? Well this big bad boy comes with a hefty price. I need 500 Combat Trophies, a Basic War Sword, and a Steel Afterlife helm in order to craft one for you. Yeah. Good luck.
MEMBER ONLY! You really have all the required items? The 500 Combat Trophies, the Basic War Sword, and the Steel Afterlife helm? Prove it!
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
MEMBER ONLY! You really think you can obtain this Behemoth Blade? The amount of requirements matches its mammoth size. 500 Combat Trophies, a Basic War Sword, and the Steel Afterlife helm is all I need
MEMBER ONLY! Ready to wield this massive sword? Give me my items, and its all yours.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
Interested in obtaining the divine Warden of Light Armor? Show me 500 Combat Trophies, and it's yours.
Got 500 Combat Trophies? Hand'em over PvP master!
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
MEMBER ONLY! Ready to become a Conqueror of Shadow? All I need is 350 Combat Trophies.
MEMBER ONLY! 350 Combat Trophies later… and you will become a Conqueror of Shadow!
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage xchoudhury.
Light Wardens are often seen with this sort of helm. For 150 Combat Trophies, you will be seen, and noticed, too.
You have enough Combat Trophies already? Excellent. Hand them over.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
MEMBER ONLY! No Conqueror of Shadow would be caught dead-or alive- without this helm. 100 Combat Trophies will assure this.
MEMBER ONLY! Give me those Combat Trophies and I'll give you that Shadow Conqueror Helm.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
This polearm is so famous… that it's infamous! No that didn't really make sense, but if you want this polearm, you're going to have to give me 50 Combat Trophies.
You're back. Lets see those 50 Combat Trophies and the Infamous Revenge is all yours.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
MEMBER ONLY! Of course you want this polearm. But are you ready to pay the price? 50 Combat Trophies and the Infamous Revenge polearm is all I ask. Nothing too crazy, right?
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage.
MEMBER ONLY! A polearm this epic requires some epic turn ins. Give me 50 Combat Trophies and 1 Legendary Retribution polearm and I'll make you the Divine Retribuion.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage.
MEMBER ONLY! You have the Vampiric Nightshade blade? Well if you do, then all I need is 50 Combat Trophies and I can turn it into the Venomous Shadow Blade! Ask a glittering Vampire for the Vampiric Nightshade if you don't have one.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage.
MEMBER ONLY! This is one epic helm. I'll give it to you for only 50 Combat Trophies.
MEMBER ONLY! Hand over those trophies!
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
MEMBER ONLY! Want this epic war Helm? I'll part with it for only 50 Combat Trophies. Just for you, though. No one else.
MEMBER ONLY! This helm is gonna look great on you. Especially when you give me those 50 Combat Trophies.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
Got a beard? This helm is PERFECT for you! 50 Combat Trophies and I'll let you try it on.
I love trophies. 50 Combat Trophies, to be exact.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage and xchoudhury.
MEMBER ONLY! Looks like your Steel Afterlife could use an upgrade. Turn in 55 Combat Trophies and 1 Steel Afterlife helm and I'll make you the Armet of the Afterlife.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage.
MEMBER ONLY! Beards need protection, too. And it looks too cramped in any other helm. Soooo in exchange for 50 Combat Trophies and 1 Steel Afterlife helm, I'll make a new Helm for you.
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage.
MEMBER ONLY! Congratulations on your victories! Show them off with this Helm in exchange for 70 Combat Trophies and a Steel Afterlife Helm..
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage.
MEMBER ONLY! Congratulations on your many flawless victories! In exchange for 70 Combat Trophies and a Steel Afterlife helm, this amazing royal helm is all yours.
MEMBER ONLY! 70 Combat Trophies later aaaaannndd……
Items Required:
Thanks to LiteSage.