Level: 12
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 8,920
- Slam: 144-176
- Slash: 144-176
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Crawly Leg (Dropped during the 'Heebie Jeebies' quest)
- DoomKnight Armor Piece (Dropped during the 'Pinpoint the Pieces' quests)
- Dread Brain Stem (Dropped during the 'Insert Brain Pun Here' quest)
- Dread Spider Legs (Dropped during the 'Taking Notes' quest)
- Dreadspider Silk (Dropped during the 'Crimson Hanzo Orb Quest' and 'Astral Hanzo Orb Quest' quests)
- Dreadspider Staff (Dropped during the 'Understaffed' quest)
- Fairy Tears (Dropped during the 'You Don't Want To Know...' quest)
- Interweb Bundles (Dropped during the 'World Wide Web' quest)
- Sticky Spider Silk (Dropped during the 'Sticky Situation' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Abaddon Bruiser
- Abaddon Bruiser's Butt
- Abaddon Bruiser's Face
- Abaddon Bruiser's Hammer
- Abaddon Bruiser's Hammer + Shield
- Abaddon Bruiser's Mask
- Abaddon Bruiser's Rune
- Abaddon Bruiser's Skull
- Arachnid Voracity of Nulgath
- Arachnomancer's Horseshoe Defender
- Balor's Brutality
- Black Spider
- Dark Energy (Misc)
- Dreadspider Curse
- Dread Staff
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Abdomen
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Hair
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Locks
- Fiendish Arachnomancer Tail
- Fiendish Arachnomancer's Dorsal Whip
- Fiendish Arachnomancer's Sickles
- Nation Arachnomancer
- Odanata Costume
- Spidataur
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
Note: Also see Evolved Dreadspider.
Thanks to cornfield10, Eldant, Har4a11, HardChrome, KaisterBlade, Nightly, pmk138, SirBlackAxe, SS4FireFox, Stephen Nix and Tendou no Mazo.
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