Quest Location: Dreadrock Citadel
Quests Begun From: N/A (Click TV on Screen 2)
- Stealing Augold's Assets
- Extra Protection
- Make a Donation
- The Scythe's Edge
- Forged in Blood
- The Abyss Stares Back
- Undead Champion Recruitment
- Recruiting for the Undead Legion
- Undead Champion Soul Trapping
- Soul Trapping
- Dreadrock Gem Exchange
- Knife to the Back
- A Tainted Deal
- Reap the Souls
- Phantasmic Guardian Blade
- The Coast is Clear
- Advanced Weaponry
- Legion Sabotage
- Free Advertising
- Supply Run
- Endurance Tesssssst
- A Gesture of Evil
- Ghastly Blades
- Glub
- Glub, Glub
- Glub, Glub, Glub
Ugh. I may be more successful and reliable than my brother, but I cannot deny his popularity. His success is stealing my customers! Therefore, I have a job for you: sabotage his bank. He keeps two treasure chests near his vault in /battleontown that contain a tremendous amount of gold. I want you to retrieve those chests for me, along with two Chest Keys to help unlock them. You should be able to get the keys from Warden Elfis in /dwarfprison.
Splendid work! Hah! It'll take weeks for my brother to recover from this loss!
Items Required:
- Augold's Treasure Chest x2
- Click on the blue arrows at the Bank of Battleon Town
- Chest Key x2
- Dropped by Warden Elfis
- 700 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 300 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
There's no place I'd rather do business than here in Dreadrock. However, I can't deny that it's a dangerous city. A strong hero such as yourself should be able to provide me with some extra security. *Persuade" some of the Crag and Bamboozles in /Shadowblast Arena to guard my bank vaults. Let them know that they still owe me quite a bit of money…though a little rough-housing wouldn't hurt.
Excellent work. I'll have no trouble protecting my wares now.
Items Required:
- Crag and Bamboozle Persuaded x9
- Dropped by Crag and Bamboozle
- 800 Gold
- 600 Exp
- 300 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
While I appreciate the help you've been giving me, nothing is more valuable than a generous donation of gold! You'll find a Donation Receipt in Deathgore's shop - and for a low price, at that. When you're ready to donate, bring it here.
Excellent work. I'll have no trouble protecting my wares now.
Items Required:
- 0 Gold
- 400 Exp
- 2,500 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
There are newcomers to the city who are drunk on their power, causing all kinds of mayhem for our troops. If only they knew how fleeting power really is. Defeat the warriors that roam our cities…and show them the true strength of the Shadowscythe Empire.
Well done. If any of them survived, they'll be sure not to cause trouble again.
Items Required:
- Newcomer Quelled x10
- 0 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 400 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Namahage.
Members of the Undead Legion have become …arrogant, ever since their victory against the Nation. I'm surprised the Empress didn't punish them for that unsanctioned squabble all those years ago. Losing the Abyssal General was a major blow to her morale…though I hear he stills assists her in backhanded ways. In any case: defeat 7 of the Legion Sentinels stationed around the city, and remind them who they truly work for.
You've done use a great service. I will remember this.
Items Required:
- Legionnaire Suppressed x7
- Dropped by Legion Sentinel
- 0 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 400 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Namahage.
Hmm…Nulgath's Nation. With their leader gone, their units have fallen into disarray. And their contractors refuse to follow our orders. Defeat 10 Void Mercenaries and relinquish them from their contracts. They'll be much more useful to us once we bring them back from the dead.
I can see why the Empress has her eye on you. Impressive work.
Items Required:
- Mercenary Silenced x10
- Dropped by Void Mercenary
- 0 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 400 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Namahage.
Requirements: Must own Undead Champion (Armor).
I suppose one of the benefits of being stationed here in Dreadrock is the variety of recruits to choose from. As a high-ranking Undead Champion, you are obligated to go and *convince* some of the citizens to join our cause.
Well done, Champion. Take some Legion Tokens for your service.
Items Required:
- Dreadrock Enemy Recruited x6
- 0 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 400 Rep : Dreadrock
- Legion Token
Thanks to Namahage.
I suppose one of the benefits of being stationed here in Dreadrock is a plentiful source of recruits. Go around and defeat enough enemies until you've convinced them to join our ranks.
Well done, hero. Have you considered joining the Undead Legion yourself?
Items Required:
- Dreadrock Enemy Recruited x6
- 0 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 350 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Namahage.
Requirements: Must own Undead Champion (Armor).
Persuasion is one way to recruit new members to the Legion; but personally, I am a fan of soul trapping. Retrieve the Corrupted Dragon Slayer from Undead Champion Exercise #4 and bind 14 Dreadrock souls to it. You can slay any monster here in the city. And to ensure that they STAY bound, I'll need the Soulseeker's Soul Scythe as well. You will be heavily rewarded for your efforts.
I expected no less from a Champion. Excellent work. And as promised, here is your reward.
Items Required:
- Soul Scythe
- Corrupted Dragon Slayer
- Soul Trapped x14
- 500 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 500 Rep : Dreadrock
- Legion Token
Thanks to Namahage.
Persuasion is one way to recruit new members to the Legion; however, I personally am a fan of soul trapping. Defeat 14 enemies here in Dreadrock and trap their souls with the Soulseeker's Soul Scythe. You will be rewarded for your service to the Undead Legion.
Excellent work! You would make a good Undead Champion.
Items Required:
- Soul Scythe
- Soul Trapped x14
- 400 Gold
- 400 Exp
- 250 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Namahage.
Requirements: Must have Unidentified 13 in inventory.
Unless you serve my master, you have no business here. But your contract speaks volumes of your dedication. Provide me with three Shattered Dreadrock Gems, three Polishes Dreadrock Gems, and three Crystal Dreadrock Gems - and I will reward you with some of my master's finest reagents.
Very well. Take your reward and be gone.
Items Required:
- Shattered Dreadrock Gem x3
- Polished Dreadrock Gem x3
- Crystal Dreadrock Gem x3
- 900 Gold
- 700 Exp
- 500 Rep : Dreadrock
You may also receive at random:
- Tainted Gem
Thanks to Apus.
Allegiance to the Old One is sacred. And breaking that bond requires…compensation. The Shadowknights have been very loyal to my master; but two of them tried to escape from their contracts. Find the traitors…and execute them.
Excellent. Betrayal will not be tolerated.
Items Required:
- 600 Gold
- 400 Exp
- 350 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Apus.
Requirements: Must have Unidentified 13 in inventory.
In order to commune with the Old One, I require an…abundance…of Tainted Gems. If you can provide them for me, I will reward you favorably. Service to the Old One does not go unnoticed; and if you succeed, the rest of this city will know it as well.
Your dedication to the Old One has been noted. Well done.
Items Required:
- Tainted Gem
- 900 Gold
- 700 Exp
- 500 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Apus.
Requirements: Must have Unidentified 13 in inventory.
If your dedication to the Archfiend is absolute, then I have a suitable mission for you. Provide me with a Combat SoulReaper of Nulgath, and you will be duly rewarded. This deed will require the zenith of your ability.
I am…impressed. Very impressed. Your reward is well-deserved.
Items Required:
- 1,200 Gold
- 1,000 Exp
- 1,200 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Apus.
I've heard that someone stole a Guardian Blade and infused it with dark energy, before returning it to the tower they stole it from. The result? A cursed sword that's slowly eating away at the Guardian Tower's defenses. We need to retrieve that sword as soon as possible - it's hanging on the wall next to the Verification Room in Battleon's Guardian Tower. You will also need 4 vials of Phantasmic Aura from the Hollow Wraiths and 4 vials of Evil Fusion Aura from the Fallen Heroes. Ironically, we'll need to purify whatever those thieves did to the blade.
The Guardian Blade is a noble weapon used by oldest protectors of Lore - the Guardians. You've done us a great service today. If you'd like your own blade, Wyrm sells quite a few of them in his shop back at the Tower.
Items Required:
- Cursed Guardian Blade x1
- Click on the guardian blade on Screen 2 at the Guardian Tower (Location) (1).
- Phantasmic Aura x4
- Dropped by Hollow Wraith
- Evil Fusion Aura x4
- Dropped by Fallen Hero
- 400 Gold
- 400 Exp
- 400 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Namahage.
Over the past few months, Dreadrock's seen a rise in sinister activity. It's been difficult rescuing any lost individuals without blowing our cover, and it'll only get worse if something isn't done. I need to make a request: If you could quietly take out several of the local monsters, it would allow the refugees safer passage in-and-out of the city.
Our people can't thank you enough. And neither can I. You have my sincerest gratitude.
Items Required:
- Evil-Doer Eradicated x22
- 500 Gold
- 300 Exp
- 200 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Namahage.
The product of Darkblood forging techniques and Dreadrock technology has yielded very interesting results. Retrieve 1 axe from the Primarch in /falguard and 12 axes from any of the local monsters to aid me in my metalworking experiments.
Nicely done, hero. You may not notice it, but the items in my shop are stronger than ever. All thanks to your help.
Items Required:
- Primearch's Axe x1
- Dropped by Primarch
- Dreadrock Axe x12
- 700 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 450 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
The Undead Legion has a strong presence in this city…and I'm not a fan of it. Some of the Undead Champions have repeatedly stolen items from my shops. I want you to sabotage their operations here in the city by stealing 10 Legion Tokens and 12 Dreadrock Legion Blades from the Legion Sentinels.. Slowly but surely, the Legion will pay for the setbacks they've caused me!
That should teach them not to mess with the Darkblood!
Items Required:
- Legion Token
- Dreadrock Legion Blade x12
- Dropped by Legion Sentinel
- 700 Gold
- 550 Exp
- 450 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
Ah, hello there! I'm not sure why, but my business hasn't exactly been booming as of late. Perhaps it's because people are always coming and going here in Dreadrock. I'll need to find a way to attract new clientele…would you mind going around and advertising my shop to the locals? A good place to start would be the faction recruiters on the other side of town. It wouldn't hurt to clear some of the monsters you see on the way back, either - they're bad for business.
Nice! The customers are coming in already. Hmm … how do I trim tentacles…?
Items Required:
- Business Advertised x4
- Click on the blue arrows around the map.
- Monster Defeated x10
- 600 Gold
- 400 Exp
- 350 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Rsrdaman.
It seems a few thieves have run off with my supplies. If you would, please get them back to me as soon as possible. You'll probably find them on some of the locals around here.
Nicely done! Let me know if you ever need a haircut!
Items Required:
- Barber's Scissors x6
- Click the scissors around the map
- Bottle of Hair Gell x3
- Click on the pink jars around the map.
- Barber Apron x4
- Dropped by:
- 600 Gold
- 400 Exp
- 200 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Rsrdaman.
If you wisssssssh to prove your worttttttth, you must ssssshow me your dedicationnnnnn. Defeat the local weaklingsssssss, and bring me their headsssssss.
Very well. You have earned thissssss…
Items Required:
- Dreadrock Monster Defeated x40
- 700 Gold
- 600 Exp
- 500 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
It ssssssseemsss I require your … sssssssservicesssss. Bring me the following itemsssssss…and you will get your reward.
Very well. You have earned thissssss…
Items Required:
- Blood Cloak
- Death Eater Axe
- Blades of Atrocity
- Sealed Hollow Wraith x5
- Dropped by Hollow Wraith
- 0 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 350 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
Bring me 100 Ghassssstly Dreadrock Bladesssss from the local citizensssss, ssssso I may melt them down for my waressssssss. Do thisssss, and you will be greatly rrrrrewarded…
Tttttttttake your reward, and go…
Items Required:
- 700 Gold
- 700 Exp
- 700 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to J204.
*glub* (Despite being an all-powerful being, I get kind of hungry from time-to-time. And no one ever feeds me. If you could bring me some Fishin' Chips from doing any of Faith's quests /greenguardwest, I'd be eternally grateful.)
*glub* (Ah, that's better. Thanks, Hero.)
Items Required:
- Fishin' Chips x20
- 700 Gold
- 700 Exp
- 700 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Ellimbor.
*glub, glub* (I wonder…the Fallen Heroes that roam these parts are said to be quite powerful. I would fight them myself, but half the city might be destroyed as a result. Would you mind taking a few of them out, to see how good they are?)
*glub* (Oh, not that great, huh? Well, thanks anyway.)
Items Required:
- Fallen Hero Felled x8
- Dropped by Fallen Hero
- 400 Gold
- 200 Exp
- 300 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Ellimbor.
*…glub* (I'm feeling a bit lonely here in my bowl. I'd invite you in, but…I don't think there's enough room. Would you mind finding a companion for me here in the city? People usually keep a goldfish in their pockets, right?)
*glub* (What…someone as powerful as I am? This can't be…!!)
Items Required:
- Goldfish Companion x1
- Dropped by:
- 600 Gold
- 400 Exp
- 350 Rep : Dreadrock
Thanks to Ellimbor.
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