Dual Champion Blade of Nulgath
Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Combat Style: Champion of Nulgath quest)
Sellback: 0 AC
Rarity: Rare Rarity
Base Damage: 0-60
Description: Nulgath teaches you how to dual wield his "Champion Blade of Nulgath".
- Previously called "Dual Champion Blade of Miltonius".
- Hilt is Color Custom to Base Color.
- Guard is Color Custom to Trim Color.
- Glow is Color Custom to Accessory Color.
- Inscription on the blades translates to "MILTONPOOLDANG".
- Inscriptions in Greek translate to "miltoniusreceiveseverythinghedesires".
- Also see List of all Champion Blades.
Thanks to Ajord, Rare and Skyguard ninja.